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  • INI文件,WritePrivateProfileString()和GetPrivateProfileString()函数----转载

    INI文件就是扩展名为“ini”的文件。在Windows系统中,INI文件是很多,最重要的就是“System.ini”、“System32.ini”和“Win.ini”。该文件主要存放用户所做的选择以及系统的各种参数。用户可以通过修改INI文件,来改变应用程序和系统的很多配置。但自从Windows 95的退出,在Windows系统中引入了注册表的概念,INI文件在Windows系统的地位就开始不断下滑,这是因为注册表的独特优点,使应用程序和系统都把许多参数和初始化信息放进了注册表中。但在某些场合,INI文件还拥有其不可替代的地位。本文就来探讨一下C#是如何对INI进行读写操作。 </p>
    <p>INI文件的结构 </p>
    <p>INI文件是一种按照特点方式排列的文本文件。每一个INI文件构成都非常类似,由若干段落(section)组成,在每个带括号的标题下面,是若干个以单个单词开头的关键词(keyword)和一个等号,等号右边的就是关键字对应的值(value)。其一般形式如下: </p>
    <p>[Section1] </p>
    <p>  KeyWord1 = Valuel </p>
    <p>  KeyWord2 = Value2 </p>
    <p>   …… </p>
    <p>  [Section2] </p>
    <p>  KeyWord3 = Value3 </p>
    <p>  KeyWord4 = Value4 </p>
    <p>本文中介绍的程序设计及运行环境: </p>
    <p>● 微软视窗2000 高级服务器版 </p>
    <p>● .Net Framework SDK正式版 </p>
    <p>C#和Win32 API函数 </p>
    <p>C#并不像C++,拥有属于自己的类库。C#使用的类库是.Net框架为所有.Net程序开发提供的一个共有的类库——.Net FrameWork SDK。虽然.Net FrameWork SDK内容十分庞大,功能也非常强大,但还不能面面俱到,至少它并没有提供直接操作INI文件所需要的相关的类。在本文中,C#操作INI文件使用的是Windows系统自带Win32的API函数——WritePrivateProfileString()和GetPrivateProfileString()函数。这二个函数都位于“kernel32.dll”文件中。 </p>
    <p>我们知道在C#中使用的类库都是托管代码(Managed Code)文件,而Win32的API函数所处的文件,都是非托管代码(Unmanaged Code)文件。这就导致了在C#中不可能直接使用这些非托管代码文件中的函数。好在.Net框架为了保持对下的兼容,也为了充分利用以前的资源,提出了互操作,通过互操作可以实现对Win32的API函数的调用。互操作不仅适用于Win32的API函数,还可以用来访问托管的COM对象。C#中对Win32的API函数的互操作是通过命名空间“System.Runtime.InteropServices”中的“DllImport”特征类来实现的。它的主要作用是指示此属性化方法是作为非托管DLL的输出实现的。下面代码就是在C#利用命名空间“System.Runtime.InteropServices”中的“DllImport”特征类申明上面二个Win32的API函数: </p>
    <p>C#申明INI文件的写操作函数WritePrivateProfileString(): </p>
    <p>         [ DllImport ( "kernel32" ) ] </p>
    <p>         private static extern long WritePrivateProfileString ( string section , string key , string val , string filePath ) ; </p>
    <p>参数说明:section:INI文件中的段落;key:INI文件中的关键字;val:INI文件中关键字的数值;filePath:INI文件的完整的路径和名称。 </p>
    <p>C#申明INI文件的读操作函数GetPrivateProfileString(): </p>
    <p>         [ DllImport ( "kernel32" ) ] </p>
    <p>         private static extern int GetPrivateProfileString ( string section ,string key , string def , StringBuilder retVal , int size , string filePath ) ; </p>
    <p>参数说明:section:INI文件中的段落名称;key:INI文件中的关键字;def:无法读取时候时候的缺省数值;retVal:读取数值;size:数值的大小;filePath:INI文件的完整路径和名称。 </p>
    <p>C#中读写INI文件的关键步骤和解决方法 </p>
    <p>C#对INI文件进行写操作: </p>
    <p>         //写入INI文件 </p>
    <p>         private void button2_Click ( object sender , System.EventArgs e ) </p>
    <p>         { </p>
    <p>              string FileName = textBox1.Text ; </p>
    <p>              string section = textBox2.Text ; </p>
    <p>              string key = textBox3.Text ; </p>
    <p>              string keyValue = textBox4.Text ; </p>
    <p>              WritePrivateProfileString ( section , key , keyValue , FileName ) ; </p>
    <p>              MessageBox.Show( "成功写入INI文件!" , "信息" ) ; </p>
    <p>         } </p>
    <p>对INI文件进行写操作,是通过组件button2的"Click"事件来实现的。这里有一点应该注意,当在调用WritePrivateProfileString()对INI文件进行写操作的时候,如果此时在INI文件中存在和要写入的信息相同的段落名称和关键字,则将覆盖此INI信息。下面是button2组件的"Click"事件对应的代码清单: </p>
    <p>正确读取INI的必须满足三个前提:INI文件的全路径、段落名称和关键字名称。否则就无法正确读取。你可以设定读取不成功后的缺省数值,在下面的程序中,为了直观设定的是“无法读取对应数值!”字符串,读取INI文件是通过button3组件的“Click”事件来实现的,下面是其对应的代码清单: </p>
    <p>         //读取指定INI文件的特定段落中的关键字的数值 </p>
    <p>         private void button3_Click ( object sender , System.EventArgs e ) </p>
    <p>         { </p>
    <p>              StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder ( 255 ) ; </p>
    <p>              string FileName = textBox1.Text ; </p>
    <p>              string section = textBox2.Text ; </p>
    <p>              string key = textBox3.Text ; </p>
    <p>              int i = GetPrivateProfileString ( section , key , </p>
    <p>                   "无法读取对应数值!" , temp , 255 , FileName ) ; </p>
    <p>              //显示读取的数值 </p>
    <p>              textBox4.Text = temp.ToString(); </p>
    <p>         }</p>
    <p>C#操作INI文件的完整源代码(ini.cs)和运行界面 </p>
    <p>using System ; </p>
    <p>using System.Drawing ; </p>
    <p>using System.Collections ; </p>
    <p>using System.ComponentModel ; </p>
    <p>using System.Windows.Forms ; </p>
    <p>using System.Data ; </p>
    <p>using System.Runtime.InteropServices ; </p>
    <p>using System.Text ; </p>
    <p>namespace C_ReadIni </p>
    <p>{ </p>
    <p>     public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form </p>
    <p>     { </p>
    <p>         private System.Windows.Forms.Button button1 ; </p>
    <p>         private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox textBox1 ; </p>
    <p>         private System.Windows.Forms.Button button2 ; </p>
    <p>         private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox textBox2 ; </p>
    <p>         private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox textBox3 ; </p>
    <p>         private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox textBox4 ; </p>
    <p>         private System.Windows.Forms.Label label1 ; </p>
    <p>         private System.Windows.Forms.Label label2 ; </p>
    <p>         private System.Windows.Forms.Label label3 ; </p>
    <p>         private System.Windows.Forms.Button button3 ; </p>
    <p>         private System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 ; </p>
