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  • LumiSoft 邮件操作删除(无法删除解决方法)

    最近在用 LumiSoft  进行邮件读取,然后操作相关附件
    邮件使用的是qq邮箱,读取后进行移除,但是怎么都移除不了 后来咨询了官方客服,
    原来是设置不对 需要 取消掉 X (仅对 POP3 协议有效。为什么会有收信软件删信?)


    using LumiSoft.Net.Log; using LumiSoft.Net.Mail; using LumiSoft.Net.MIME; using LumiSoft.Net.POP3.Client; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Text; using System.Linq; namespace MCP.Sync.MailAttachCenter { public class MailAttachCenterBiz { // const string smtp = "imap.exmail.qq.com"; const string smtp = "pop.exmail.qq.com"; const int smtpport = 995; const string user = ""; const string pwd = ""; const string dirfolder = @"D:email"; const string FileServerUrl = ""; const string module = "module_Sys_MailAttachCenter"; const string folderId = "folderId_Sys_MailAttachCenter"; public void SyncMail(ref string returnMessage) { using (POP3_Client pop3 = new POP3_Client()) { //这里面存在无法删除邮件,所以导致只能通过去重的方式来处理重复读取的问题 var attachList =new List<MailAttach>(); using (var db=new MCPERP_MailAttachEntities()) { attachList = db.Sys_MailAttachCenter.Select(s => new MailAttach { MUID=s.MUID}).ToList(); } pop3.Connect(smtp, smtpport, true); pop3.Login(user, pwd);//两个参数,前者为Email的账号,后者为Email的密码 pop3.Logger = new Logger(); pop3.Logger.WriteLog += new EventHandler<WriteLogEventArgs>(WriteLog); POP3_ClientMessageCollection messages = pop3.Messages; for (int i = 0; i < messages.Count; i++) { var mEntity = new Sys_MailAttachCenter(); mEntity.SMTPServerName = smtp; Dictionary<string, string> dic_file = new Dictionary<string, string>(); POP3_ClientMessage message = messages[i];//转化为POP3 if (attachList.Find(x=>x.MUID==message.UID)!=null) { continue; } pop3.Logger.AddText(" 正在检查第{0}封邮件..."+ i + 1); if (message != null) { mEntity.MUID = message.UID; byte[] messageBytes = message.MessageToByte(); if (messageBytes != null && messageBytes.Length > 0) { Mail_Message mime_message = Mail_Message.ParseFromByte(messageBytes); Mail_Message mime_header = Mail_Message.ParseFromByte(message.HeaderToByte()); if (mime_header != null) { mEntity.Subject =!string.IsNullOrEmpty( mime_header.Subject)? mime_header.Subject.Trim():string.Empty; mEntity.SendDT = mime_header.Date; //区分抄送人 if (mime_header.Cc != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (Mail_t_Mailbox recipient in mime_header.Cc.Mailboxes) { string displayname = recipient.DisplayName; string address = recipient.Address; sb.AppendFormat("{0};", address); } mEntity.CC = sb.ToString().Trim(';'); } if (mime_header.From != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sb_sender = new StringBuilder(); foreach (Mail_t_Mailbox recipient in mime_header.From) { string displayname = recipient.DisplayName; string address = recipient.Address; sb.AppendFormat("{0};", address); sb_sender.AppendFormat("{0};", displayname); } mEntity.Sender = sb_sender.ToString().Trim(';'); mEntity.FromMail = sb.ToString().Trim(';'); } if (mime_header.To != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (Mail_t_Mailbox recipient in mime_header.To.Mailboxes) { string displayname = recipient.DisplayName; string address = recipient.Address; sb.AppendFormat("{0};", address); } mEntity.ToMail = sb.ToString().Trim(';'); } } var body = mime_message.BodyText; if (body != null) { mEntity.Body = body.Length > 1000 ? "超长被截断--"+body.Substring(0,990) : body; } //保存邮件的整体附件 DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(dirfolder); if (!dir.Exists) dir.Create(); string emailPath = dirfolder + message.UID + ".eml"; File.WriteAllBytes(emailPath, messageBytes); dic_file.Add(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), emailPath); //附件处理 MIME_Entity[] attachments = mime_message.GetAttachments(true, true); mEntity.AttachmentsCount = 1; if (attachments != null && attachments.Length > 0) { mEntity.AttachmentsCount = mEntity.AttachmentsCount+attachments.Length; foreach (MIME_Entity entity in attachments) { if (entity.ContentDisposition != null) { string fileName = entity.ContentDisposition.Param_FileName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { var dirFileName = GetValidName(message.UID + fileName); string path = Path.Combine(dir.FullName, dirFileName); MIME_b_SinglepartBase byteObj = (MIME_b_SinglepartBase)entity.Body; Stream decodedDataStream = byteObj.GetDataStream(); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create)) { LumiSoft.Net.Net_Utils.StreamCopy(decodedDataStream, fs, 4000); } dic_file.Add(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), path); //这里实现上传附件 //上传成功以后删除本地缓存的附件 pop3.Logger.AddText($"{fileName}已经被下载。"); } } } } } var result = SaveFileToServer(dic_file, mEntity);//保存文件方法 if (result) { message.MarkForDeletion();//移除这个邮件 } } } } } public static string GetValidName(string fileName) { foreach (char c in System.IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) { fileName = fileName.Replace(c, ' '); } return fileName; } private void WriteLog(object sender, WriteLogEventArgs e) { if (e!=null && e.LogEntry!=null) { } } /// <summary> /// 保存附件到文件服务器并添加到 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private bool SaveFileToServer(Dictionary<string,string> dir, Sys_MailAttachCenter mEntity) { try { if (mEntity!=null && dir.Count>0) { var fList = new List<Sys_FileInfo>(); foreach (var item in dir) { string address = FileServerUrl + string.Format("Home/UploadFile?module={0}&folderId={1}&uploadDate={2}", module, folderId, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); var buffer = new WebClient().UploadFile(address, "post", item.Value); string result = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer); var fileServerPath = FileServerUrl + result.Replace("~/", ""); //判断文件是不是存在 清空临时存储的文件 if (System.IO.File.Exists(item.Value)) { System.IO.File.Delete(item.Value); } Sys_FileInfo file = new Sys_FileInfo(); file.CreateDT = DateTime.Now; file.CreaterName = module; file.Description ="邮件附件处理中心创建"; file.FileType = Path.GetExtension(item.Value); file.folderId = folderId; file.module = module; file.FileJobno = mEntity.MUID.ToString(); file.FileId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); file.EnabledMark = 1; file.DeleteMark = 0; file.FilePath = fileServerPath; file.FileName = Path.GetFileName(item.Value); file.FileExtensions = Path.GetExtension(item.Value); fList.Add(file); } using (var db = new MCPERP_MailAttachEntities()) { db.Sys_FileInfo.AddRange(fList); mEntity.CreateDT = DateTime.Now; mEntity.IsRead = false; mEntity.IsReply = false; db.Sys_MailAttachCenter.Add(mEntity); db.SaveChanges(); } return true; } return false; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }... } public class MailAttach { public string MUID { get; set; } } }


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/benbenfishfish/p/11464635.html
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