- 先安装PDF Creator。
- 把他设置为默认打印机。
- 在IE中设置打印页面的边距,页眉页脚等。
[CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$false, HelpMessage='Define the Key')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$WorkPlace, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$false, HelpMessage='Mail to users split with , ')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]]$MailTos ) # provide the location where the PDF file will be created # $OUTPUT_FOLDER="D:TimeJob" # a name for the PDF file without the extension # # without a name the file name is the current timestampt # $OUTPUT_FILENAME="" # comment following line to add a timestamp to each file gets created if($OUTPUT_FILENAME.length -eq 0) {$OUTPUT_FILENAME="$WorkPlace" +"_" + (get-date).tostring("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss")} #website $website="http://www.baidu.com" #$website="https://www.baidu.com/" ############################################################### # DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE # ############################################################### $ErrorActionPreference="Stop" $WarningPreference="Stop" $PDFINFOPATH="HKCU:SoftwarePDFCreatorProgram" $AUTOSAVEFNAMEPROPERTY="AutoSaveFilename" $AUTOSAVEDIRPROPERTY="AutoSaveDirectory" $USEAUTOSAVEPROPERTY="UseAutoSave" ################################################################ function WriteScreenLog { ## ## Write a log entry to the screen ## Usage: ## WriteScreenLog -Message "Message text" [-Type OK|Warning|Error|Info|Verbose] [-printTime] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,Position=0)] [string]$Message, [ValidateSet("OK","Warning","Error", "Info", "Verbose")] [string]$Type, [switch]$printTime ) $screenXpos = [Math]::Truncate($Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width - 11) # Write the message to the screen $now = "" if($printTime -eq $true){ $now = (Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") $now = "$now | " } $Message = $now + $Message Write-Output $Message if($Type -ne "") { [Console]::SetCursorPosition($screenXpos, $Host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition.Y-1) } switch ($Type) { "OK" {Write-Host -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black " OK "} "Warning" {Write-Host -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Black " Warning "} "Error" {Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Red " Error "} "Info" {Write-Host -BackgroundColor $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor -ForegroundColor $Host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor " Info "} "Verbose" {Write-Host -BackgroundColor $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor -ForegroundColor $Host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor " Verbose "} } } ################################################################ $LogFile="D:TimeJobLog$OUTPUT_FILENAME.txt" Start-Transcript -Path $LogFile try { get-itemproperty -path $PDFINFOPATH -name $AUTOSAVEDIRPROPERTY |out-null set-itemproperty -path $PDFINFOPATH -name $AUTOSAVEDIRPROPERTY -value $OUTPUT_FOLDER |out-null } catch { new-itemproperty -path $PDFINFOPATH -name $AUTOSAVEDIRPROPERTY -value $OUTPUT_FOLDER |out-null } try { get-itemproperty -path $PDFINFOPATH -name $USEAUTOSAVEPROPERTY |out-null set-itemproperty -path $PDFINFOPATH -name $USEAUTOSAVEPROPERTY -value "1" |out-null } catch { new-itemproperty -path $PDFINFOPATH -name $USEAUTOSAVEPROPERTY -value "1" |out-null } finally { try { $ie=new-object -com internetexplorer.application $ie.navigate($website) #depending upon the website sleep parameters here onwards may need adjustment start-sleep -seconds 5 try { get-itemproperty -path $PDFINFOPATH -name $AUTOSAVEFNAMEPROPERTY |out-null set-itemproperty -path $PDFINFOPATH -name $AUTOSAVEFNAMEPROPERTY -value "$OUTPUT_FILENAME.pdf" |out-null } catch { new-itemproperty -path $PDFINFOPATH -name $AUTOSAVEFNAMEPROPERTY -value "$OUTPUT_FILENAME.pdf" |out-null } start-sleep -seconds 5 $ie.execWB(6,2) start-sleep -seconds 5 $ie.quit() WriteScreenLog -Message "Success:Save $OUTPUT_FOLDER$OUTPUT_FILENAME.pdf" #WriteScreenLog -Message "" -Type INFO -printTime } catch { WriteScreenLog -Message "Error:Save $OUTPUT_FOLDER$OUTPUT_FILENAME.pdf" -Type ERROR -printTime } finally { try { WriteScreenLog -Message "Start to sleep 10 seconds for save PDF report" Start-Sleep -s 10 WriteScreenLog -Message "Success:Send $OUTPUT_FOLDER$OUTPUT_FILENAME.pdf to $MailTos" #Start-Sleep -s 60 } catch { WriteScreenLog -Message "Error:Send $OUTPUT_FOLDER$OUTPUT_FILENAME.pdf to $MailTos" sendReportEmailError "Error:Send $OUTPUT_FOLDER$OUTPUT_FILENAME.pdf to $MailTos" } try { set-itemproperty -path $PDFINFOPATH -name $AUTOSAVEFNAMEPROPERTY -value "" |out-null set-itemproperty -path $PDFINFOPATH -name $AUTOSAVEDIRPROPERTY -value "" |out-null set-itemproperty -path $PDFINFOPATH -name $USEAUTOSAVEPROPERTY -value "0" |out-null } catch { WriteScreenLog -Message "Error:Set item property path value" } } if($LogFile) { Stop-Transcript } }
Bat 调用
ping -n 6 > nul powershell "D:TimeJobPDF.ps1" -WorkPlace "XXXXX" -MailTos "xxxxxxx,xxxxxxx" ping -n 2 > nul