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    Title: Singapore(新加坡) set to raise retirement ages as seniors stay healthier

      be set to do sth.  准备做某事,将会做某事  标题中的  be  因为标题的省略性给省略了。

        => be ready to do sth. 

      raise 上调,上升

      retirement n. 退休;退职;退役  retire v.  retire from …   从哪里退休  

        eg: retire from the company/politics  从公司退休 / 退出政坛

      senior n.年纪大的人  old people 也形容老年人,但是该词带有不礼貌,不尊敬的含义。


    Singapore may raise its retirement  and re-employment ages as citizens(公民) enjoy more years of good health and demonstrate sustained productivity at work.

      主句 + as + 从句

      re-employment n.重新聘用, 返聘  re- 再,重复  employment n.雇佣

      sustained adj.持续的,持久的  sustain v.维持,延续  sustained applause 持续不停的掌声

      productivity 生产力  sustained productivity 持久的生产力

      demonstrate vt.论证,证明,证实;显示,展示,演示,说明  vi.示威游行

    The retirement age, which is now at 62, and re-employment age, 67, are set to be raised, though the exact timing of the changes and by how much(省略的介词短语,与前面的which相联系) have yet to be determined, the country's Minister of Manpower(人力部部长) Josephine Teo said in parliament on Tuesday. This(指退休年龄调整的事件) comes after a working group comprising individuals(成员) from the government, labor unions and private sector in the city-state(代指新加坡人) reached a consensus on the matter, she said.

      determined adj.确定的,坚定的,毅然的  v.确定,决定,(使)下决心,(使)做出决定

      manpower n.人力,劳动力

      come after 紧跟着什么来的

      reach a consensus on sth 对…达成共识  consensus n.共识  con- 共同,一起  sens 感觉

      comprise v.包含,包括  =>  include v.  

        comprise 指包含全部的东西  include 除了所包含的东西以外,可能还有其他的


            The collection comprises 327 paintings.  收藏品一共327幅画

            The collection includes 327 paintings.  收藏品除了327幅画,还有其他收藏品

      labor union 工会

      private sector 私营部门,私企  public sector 公营部门

      city-state n.(古代的)城邦;城市国家

    A higher retirement age(主语)  will motivate(谓语)  both workers and employers(宾语 员工和雇主) to invest in skills upgrading and job redesign for older workers, while increasing the re-employment age will afford companies the flexbility to reset employment terms, like salary and job scope, to cope with business uncertainties, Teo said.

      motivate 推动

      invest  vt.投资,花费;授予,使就职;给…穿衣;使充满,覆盖

      upgrade vt.提升,提升; 使(机器、计算机系统等)升级; 提高(设施、服务等的)档次; 提高(飞机乘客、旅馆住客等)的待遇;

      redesign  v.重新设计  n.重新设计,设计

      afford vt.提供,买的起,担负的起,给予

      flexbility n.柔度,柔韧性,灵活性,伸缩性,可塑度

      term n.条件; 表达方式; 措辞; 说法; 任期( term的名词复数 ); (学校的) 学期; [复数] (合同、付款、价格等的) 条件; 时期;

      salary 工资

      scope n.范围  within / beyond the scope of sth. 在…范围内 / 超过…范围

      cope width 应付,处理 (固定搭配)

      uncertainty n.无把握,不确定,不可靠,不确实知道,不确定的事物

    "We should carefully consider the timing and pacing of these moves(指上文中推迟退休年龄和返聘年龄这两件事)," Teo said. "Countries looking to(展望,考虑   对象通常是未来会发生的事,翻译成“有意”) raise their retirement ages typically make their intentions known five to ten years in advance." She cited(提出什么东西作为例子)  Denmark(丹麦), where its retirement age is set to go up(提高) from 65 to 68 by 2030, over(在什么期间) 11 years.

      timing 做某事的时机

      pace v.确定…的速度;调整…的节奏  pace oneself 调整自己的节奏

      typically adv.通常,典型地,代表性地

      make sth known 使某事被了解 / 被知道

      intention n.意向,意图,目的,意义

      advance  vt.预付; 提出; (使) 前进; 将…提前  vi.(数量等) 增加; 向前推(至下一步); 上涨;  n.增长; 借款; (价格、价值的) 上涨; 预付款;

    The Southeast Asian nation(主语  新加坡的代称  东南亚的国家),  grappling with an aging population, has been attempting to ensure it(前面省略掉了that)  remains a vibrant economy by limiting restrictions(减少限制)  on(后面搭配减少的对象)   high-skilled foreign labor(高技能外国人才)  as well as re-balancing its education system in order to attract investment and encourage enterprise(特指正在创业期的企业).

      The nation has been attempting to ensure sth.  主句  这个国家正在努力的保证某件事

      grapple v. 扭打,搏斗; 努力设法解决  grapple with sth.  =   struggle with sth  

      aging adj.衰老的,变老的  aging population 人口老龄化

      attempt to do  =    try to do  努力做某事

      ensure 保证

      vibrant adj. 活跃的,精力充沛的  可以形容人,也可以形容事务  文中形容后面的 economy  经济,经济体

      as well as  并列关系

      order to 目的是

      attract vt.吸引; 诱惑; 引起…的好感(或兴趣);  vi.具有吸引力; 引人注意;

      encourage 鼓励

      enterprise n.企业发展,企业经营;创业精神


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    csp-s 2019 游记
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bala/p/10530726.html
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