The aim of the game is, starting from any initial set of lights on in the display, to press buttons to get the display to a state where all lights are off. When adjacent buttons are pressed, the action of one button can undo the effect of another. For instance, in the display below, pressing buttons marked X in the left display results in the right display.Note that the buttons in row 2 column 3 and row 2 column 5 both change the state of the button in row 2 column 4,so that, in the end, its state is unchanged.
1. It does not matter what order the buttons are pressed.
2. If a button is pressed a second time, it exactly cancels the effect of the first press, so no button ever need be pressed more than once.
3. As illustrated in the second diagram, all the lights in the first row may be turned off, by pressing the corresponding buttons in the second row. By repeating this process in each row, all the lights in the first
four rows may be turned out. Similarly, by pressing buttons in columns 2, 3 ?, all lights in the first 5 columns may be turned off.
Write a program to solve the puzzle.
Sample Input
2 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
Sample Output
PUZZLE #1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 PUZZLE #2 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
0 1 0
1 1 0
0 1 1
0 1 0
1 1 1
0 1 0
1 1 0
1 0 0
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 1 0
0 1 1
1 1 0
1 0 0
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 1 1
0 1 0
L + x(1,1)*A(1,1) + x(1,2)*A(1,2) + x(1,3)*A(1,3) + x(2,1)*A(2,1) + ... + x(3,3)*A(3,3) = 0
x(1,1)*A(1,1) + x(1,2)*A(1,2) + x(1,3)*A(1,3) + x(2,1)*A(2,1) + ... + x(3,3)*A(3,3) = L
简单地记做:AA * XX = LL
x(1,1) x(1,2) x(1,3)
x(2,1) x(2,2) x(2,3)
x(3,1) x(3,2) x(3,3)
1 1 1
0 0 0
0 0 1
对于固定行列的阵列来说,AA矩阵也是确定的。是否存在解,解是否唯一,只与AA矩阵有关。对于唯一解的情形,只要将LL乘以AA的逆矩阵即可。具体求AA的逆矩阵的方法,可以用高斯消元法。 由于是0、1矩阵,上述方程也可以写成: 将1式两边同时加上一个L矩阵就可以变成 A(1,1)把矩阵 转化为一个列向量,L也转化为一个列向量, 将sigma xi*Ai=Li 对应位置的值相等就可以建立方程组了 X1*A(1,1)1+X2*A(1,2)1+X3*A(1,3)1+…………X30*A(30,30)1=L1; mod 2 X1*A(1,1)2+X2*A(1,2)2+X3*A(1,3)2+…………X30*A(30,30)2=L2; mod 2 X1*A(1,1)3+X2*A(1,2)3+X3*A(1,3)3+…………X30*A(30,30)3=L3 mod 2 ……. ……. ……. X1*A(1,1)30+X2*A(1,2)30+X3*A(1,3)30+…………X30*A(30,30)30=L30; mod 2 其中A(i,j)k 表示列向量A中第K个元素 这里的*表示点乘,Xi取(1,0) +表示模2加法,所以在高斯消元的时候可以用^异或运算 |

1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <cmath> 3 using namespace std; 4 int map[32][32]; 5 int ans[32]; 6 void Guass(){ 7 for (int i=0;i<30;i++){ //控制行 8 if (map[i][i]==0){ 9 for (int j=i+1;j<30;j++){ //找到不为0的那一行,然后进行交换 10 if (map[j][i]!=0){ 11 for (int k=i;k<31;k++){ 12 swap(map[j][k],map[i][k]); 13 } 14 break; 15 } 16 } 17 } 18 19 for (int j=0;j<30;j++){ 20 if (i!=j&&map[j][i]){ 21 for (int k=i;k<31;k++){ 22 map[j][k]=map[i][k]^map[j][k]; 23 } 24 } 25 } 26 } 27 for (int i=0;i<30;i++){ 28 ans[i]=map[i][30]; 29 } 30 } 31 int main(){ 32 int t,kn,km,kx,ky; 33 cin>>t; 34 for (int cas=1;cas<=t;cas++){ 35 for (int i=0;i<30;i++) 36 cin>>map[i][30]; 37 for(int i=0;i<30;i++){ //构造30个方程 38 kn=i/6; 39 km=i%6; 40 for(int j=0;j<30;j++){ 41 kx=j/6; 42 ky=j%6; 43 if(abs(kx-kn)+abs(ky-km)<=1) 44 map[i][j]=1; 45 else 46 map[i][j]=0; 47 } 48 } 49 Guass(); 50 cout<<"PUZZLE #"<<cas<<endl; 51 for (int i=0;i<30;i++){ 52 if ((i+1)%6==0) 53 cout<<ans[i]<<endl; 54 else 55 cout<<ans[i]<<" "; 56 } 57 } 58 return 0; 59 }