在任何站点中,点Add App,然后点Sharepoint Store,如果没有Enable apps,打开app store的时候出出现错误:
Sorry, apps are turned off. If you know who runs the server, tell them to enable apps.
Control PanelSystem and SecurityAdministrative Tools
右击Forward Lookup Zones
点New Zone, 一直点Next,然后输入一个域名字。
然后右击新建的域,然后点New Alias
DNS新建好之后,新建APP Management Service和Subscription Setting Service Application
$appManagementService = Get-SPServiceInstance | where {$_.TypeName -like 'App Management Service'} if($appManagementService.Status -ne 'Online') { Write-Host 'Starting App Management Service' Start-SPServiceInstance $appManagementService | Out-Null } else{ Write-Host 'App Management Service was already started' } # wait for App Management Service to start” while ($service.Status -ne 'Online') { # delay 5 seconds then check to see if service has started sleep 5 $service = Get-SPServiceInstance | where {$_.TypeName -like 'App Management Service'} } $subscriptionSettingsService = Get-SPServiceInstance | where {$_.TypeName -like 'Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Subscription Settings Service'} if($subscriptionSettingsService.Status -ne 'Online') { Write-Host 'Starting Subscription Settings Service' Start-SPServiceInstance $subscriptionSettingsService | Out-Null } else{ Write-Host 'Subscription Settings Service was already started' } while ($service.Status -ne 'Online') { # delay 5 seconds then check to see if service has started sleep 5 $service = Get-SPServiceInstance | where {$_.TypeName -like 'Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Subscription Settings Service'} } $appManagemetnServiceApplicationName = 'App Management Service' $appManagementServiceApplication = Get-SPServiceApplication | where {$_.Name -eq $appManagemetnServiceApplicationName} # create an instance App Management Service Application and proxy if they do not exist if($appManagementServiceApplication -eq $null) { Write-Host 'Creating App Management Service Application' $pool = Get-SPServiceApplicationPool 'SharePoint Web Services Default' $appManagementServiceDB= 'Sharepoint_AppManagementServiceDB' $appManagementServiceApplication = New-SPAppManagementServiceApplication ` -ApplicationPool $pool ` -Name $appManagemetnServiceApplicationName ` -DatabaseName $appManagementServiceDB Write-Host 'Creating App Management Service Application Proxy' $appManagementServicApplicationProxy = New-SPAppManagementServiceApplicationProxy ` -ServiceApplication $appManagementServiceApplication } else{ Write-Host 'App Management Service Application already exist' } $subscriptionSettingsServiceApplicationName = 'Subscription Settings Service Application' $subscriptionSettingsServiceApplication = Get-SPServiceApplication | where {$_.Name -eq $subscriptionSettingsServiceApplicationName} # create an instance Subscription Service Application and proxy if they do not exist if($subscriptionSettingsServiceApplication -eq $null) { Write-Host 'Creating Subscription Settings Service Application' $pool = Get-SPServiceApplicationPool 'SharePoint Web Services Default' $subscriptionSettingsServiceDB= 'Sharepoint_SiteSubscriptionSettingsServiceDB' $subscriptionSettingsServiceApplication = New-SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplication ` -ApplicationPool $pool ` -Name $subscriptionSettingsServiceApplicationName ` -DatabaseName $subscriptionSettingsServiceDB Write-Host 'Creating Subscription Settings Service Application Proxy' $subscriptionSettingsServicApplicationProxy = New-SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplicationProxy ` -ServiceApplication $subscriptionSettingsServiceApplication } else{ Write-Host 'Subscription Settings Service Application already exist' } Set-SPAppDomain 'apps.xxx.com' -Confirm:$false Set-SPAppSiteSubscriptionName -Name 'app' -Confirm:$false
最后到CA点Apps,点Configure App Urls,就可以看到
当你点app store的时候,其实并没有离开你的站点。
"Sorry, this app is not supported on your server"
1. Browse to Central admin
2. Click on 'Application Management'
3. Click 'Manage web applications'
4. Select the web application which hosts the site you are trying to install the app to
5. Click 'Manage Features'
6. 'Apps that require accessible internet facing endpoints' should be deactivate. Click 'Activate'