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  • 使用GDI+画报表



    View Code
      1  private void button9_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      2         {
      3             printDialog1.ShowDialog();  //设置打印文档
      4             printPreviewDialog1.Document = this.printDocument1;
      5             printPreviewDialog1.PrintPreviewControl.Zoom = 1;
      6             printPreviewDialog1.ClientSize = new Size(800, 800);
      7             printPreviewDialog1.ShowDialog();
      8         }
     10         private void printDocument1_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
     11         {
     12             //第一条竖线开始30,100
     13             //第2条竖线坐标开始130,100
     14             //第三条竖线开始230,linebegin,结束230,lineend
     15             //第四条竖线开始340,linebegin,结束340,lineend
     16             //第五条竖线开始460,linebegin,结束460,lineend
     17             //第六条竖线开始670,linebegin,结束670,lineend
     18             //最后一条竖线开始790,100
     19             int y = 50;
     20             int linebegin = 0;
     21             int lineend = 0;
     22             int end = 0;
     23             Font font = new Font("宋体", 10, FontStyle.Regular);
     24             Pen title_pen = new Pen(Color.Black, 1);
     25             e.Graphics.DrawString("专家抽取列表", new Font("宋体", 20, FontStyle.Bold), Brushes.Black, 270, y);
     26             y += 80;
     27             e.Graphics.DrawLine(title_pen, 20, y, 690, y);//第一条横线
     28             e.Graphics.DrawString("项目名称", font, Brushes.Black, (20 + (90 - GetWidth("项目名称", font)) / 2 - 5), y + 10);
     29             e.Graphics.DrawString(this.txtname.Text.Trim(), font, Brushes.Black, (110 + (570 - GetWidth(this.txtname.Text.Trim(), font)) / 2 - 5), y + 10);
     30             y += 40;
     31             e.Graphics.DrawLine(title_pen, 20, y, 690, y);//第二条横线
     32             e.Graphics.DrawString("招标单位", font, Brushes.Black, (20 + (90 - GetWidth("招标单位", font)) / 2 - 5), y + 10);
     33             e.Graphics.DrawString(this.txtunit.Text.Trim(), font, Brushes.Black, (110 + (570 - GetWidth(this.txtunit.Text.Trim(), font)) / 2 - 5), y + 10);
     34             y += 40;
     35             e.Graphics.DrawLine(title_pen, 20, y, 690, y);//第三条横线
     36             e.Graphics.DrawString("抽取时间", font, Brushes.Black, (20 + (90 - GetWidth("抽取时间", font)) / 2 - 5), y + 10);
     37             e.Graphics.DrawString(this.txttime.Text.Trim(), font, Brushes.Black, (110 + (570 - GetWidth(this.txttime.Text.Trim(), font)) / 2 - 5), y + 10);
     38             y += 40;
     39             e.Graphics.DrawLine(title_pen, 20, y, 690, y);//第四条横线
     41             linebegin = y;
     42             //开始画列名
     43             e.Graphics.DrawString("专业", font, Brushes.Black, (20 + (90 - GetWidth("专业", font)) / 2 - 5), y + 10);
     44             e.Graphics.DrawString("姓名", font, Brushes.Black, (110 + (70 - GetWidth("姓名", font)) / 2 - 5), y + 10);
     45             e.Graphics.DrawString("固定电话", font, Brushes.Black, (180 + (90 - GetWidth("固定电话", font)) / 2 - 5), y + 10);
     46             e.Graphics.DrawString("手机", font, Brushes.Black, (270 + (110 - GetWidth("手机", font)) / 2 - 5), y + 10);
     47             e.Graphics.DrawString("工作单位", font, Brushes.Black, (380 + (200 - GetWidth("工作单位", font)) / 2 - 5), y + 10);
     48             e.Graphics.DrawString("职称", font, Brushes.Black, (580 + (110 - GetWidth("职称", font)) / 2 - 5), y + 10);
     49             y += 40;
     50             e.Graphics.DrawLine(title_pen, 20, y, 690, y);//第五条横线
     51             //开始画table数据
     52             foreach (DataGridViewRow dr in this.dataGridView2.Rows)
     53             {
     54                 e.Graphics.DrawString(dr.Cells[1].Value.ToString(), font, Brushes.Black, (20 + (90 - GetWidth(dr.Cells[1].Value.ToString(), font)) / 2 - 5), y + 10);
     55                 e.Graphics.DrawString(dr.Cells[2].Value.ToString(), font, Brushes.Black, (110 + (70 - GetWidth(dr.Cells[2].Value.ToString(), font)) / 2 - 5), y + 10);
