真的莫名其妙,笔者下这个游戏两次。第一次在豌豆荚排行榜看到这款游戏,名字怪怪的,下载下来尝试一下,没认为有什么新颖的,还在思虑这是不是刷榜刷上去的。果断卸载了。周末的时候逛逛app store。突然看到排行榜首位是Dont Tap The White Tile(后更名panio tiles ),翻译一下不就是别踩到白块儿。笔者震惊了。太莫名其妙了,这东西是真的火,不是刷榜刷出来的!游戏玩家们心理真的难以捉摸,又捧红了一款游戏;
从flappy bird 到2048 再到 Dont Tap The White Tile,都是短平快的游戏,都是独立开发人员做的,看来个人开发人员还是有机会在游戏红海中获得一杯羹滴。同一时候笔者的博文系列也经历这三个游戏。
Don't Tap The White Tile游戏源码解密和下载
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1 创建曲谱数组 do、re、mi、fa,sol、la、duo
CITY_OF_SKY = [ 4, 3, 4, 1, 3 , 3, 1, 1, 1, 7, 4, 4, 7, 7, 6, 7, 1, 7, 1, 3, 7 , 3 , 6, 5, 6, 1 , 5 , 3, 3];
2 初始化表格,本来先创建4*曲谱数组长度的表格,但为了优化。先创建4*5表格,使用时候再不断新建添加表格;
//tables this.tables = new Array(this.pianoLengthIndex); for (var j = 0; j < this.pianoLength; j++) { var sprites = new Array(4); var random = getRandom(4); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { sprites[i] = this.newBlock(i, j, random); } this.tables[j] = sprites; }
3 创建单个表格元素,可依据colortype在一行里确定一个黑色元素
MainLayer.prototype.newBlock = function (i, j, colorType) { //simple block var block = cc.Sprite.create("res/whiteBlock.png"); block.setPosition(cc.p(this.blockWidth / 2 + this.blockWidth * i, this.blockHeight / 2 + this.blockHeight * j)); block.setScaleX(this.scaleX); block.setScaleY(this.scaleY); block.setZOrder(100); block.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.5, 0.5)); var color = "white"; if (j == 0) { block.setColor(cc.c3b(0, 255, 0)); } else { if (i == colorType) { block.setColor(cc.c3b(30, 30, 30)); color = "black"; } } block.blockData = {col: i, row: j, color: color}; this.blockNode.addChild(block); return block; };
4 触摸表格。假设是黑色。假设是当前一行的上一行才干继续;
#假设整个表格移动到顶if (block.blockData.row == (this.pianoLengthIndex - 1))。游戏结束 this.gameStatus = OVER;
#假设没到顶,整个表格往下移一行this.blockNode.runAction(cc.MoveTo.create(0.2, cc.p(0, (this.blockNode.getPositionY() - this.blockHeight * heightNum))));
#单个元素执行一个缩放动画,移动步数+1。 this.moveNum += 1;
//touch black if (block.blockData.color == "black") { if (block.blockData.row == (this.moveNum + 1)) { //create new sprite if (this.pianoLength < this.pianoLengthIndex) { //not reach top this.moveAddNewSprites(); } if (this.pianoLength == this.pianoLengthIndex) { //when reach top this.createTopOverNode(); } //move down cc.AudioEngine.getInstance().playEffect(PIANO_SIMPLE[this.pianoListIndex[j - 1]], false); block.setColor(cc.c3b(100, 100, 100)); var heightNum = 1; if (block.blockData.row == (this.pianoLengthIndex - 1)) { //when last row ,game success end, move two height heightNum = 2; cc.log("end"); this.gameStatus = OVER; cc.AudioEngine.getInstance().playEffect(, false); } this.blockNode.runAction(cc.MoveTo.create(0.2, cc.p(0, (this.blockNode.getPositionY() - this.blockHeight * heightNum)))); this.moveNum += 1; block.runAction(cc.Sequence.create( cc.ScaleTo.create(0, this.scaleX * 4 / 5, this.scaleY), cc.ScaleTo.create(0.2, this.scaleX, this.scaleY) )); } }
this.createTopOverNode(); //create score node and move this.gameStatus = OVER; cc.AudioEngine.getInstance().playEffect(SOUNDS.error, false); block.setColor(cc.c3b(255, 0, 0)); block.runAction(cc.Sequence.create( cc.ScaleTo.create(0, this.scaleX * 4 / 5, this.scaleY * 4 / 5), cc.ScaleTo.create(0.2, this.scaleX, this.scaleY) )); this.scoreNode.bgColor.setColor(cc.c3b(255, 0, 0)); this.scoreNode.result.setString("失败了"); this.scoreNode.runAction(cc.MoveTo.create(0.2, cc.p(0, this.blockHeight * this.moveNum)));
MainLayer.prototype.moveAddNewSprites = function () { cc.log("moveAddNewSprites"); var sprites = new Array(4); var random = getRandom(4); for (var k = 0; k < 4; k++) { sprites[k] = this.newBlock(k, this.pianoLength, random); } this.tables[this.pianoLength] = sprites; this.pianoLength += 1; };
7 分数结束节点创建函数
MainLayer.prototype.createTopOverNode = function () { //top score node this.scoreNode = cc.Node.create(); this.scoreNode.setPosition(cc.p(0, this.blockHeight * this.pianoLength)); this.scoreNode.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0, 0)); this.scoreNode.setZOrder(130); this.blockNode.addChild(this.scoreNode); //color bg var bgColor = cc.Sprite.create("res/whiteBlock.png"); bgColor.setPosition(cc.p(0, 0)); bgColor.setScaleX(720 / 300); bgColor.setScaleY(1280 / 500); bgColor.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0, 0)); bgColor.setColor(cc.c3b(0, 255, 0)); this.scoreNode.addChild(bgColor); this.scoreNode.bgColor = bgColor; //mode var wordsMode = ["经典", "街机", "禅"]; var modeLabel = cc.LabelTTF.create(wordsMode[GAME_MODE] + "模式", "Arial", 70); this.scoreNode.addChild(modeLabel); modeLabel.setPosition(cc.p(350, 1000)); modeLabel.setColor(cc.c3b(0, 0, 0)); modeLabel.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.5, 0.5)); //result var resultLabel = cc.LabelTTF.create("成功了", "Arial", 110); this.scoreNode.addChild(resultLabel); resultLabel.setPosition(cc.p(360, 750)); resultLabel.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.5, 0.5)); resultLabel.setColor(cc.c3b(139, 58, 58)); this.scoreNode.result = resultLabel; //back var backLabel = cc.LabelTTF.create("返回", "Arial", 50); this.scoreNode.addChild(backLabel); backLabel.setPosition(cc.p(200, 400)); backLabel.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.5, 0.5)); backLabel.setColor(cc.c3b(0, 0, 0)); this.scoreNode.back = backLabel; //return var returnLabel = cc.LabelTTF.create("重来", "Arial", 50); this.scoreNode.addChild(returnLabel); returnLabel.setPosition(cc.p(500, 400)); returnLabel.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.5, 0.5)); returnLabel.setColor(cc.c3b(0, 0, 0)); this.scoreNode.return = returnLabel; };
CocosEditor,它是开发跨平台的手机游戏工具,执行window/mac系统上,javascript脚本语言。基于cocos2d-x跨平台游戏引擎, 集合代码编辑。场景设计,动画制作,字体设计。还有粒子,物理系统。地图等等的。并且调试方便,和实时模拟;
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