    <p>         private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null ; </p>
    <p>         public Form1 ( ) </p>
    <p>         { </p>
    <p>              InitializeComponent ( ) ; </p>
    <p>         } </p>
    <p>         protected override void Dispose (bool disposing) </p>
    <p>         { </p>
    <p>              if (disposing) </p>
    <p>              { </p>
    <p>                   if(components != null) </p>
    <p>                   { </p>
    <p>                       components.Dispose ( ) ; </p>
    <p>                   } </p>
    <p>              } </p>
    <p>              base.Dispose (disposing); </p>
    <p>         } </p>
    <p>         [ DllImport ( "kernel32" ) ] </p>
    <p>         private static extern long WritePrivateProfileString ( string section , string key , string val , string filePath ) ; </p>
    <p>         [ DllImport ( "kernel32" ) ] </p>
    <p>         private static extern int GetPrivateProfileString ( string section ,string key , string def , StringBuilder retVal , </p>
    <p>              int size , string filePath ) ; </p>
    <p>         private void InitializeComponent ( ) </p>
    <p>         { </p>
    <p>              this.button1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button ( ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.textBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox ( ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.button2 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button ( ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.textBox2 = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox ( ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.textBox3 = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox ( ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.textBox4 = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox ( ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.label1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label ( ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.label2 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label ( ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.label3 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label ( ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.button3 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button ( ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.openFileDialog1 = new </p>
    <p>                   System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog ( ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.SuspendLayout ( ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.button1.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat ; </p>
    <p>              this.button1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point ( 238 , 20 ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.button1.Name = "button1" ; </p>
    <p>              this.button1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size ( 100 , 32 ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.button1.TabIndex = 0 ; </p>
    <p>              this.button1.Text = "选择INI文件" ; </p>
    <p>              this.button1.Click += new System.EventHandler ( this.button1_Click ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.textBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point ( 58 , 22 ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.textBox1.Name = "textBox1" ; </p>
    <p>              this.textBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size ( 162 , 21 ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.textBox1.TabIndex = 1 ; </p>
    <p>              this.textBox1.Text = "" ; </p>
    <p>              this.button2.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat ; </p>
    <p>              this.button2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point ( 86 , 168 ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.button2.Name = "button2" ; </p>
    <p>              this.button2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size ( 98 , 30 ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.button2.TabIndex = 3 ; </p>
    <p>              this.button2.Text = "写入INI文件" ; </p>
    <p>              this.button2.Click += new System.EventHandler ( this.button2_Click ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.textBox2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point ( 160 , 62 ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.textBox2.Name = "textBox2" ; </p>
    <p>              this.textBox2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size ( 176 , 21 ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.textBox2.TabIndex = 5 ; </p>
    <p>              this.textBox2.Text = "" ; </p>
    <p>              this.textBox3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point ( 160 , 94 ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.textBox3.Name = "textBox3" ; </p>
    <p>              this.textBox3.Size = new System.Drawing.Size ( 176 , 21 ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.textBox3.TabIndex = 6 ; </p>
    <p>              this.textBox3.Text = "" ; </p>
    <p>              this.textBox4.Location = new System.Drawing.Point ( 160 , 128 ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.textBox4.Name = "textBox4" ; </p>
