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  • mysql语句及执行计划



    mysql -uroot -p <!--数据库连接-->
    mysql -h10.0.0.100 -uuser -password
    show databases <!--查看所有db-->
    INSERT into `user` ( 
    select id+3333504 ,`user_name` , `password` , 
    `birthday` , `mobile` , `email` , `province` , `city` , `region` , `create_at` , `update_at` ,
    `login_at` , `last_login_at` , `account_status` , `account_open_at`, `risk_at` , `risk_end` , `risk` ,
    `nick` , `sms_status`, `source` , `fund_account` , `branch_no` , `id_no` , `client_name` , 
    `friend_id` , `client_id` , `user_type` , `sale_licence` , `operate_code` , `user_status` , `user_trace`, `remote_addr` , `channel` 
    from `user` ) <!----插入测试数据-->


    mysql> show variables like "%pro%";<!---查一下profile是不是打开(未打开)-->
    mysql> set profiling=1; <!--设置profile打开-->
    mysql> use test --切换使用db
    select id_no,user_name,mobile from `user` where SUBSTR(id_no,11,4)='0512' ; --执行sql
    mysql> show profiles; --查看sql记录
    mysql> show profile for query 2; ---查看详情计划任务
    mysql> show profile block io,cpu for query 3; ---CPU、IO使用情况
    mysql> show profile memory for query 3; --内存使用

    "Status": "query end", 状态
    "Duration": "1.751142", 持续时间
    "CPU_user": "0.008999", cpu用户
    "CPU_system": "0.003999", cpu系统
    "Context_voluntary": "98", 上下文主动切换
    "Context_involuntary": "0", 上下文被动切换
    "Block_ops_in": "8", 阻塞的输入操作
    "Block_ops_out": "32", 阻塞的输出操作
    "Messages_sent": "0", 消息发出
    "Messages_received": "0", 消息接受
    "Page_faults_major": "0", 主分页错误
    "Page_faults_minor": "0", 次分页错误
    "Swaps": "0", 交换次数
    "Source_function": "mysql_execute_command", 源功能
    "Source_file": "sql_parse.cc", 源文件
    "Source_line": "4465" 源代码行


    explain select * from tab_no_index ;


    mysql>SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME( 1249488000, '%Y%m%d' ) 
    mysql> SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2009-08-06') ; 
    SELECT DATE_FORMAT(date_id,'%Y-%m-%d') from batch_select_check_point a where date_id< STR_TO_DATE('2016-08-10','%Y-%m-%d')

  • 相关阅读:
    3.8.3 循环
    3.8.2 条件语句
    LDA-Latent Dirichlet Allocation 学习笔记
    概率主题模型简介 Introduction to Probabilistic Topic Models
    Visual Categorization with Bags of Keypoints
    PGM学习之六 从有向无环图(DAG)到贝叶斯网络(Bayesian Networks)
    PGM学习之五 贝叶斯网络
    PGM学习之四 Factor,Reasoning
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bestzhang/p/6127895.html
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