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  • 光照计算公式

      color.xyz = emissive + ambient + diffuse + specular;


    The Basic Lighting Model

     The Emissive Term   自发光

     emissive=ke    ;  Ke is the material's emissive color.

    The Ambient  Term


     Ka is the material's ambient reflectance and

     globalAmbient is the color of incomming ambient light. 传入的环境光

    The Diffuse Term


    Kd is the material's diffuse color 材质的散射颜色

    lightcolor is the color of the incomming diffuse light 传入的散射光

    N is the normalized suface normal  归一化表面正常

    L is normalized vector toward the light source ,and  归一化向量向光源

    P is the point being shaded. 被着色点

    The Specular Term

    specular = Ks x lightColor x facing x (max(N · H, 0)) shininess


    • Ks is the material's specular color,
    • lightColor is the color of the incoming specular light,
    • N is the normalized surface normal,
    • V is the normalized vector toward the viewpoint,
    • L is the normalized vector toward the light source,
    • H is the normalized vector that is halfway between V and L,
    • P is the point being shaded, and
    • facing is 1 if N · L is greater than 0, and 0 otherwise.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/beipiaoboy/p/3254407.html
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