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  • SBT 模板



    #include <iostream>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <cmath>
    #include <cstdio>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <cstring>
    #include <string>
    #include <vector>
    #include <set>
    #include <queue>
    #include <stack>
    #include <climits>//形如INT_MAX一类的
    #define MAX 111111
    #define INF 0x7FFFFFFF
    #define REP(i,s,t) for(int i=(s);i<=(t);++i)
    #define ll long long
    #define mem(a,b) memset(a,b,sizeof(a))
    #define mp(a,b) make_pair(a,b)
    #define L(x) x<<1
    #define R(x) x<<1|1
    # define eps 1e-5
    //#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:36777216") ///传说中的外挂
    using namespace std;
    struct sbt {
        int l,r,s,key;
    } tr[MAX];
    int top , root;
    void left_rot(int &x) {
        int y = tr[x].r;
        tr[x].r = tr[y].l;
        tr[y].l = x;
        tr[y].s = tr[x].s; //转上去的节点数量为先前此处节点的size
        tr[x].s = tr[tr[x].l].s + tr[tr[x].r].s + 1;
        x = y;
    void right_rot(int &x) {
        int y = tr[x].l;
        tr[x].l = tr[y].r;
        tr[y].r = x;
        tr[y].s = tr[x].s;
        tr[x].s = tr[tr[x].l].s + tr[tr[x].r].s + 1;
        x = y;
    void maintain(int &x,bool flag) {
        if(flag == 0) { //左边
            if(tr[tr[tr[x].l].l].s > tr[tr[x].r].s) {//左孩子左子树size大于右孩子size
            } else if(tr[tr[tr[x].l].r].s > tr[tr[x].r].s) {//左孩子右子树size大于右孩子size
            } else return ;
        } else { //右边
            if(tr[tr[tr[x].r].r].s > tr[tr[x].l].s) { //右孩子的右子树大于左孩子
            } else if(tr[tr[tr[x].r].l].s > tr[tr[x].l].s) { //右孩子的左子树大于左孩子
            } else return ;
    void insert(int &x,int key) {
        if(x == 0) { //空节点
            x = ++ top;
            tr[x].l = tr[x].r = 0;
            tr[x].s = 1;
            tr[x].key = key;
        } else {
            tr[x].s ++;
            if(key < tr[x].key) insert(tr[x].l,key);
            else insert(tr[x].r,key);
            maintain(x,key >= tr[x].key);
    int del(int &p,int w) {
        if (tr[p].key==w || (tr[p].l == 0 && w < tr[p].key) || (tr[p].r == 0 && w > tr[p].key)) {
            int delnum = tr[p].key;
            if (tr[p].l == 0 || tr[p].r == 0) p = tr[p].l + tr[p].r;
            else tr[p].key=del(tr[p].l,INF);
            return delnum;
        if (w < tr[p].key) return del(tr[p].l,w);
        else return del(tr[p].r,w);
    int remove(int &x,int key) {
        int k;
        tr[x].s --;
        if(key == tr[x].key || (key < tr[x].key && tr[x].l == 0) || (key > tr[x].key && tr[x].r == 0)) {
            k = tr[x].key;
            if(tr[x].l && tr[x].r) {
                tr[x].key = remove(tr[x].l,tr[x].key + 1);
            } else {
                x = tr[x].l + tr[x].r;
        } else if(key > tr[x].key) {
            k = remove(tr[x].r,key);
        } else if(key < tr[x].key) {
            k = remove(tr[x].l,key);
        return k;
    int getmin() { //二叉搜索树找最小值
        int x;
        for(x = root; tr[x].l; x = tr[x].l) ;
        return tr[x].key;
    int getmax() {
        int x;
        for(x = root ; tr[x].r; x = tr[x].r) ;
        return tr[x].key;
    int pred(int &x,int y,int key)
    //前驱 小于
        if(x == 0) return y;
        if(tr[x].key < key)//加上等号,就是小于等于
            return pred(tr[x].r,x,key);
        else return pred(tr[x].l,y,key);
    int succ(int &x,int y,int key) { //后继 大于
        if(x == 0) return y;
        if(tr[x].key > key)
            return succ(tr[x].l,x,key);
        else return succ(tr[x].r,y,key);
    int select(int &x,int k) { //求第k小数
        int r = tr[tr[x].l].s + 1;
        if(r == k) return tr[x].key;
        else if(r < k) return select(tr[x].r,k - r);
        else return select(tr[x].l,k);
    int rank(int &x,int key) { //求第K小数的逆运算
        if(key < tr[x].key) return rank(tr[x].l,key);
        else if(key > tr[x].key) return rank(tr[x].r,key);
        else return tr[tr[x].l].s + 1;
    void inorder(int &x) {
        if(x == 0) return;
        else {
            cout<< x <<" "<< tr[x].key << " " <<tr[x].s << " " <<tr[tr[x].l].key << " " << tr[tr[x].r].key << endl;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bbsno1/p/3279723.html
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