    <p>              this.textBox4.Size = new System.Drawing.Size ( 176 , 21 ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.textBox4.TabIndex = 7 ; </p>
    <p>              this.textBox4.Text = "" ; </p>
    <p>              this.label1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point ( 56 , 62 ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.label1.Name = "label1" ; </p>
    <p>              this.label1.TabIndex = 8 ; </p>
    <p>              this.label1.Text = "段落名称:" ; </p>
    <p>              this.label2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point ( 66 , 96 ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.label2.Name = "label2" ; </p>
    <p>              this.label2.TabIndex = 9 ; </p>
    <p>              this.label2.Text = "关键字:" ; </p>
    <p>              this.label3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point ( 42 , 130 ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.label3.Name = "label3" ; </p>
    <p>              this.label3.TabIndex = 10 ; </p>
    <p>              this.label3.Text = "关键字数值:" ; </p>
    <p>              this.button3.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat ; </p>
    <p>              this.button3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point ( 208 , 168 ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.button3.Name = "button3" ; </p>
    <p>              this.button3.Size = new System.Drawing.Size ( 98 , 30 ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.button3.TabIndex = 11 ; </p>
    <p>              this.button3.Text = "读取INI数值" ; </p>
    <p>              this.button3.Click += new System.EventHandler ( this.button3_Click ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.openFileDialog1.Filter = "INI 文件|*.ini" ; </p>
    <p>              this.AutoScaleBaseSize = new System.Drawing.Size ( 6 , 14 ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size ( 366 , 217 ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.Controls.AddRange ( new System.Windows.Forms.Control [ ] { </p>
    <p>                                                                                           this.button3 , </p>
    <p>                                                                                           this.textBox4 , </p>
    <p>                                                                                           this.textBox3 , </p>
    <p>                                                                                           this.textBox2 , </p>
    <p>                                                                                           this.button2 , </p>
    <p>                                                                                           this.textBox1 , </p>
    <p>                                                                                           this.button1 , </p>
    <p>                                                                                           this.label3 , </p>
    <p>                                                                                           this.label2 , </p>
    <p>                                                                                           this.label1 } ) ; </p>
    <p>              this.MaximizeBox = false ; </p>
    <p>              this.Name = "Form1" ; </p>
    <p>              this.Text = "C#操作INI文件--写操作" ; </p>
    <p>              this.ResumeLayout ( false ) ; </p>
    <p>         } </p>
    <p>         [STAThread] </p>
    <p>         static void Main ( )</p>
    <p>         { </p>
    <p>              Application.Run ( new Form1 ( )) ; </p>
    <p>         } </p>
    <p>         private void button1_Click ( object sender , System.EventArgs e ) </p>
    <p>         { </p>
    <p>              openFileDialog1.ShowDialog ( ) ; </p>
    <p>              textBox1.Text = openFileDialog1.FileName ; </p>
    <p>         } </p>
    <p>         //写入INI文件 </p>
    <p>         private void button2_Click ( object sender , System.EventArgs e ) </p>
    <p>         { </p>
    <p>              string FileName = textBox1.Text ; </p>
    <p>              string section = textBox2.Text ; </p>
    <p>              string key = textBox3.Text ; </p>
    <p>              string keyValue = textBox4.Text ; </p>
    <p>              WritePrivateProfileString ( section , key , keyValue , FileName ) ; </p>
    <p>              MessageBox.Show( "成功写入INI文件!" , "信息" ) ; </p>
    <p>         } </p>
    <p>         //读取指定INI文件的特定段落中的关键字的数值 </p>
    <p>         private void button3_Click ( object sender , System.EventArgs e ) </p>
    <p>         { </p>
    <p>              StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder ( 255 ) ; </p>
    <p>              string FileName = textBox1.Text ; </p>
    <p>              string section = textBox2.Text ; </p>
    <p>              string key = textBox3.Text ; </p>
    <p>              int i = GetPrivateProfileString ( section , key , </p>
    <p>                   "无法读取对应数值!" , temp , 255 , FileName ) ; </p>
    <p>              //显示读取的数值 </p>
    <p>              textBox4.Text = temp.ToString(); </p>
    <p>         } </p>
    <p>     } </p>
    <p>}<br />

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