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  • Topics in Service Computing

  • Mathematical foundation of Services Computing
  • Services science
  • Service-oriented architecture (SOA)
  • Cloud Computing
  • Service creation, development, and management
  • Linkage between IT services and business services
  • Web services security and privacy
  • Web services agreement and contract
  • Web services discovery and negotiation
  • Web services management
  • Web services collaboration
  • Quality of service for Web services
  • Web services modeling and performance management
  • Solution frameworks for building Web services applications
  • Composite Web service creation and enabling infrastructures
  • Business and Scientific applications using Web services
  • Business process integration and management using Web Services (e.g., BPEL4WS)
  • Multimedia applications using Web services
  • Communication applications using Web services
  • Interactive TV applications using Web services
  • Distance education applications using Web services
  • Standards and specifications of Services Computing
  • Business Grid covering business process integration and management in Grid environment
  • Wireless Grid and communication services delivery platform
  • Grid applications and system solutions in science and engineering
  • Utility Models and Solution Architectures
  • Resource acquisition models in Utility Computing
  • Mathematical foundation of Business Process Modeling, Integration and Management
  • Business Services modeling
  • Ontology and Business Rules
  • Business performance analysis and management
  • Autonomic Programming Models, Tools, and Environments
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bang/p/1735586.html
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