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  • Oracle 日期操作——年/月/日/星期/周/季度


    insert into day_master_temp(date1)(select date_dt from 
    (select add_months(trunc(current_timestamp),14)-level as date_dt
    from dual
    connect by level < add_months(trunc(current_timestamp),14)-trunc(current_timestamp)
    order by date_dt ))
    --connect by 递归调用


    update day_master_temp t set t.year1=to_char(date1,'yyyy')
    update day_master_temp t set t.year_month=to_char(date1,'yyyy-mm')
    update day_master_temp t set t.month_num=to_number(to_char(date1,'mm'))
    update day_master_temp t set t.day_num=to_number(to_char(date1,'dd'))
    update day_master_temp t set t.xingqi=to_char(date1,'day')
    ---flag 星期四
    update day_master_temp t set t.flag='week_last_day' where t.xingqi='星期四'
    ---week_num1 week_num  iw表示一年中的第几周
    update day_master_temp t set t.week_num1=to_char(t.date1+2,'iw') 
    update day_master_temp t set t.week_num=to_char(t.date1+2,'iw') 
    ---week_num1 year_week  
    update day_master_temp t set t.year_week=to_char(t.date1,'yyyy') || '-' ||to_char(t.date1+2,'iw')  
    ---week_num1 year_week   需处理年头年尾 
    update day_master_temp t set t.year_week=to_char(t.date1,'yyyy') || '-' ||to_char(t.date1+2,'iw')
    ---week_original 周一开始
    update day_master_temp t set t.week_original=to_char(t.date1,'iw')
    ---week_report 周五开始
    update day_master_temp t set t.week_report=to_char(t.date1+3,'iw') 
    ---week2 周六开始
    update day_master_temp t set t.week2=to_char(t.date1+2,'iw') 
    ---quarter 季度
    update day_master_temp t set t.quarter=to_char(t.date1,'q') 


    ww:Same day of the week as the first day of the year——按年度1月1日的第一天为每周第一天

    iw:Same day of the week as the first day of the ISO week, which is Monday—— 每周一

    w:Same day of the week as the first day of the month——按月份1日的第一天作为每周第一天

    to_char(TO_DATE('20110101', 'YYYYMMDD'), 'yyyyiw') as week, 
    to_char(TO_DATE('20110101', 'YYYYMMDD'), 'yyyyww') as week2,
    to_char(TO_DATE('20110201', 'YYYYMMDD'), 'yyyyw') as week3,
    to_char(TO_DATE('20110101', 'YYYYMMDD'), 'yyyy') as year, 
    to_char(TO_DATE('20110101', 'YYYYMMDD'), 'yyyymm') as month, 
    to_char(TO_DATE('20110101', 'YYYYMMDD'), 'yyyyddd') as day, 
    to_char(TO_DATE('20110401', 'YYYYMMDD'), 'yyyyq') as quarter 
    from dual

     WEEK    WEEK2    WEEK3    YEAR    MONTH    DAY    QUARTER
     201152    201101    20111    2011    201101    2011001    20112

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bellin124/p/14217219.html
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