Find the matlab installation ISO is the primary thing , just don't forget the Google that will help you . After that you need to mount it to get the file from the ISO ,
sudo mount -o loop,iocharset=gb2312 /path/to/matlab.iso /path/to/put/installation/file
Make sure you owe the /path/to/put/installation/file If not just make new folder with your own account or
sudo ./install
A dialog will pop up then choose the option of
without using internet
OK->YES->choose /path/to/intall/matlab ->OK ,a dialog request installation key ,fill in
The next is OK.
If you get the prompt
/lib/ not found
For 64 bit:
sudo ln -s /lib64/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /lib64/
For 32 bit:
sudo ln -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /lib/
After install complete , try it
cd /path/to/install/matlab
A dialog request avtivate :
without internet -> next ->/path/to/put/installation/crack/lic_standalone.dat