MFC版的Hello World
使用MFC类库写个Hello示例程序比直接用Win32 API写要简单的多了。因为MFC用几个类封装了应用程序的创建,消息循环等等东东。
闲话少说,先给来一个最简单的MFC版Hello World.
//Hello.h #ifndef Hello1_H_ #define Hello1_H_ #include <afxwin.h> // Declare the application class class CTestApp : public CWinApp { public: virtual BOOL InitInstance(); }; // Create an instance of the application class CTestApp TestApp; #endif //Hello1_H_
//Hello.cpp #include <afxwin.h> #include "Hello.h" // The InitInstance function is called // once when the application first executes BOOL CTestApp::InitInstance() { MessageBox(0,"Hello world!", "信息", MB_ICONASTERISK); return FALSE; }
下面再来个稍微复杂点的Hello World,这次不用系统的消息框实现。这次加入了一个框架窗口类(CFrameWnd),并且在其内部创建了一个CStatic控件,用于显示"Hello World"字串。
//static1.h #ifndef static1_H_ #define static1_H_ #include <afxwin.h> // Declare the application class class CTestApp : public CWinApp { public: virtual BOOL InitInstance(); }; // Create an instance of the application class CTestApp TestApp; // Declare the main window class class CTestWindow : public CFrameWnd { private: CStatic* cs; public: CTestWindow(); ~CTestWindow(); }; #endif //static1_H_
//static1.cpp #include "static1.h" // The InitInstance function is called // once when the application first executes BOOL CTestApp::InitInstance() { m_pMainWnd = new CTestWindow(); m_pMainWnd->ShowWindow(m_nCmdShow); m_pMainWnd->UpdateWindow(); return TRUE; } // The constructor for the window class CTestWindow::CTestWindow() { CRect r; // Create the window itself Create(NULL, "CStatic Tests", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CRect(0,0,100,100)); // Get the size of the client rectangle GetClientRect(&r); r.InflateRect(-10,-10); // Create a static label cs = new CStatic(); cs->Create("hello world", WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_BORDER|SS_CENTER, r, this); } CTestWindow::~CTestWindow() { delete cs; }