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  • JS导出txt文本文件,Netsuite方案

    function AutomateExcel(objTable)
    // Start Excel and get Application object.
    var oXL = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
    // Get a new workbook.
    var oWB = oXL.Workbooks.Add();
    var oSheet = oWB.ActiveSheet;
    var hang = objTable.rows.length;

    var lie = objTable.rows(0).cells.length;

    // Add table headers going cell by cell.
    for (var i=0;i<hang;i++)
    for (var j=0;j<lie;j++)
    oSheet.Cells(i+1,j+1).value = objTable.rows(i).cells(j).innerText;

    oXL.Visible = true;
    oXL.UserControl = true;

    function ExpXmlToExcel(strXml,xmlField)
    var xmlDoc = new XmlDoc();
    var nodesList = xmlDoc.documentElement.childNodes;

    var xmlDocField = new XmlDoc();
    var fieldList = xmlDocField.documentElement.childNodes;

    // Start Excel and get Application object.
    var oXL = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
    // Get a new workbook.
    var oWB = oXL.Workbooks.Add();
    var oSheet = oWB.ActiveSheet;
    var hang = nodesList.length;
    var lie = fieldList.length;

    for (var j=0;j<lie;j++)
    oSheet.Cells(1,j+1).value =fieldList[j].text;

    // Add table headers going cell by cell.
    for (var i=0;i<hang;i++)
    for (var j=0;j<lie;j++)
    oSheet.Cells(i+2,j+1).value = nodesList[i].selectSingleNode(fieldList[j].nodeName).text;
    oXL.Visible = true;
    oXL.UserControl = true;

    function ExpHtmlToWord(eDiv)
    var oWD = new ActiveXObject("Word.Application");
    var oDC = oWD.Documents.Add("",0,1);
    var oRange =oDC.Range(0,1);
    var sel = document.body.createTextRange();

    oWD.Application.Visible = true;


    var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
    var a = fso.CreateTextFile("c:\\testfile.txt", true);
    a.WriteLine("This is a test.");


    直接在服务端生成excel,txt,html发送给客户端下载岂不省事? 何必多此一举非要到客户端转个圈圈呢.


    两种方案都可以实现,在netsuite中,我们可以使用nlapiPrintRecord(type, id, mode, properties)

    ? type {string} [required] - Print operation type: TRANSACTION|STATMENT
    ? id {string} [required] - The internal ID of the transaction or statement being printed
    ? mode {string} [optional] - The output type: PDF|HTML|DEFAULT. DEFAULT uses
    the user/company preference for print output
    ? properties {string} [optional] - Name/value pairs used to configure the print operation.
    Currently only supported for STATEMENT. Note that even if type is set to
    STATEMENT, properties is still an optional argument.
    ? STATEMENT: openonly (T|F), statementdate, startdate

    ? nlobjFile object


    function printTrans()
    //print the transaction to a PDF file object
    var file = nlapiPrintRecord('TRANSACTION', 1799, 'DEFAULT', null);
    //send the PDF as an attachment
    nlapiSendEmail('-5', 'test@totemsuite.com', 'Incoming Transaction', 'Please see attached transaction', null,
    null, null, file);

    This sample shows how to create a PDF of a particular transaction. First the file variable is set
    to a PDF file object. This PDF is then returned as an nlobjResponse object. The response object
    content type is set to PDF (using the nlobjFile.getType() method). Finally, the the output of
    the response object is written to the server.
    var file = nlapiPrintRecord('TRANSACTION', 1799, 'PDF', null);


    Primary object used to encapsulate files (attachments). Note that the following functions
    return a reference to this object:
    ? nlapiCreateFile(name, type, contents)//用来创建文件
    ? nlapiLoadFile(id)
    ? nlapiMergeRecord(id, baseType, baseId, altType, altId, fields)
    ? nlapiPrintRecord(type, id, mode, properties)
    nlobjFile Methods
    ? "getId()" on page 1
    ? "getName()" on page 1
    ? "getSize()" on page 1
    ? "getType()" on page 1
    ? "getURL()" on page 1
    ? "getValue()" on page 1
    ? "setName(name)" on page 1

    nlapiCreateFile(name, type, contents) //服务端专用
    Instantiates and returns an nlobjFile object.
    Use this API to create ad-hoc, non-binary virtual files for use as email or fax attachments. Note
    that ad-hoc attachments created using nlapiCreateFile are "virtual" documents/attachments
    They are not actual file objects that can be stored in the NetSuite file cabinet.
    The nlapiCreateFile API can also be used for streaming to clients (via Suitelets). For streaming
    or attaching binary content, you can call the following:
    ? nlapiLoadRecord(type, id)
    ? nlapiPrintRecord(type, id, mode, properties)
    ? nlapiMergeRecord(id, baseType, baseId, altType, altId, fields)
    Each of these APIs can load or generate binary content.
    Important: nlapiCreateFile is a server-side-only function.
    ? name {string} [required] - The name of the file
    ? type {string} [required] - The file type. For a list of supported file types, see Supported
    File Types in the SuiteScript Reference Guide. Note that when specifiying the type for
    an ad-hoc email or fax attachment, only non-binary types are supported (for example
    ? contents {string} [required] - The contents of the file

    function sendAttachment()
    var newAttachment = nlapiCreateFile('helloworld.txt', 'PLAINTEXT', 'Hello World\nHello World');

    var pdfcontents = nlapiMergeTemplate(.....)
    var fileObj = nlapiCreateFile('mypdf.pdf', 'PDF', pdfcontents)

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/backuper/p/1350230.html
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