第一段 动作讲解
Section 1 Explanation of movement
第一式 太极起势
Posture 1 TaiJi starting form
Decomposition Action 1
Before preparing to practice your skill, First, keep calmly, Reserve mental power and adjust breath, Then begin to do the actions.
When do the Commencing Form of Taiji boxing, pay attention to. First, live up to bend your knee and relax your hip. Move the arycenter, To your right leg completely .
Like this, Raise your left leg, From heel to tiptoe sequently, Then lift up wholly, Step forward to the left of your body. Your tiptoe touches down first, Then step solidly gradually.
Now, The barycenter is between both your legs. That is to say, The body weight center of both legs is regardless of deficiency and excess. Then bend your knee and relax your hip.
Decomposition Action 2
Both hands move forward from both sides of your body, Keep palm center downward.Then from your shoulder, elbow to hand, Lift up one knot by one knot.
Now, When raise your hand upward, please pay attention to, Relax your hip and sink backward draw your hip backward.With the raising upward of both hands, forms a Slanting counter pulling Jin.
That is, looking from your lateral side, When raising up your hand, shall sink your waist and hip downward droop your coccyx downward. To the place of the vital gate, Have the meaning of supporting backward. Lead forward with both wrists like this,Waist sinks downward and supports outward. Form a counter pulling Jin.
Decomposition Action 3
At the time of falling, From your shoulder, elbow to hand, Sink ont knot by one knot,Now continue to sink your body, But notice to lead the propping up Jin. Do not drop your hand, Your body follows to lean forward.
Press your hand downward and lead up with propping up Jin. Again forms a Slanting counter-pulling Jin. Like this, The action practiced will be fully, Having no feeling of emptiness.