1. 安装Sublime Text3
常用插件安装:AngularJs, Autoprefixer, BracketHighlighter,ConvertToUTF8,CSScomb,DocBlockr,Emmet,Git,GitGutter,Jquery,JsFormat,SideBarEnhancements,SublimeCodeIntel,SublimeLinter(jshint,csslint),Tag,Terminal,TrailingSpaces
其中SublimeLinter需要用到NodeJs,并安装jshint和csslint, npm install -g jshint
2. 安装Bower依赖
安装好Bower后,通过bower install 安装angularjs bootstrap
3. 搭建单元测试环境
karma 单元测试容器
karma-jasmine 编写单元测试
karma-coverage 代码覆盖率
初始化配置文件 karma init
Which testing framework do you want to use ? Press tab to list possible options. Enter to move to the next question. > jasmine 注:测试框架选择 Do you want to use Require.js ? This will add Require.js plugin. Press tab to list possible options. Enter to move to the next question. > yes 注:需不需要引入requirejs 引入requirejs的原因:加载相互依赖的js文件 Do you want to capture a browser automatically ? Press tab to list possible options. Enter empty string to move to the next question. > Chrome > 注:选择打开的浏览器 What is the location of your source and test files ? You can use glob patterns, eg. "js/*.js" or "test/**/*Spec.js". Enter empty string to move to the next question. > 注:karma启动时加载的目标文件和测试文件 Should any of the files included by the previous patterns be excluded ? You can use glob patterns, eg. "**/*.swp". Enter empty string to move to the next question. > 注:加载的目标文件不需要测试的文件 Do you want Karma to watch all the files and run the tests on change ? Press tab to list possible options. > yes 注:karma要不要动态监听目标文件和测试用例变化 Config file generated at "D:workspacejavascriptkarmakarma.conf.js". 这个指令跑完后你就会发现目录底下多了个配置文件karma.conf.js,test-main.js karma.conf.js: karma配置文件 test-main.js: requireJS配置文件
运行测试用例 karma start
4. 搭建集成测试环境