     56                 int phone = GetWidth(dr.Cells[3].Value.ToString(), font);
     57                 if (phone <= 90)
     58                 {
     59                     e.Graphics.DrawString(dr.Cells[3].Value.ToString(), font, Brushes.Black, (180 + (90 - phone) / 2 - 5), y + 10);
     60                 }
     61                 else
     62                 {
     63                     string _phone = dr.Cells[3].Value.ToString();
     64                     _phone = _phone.Substring(0, 9) + "";
     65                     phone = GetWidth(_phone, font);
     66                     e.Graphics.DrawString(_phone, font, Brushes.Black, (180 + (90 - phone) / 2 - 5), y + 10);
     67                 }
     68                 int mobile = GetWidth(dr.Cells[4].Value.ToString(), font);
     69                 if (mobile <= 100)
     70                 {
     71                     e.Graphics.DrawString(dr.Cells[4].Value.ToString(), font, Brushes.Black, (270 + (110 - mobile) / 2 - 5), y + 10);
     72                 }
     73                 else
     74                 {
     75                     string _mobile = dr.Cells[4].Value.ToString();
     76                     _mobile = _mobile.Substring(0, 11) + "";
     77                     phone = GetWidth(_mobile, font);
     78                     e.Graphics.DrawString(_mobile, font, Brushes.Black, (270 + (110 - phone) / 2 - 5), y + 10);
     79                 }
     80                 e.Graphics.DrawString(dr.Cells[5].Value.ToString(), font, Brushes.Black, (380 + (200 - GetWidth(dr.Cells[5].Value.ToString(), font)) / 2 - 5), y + 10);
     81                 e.Graphics.DrawString(dr.Cells[6].Value.ToString(), font, Brushes.Black, (580 + (110 - GetWidth(dr.Cells[6].Value.ToString(), font)) / 2 - 5), y + 10);
     82                 y += 40;
     83                 e.Graphics.DrawLine(title_pen, 20, y, 690, y);
     84             }
     85             lineend = y;
     86             e.Graphics.DrawString("抽取人签字", font, Brushes.Black, (20 + (90 - GetWidth("抽取人签字", font)) / 2 - 5), y + 10);
     87             y += 40;
     88             e.Graphics.DrawLine(title_pen, 20, y, 690, y);
     89             e.Graphics.DrawString("监督人签字", font, Brushes.Black, (20 + (90 - GetWidth("监督人签字", font)) / 2 - 5), y + 10);
     90             y += 40;
     91             e.Graphics.DrawLine(title_pen, 20, y, 690, y);
     92             end = y;
     94             //开始画竖线
     95             //e.Graphics.DrawLine(title_pen, 20, 130, 20, y);
     96             //e.Graphics.DrawLine(title_pen, 130, 130, 130, y);
     97             //e.Graphics.DrawLine(title_pen, 210, linebegin, 210, lineend);
     98             //e.Graphics.DrawLine(title_pen, 320, linebegin, 320, lineend);
     99             //e.Graphics.DrawLine(title_pen, 440, linebegin, 440, lineend);
    100             //e.Graphics.DrawLine(title_pen, 670, linebegin, 670, lineend);
    101             //e.Graphics.DrawLine(title_pen, 800, 130, 800, y);
    102             e.Graphics.DrawLine(title_pen, 20, 130, 20, y);
    103             e.Graphics.DrawLine(title_pen, 110, 130, 110, y);
    104             e.Graphics.DrawLine(title_pen, 180, linebegin, 180, lineend);
    105             e.Graphics.DrawLine(title_pen, 270, linebegin, 270, lineend);
    106             e.Graphics.DrawLine(title_pen, 380, linebegin, 380, lineend);
    107             e.Graphics.DrawLine(title_pen, 580, linebegin, 580, lineend);
    108             e.Graphics.DrawLine(title_pen, 690, 130, 690, y);
    109         }
    111         private int GetWidth(string str, Font myf)
    112         {
    113             Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd(this.Handle);
    115             StringFormat sf = new StringFormat(StringFormat.GenericTypographic);
    117             SizeF size = g.MeasureString(str, myf, 1000, sf);
    119             return Convert.ToInt32(size.Width);
    121         }


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bfyx/p/2851024.html
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