一,在github上建仓库 react-js-antd-demo:
git remote add origin git@github.com:begin256/react-js-antd-demo.git
三:将本地仓库的内容推送到远程(github)git push -u origin master
git clone git@github.com:begin256/node-demo.git
//if not work, use this:
git clone https://github.com/begin256/node-demo.git
五:同一台电脑上创建两个git ssh key方法
//add a git ssh key:
//input a new email in a new path:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "xxxxxx@qq.com"
//input a rsa name in "Enter file in which to save the key...",for example, "office_id_rsa",enter several times, then you a got another ssh key.