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  • Hadoop Balancer源码解读


    最近在做一些Hadoop运维的相关工作,发现了一个有趣的问题,我们公司的Hadoop集群磁盘占比数值参差不齐,高的接近80%,低的接近40%,并没有充分利用好上面的资源,但是balance的操作跑的也是正常的啊,所以打算看一下Hadoop的balance的源代码,更深层次的去了解Hadoop Balance的机制。


    上面2个类的设计就是与Hadoop Balance操作最紧密联系的类,Balancer类负载找出<source, target>这样的起始,目标结果对,然后存入到Distpatch中,然后通过Distpatch进行分发,不过在分发之前,会进行block的验证,判断此block是否能被移动,这里会涉及到一些条件的判断,具体的可以通过后面的代码中的注释去发现。


       * 根据源节点和目标节点,构造任务对
      private void matchSourceWithTargetToMove(Source source, StorageGroup target) {
        long size = Math.min(source.availableSizeToMove(), target.availableSizeToMove());
        final Task task = new Task(target, size);
        dispatcher.add(source, target);
        LOG.info("Decided to move "+StringUtils.byteDesc(size)+" bytes from "
            + source.getDisplayName() + " to " + target.getDisplayName());

       * For each datanode, choose matching nodes from the candidates. Either the
       * datanodes or the candidates are source nodes with (utilization > Avg), and
       * the others are target nodes with (utilization < Avg).
      private <G extends StorageGroup, C extends StorageGroup>
          void chooseStorageGroups(Collection<G> groups, Collection<C> candidates,
              Matcher matcher) {
        for(final Iterator<G> i = groups.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
          final G g = i.next();
          for(; choose4One(g, candidates, matcher); );
          if (!g.hasSpaceForScheduling()) {

       * Decide all <source, target> pairs and
       * the number of bytes to move from a source to a target
       * Maximum bytes to be moved per storage group is
       * min(1 Band worth of bytes,  MAX_SIZE_TO_MOVE).
       * 从源节点列表和目标节点列表中各自选择节点组成一个个对,选择顺序优先为同节点组,同机架,然后是针对所有
       * @return total number of bytes to move in this iteration
      private long chooseStorageGroups() {
        // First, match nodes on the same node group if cluster is node group aware
        if (dispatcher.getCluster().isNodeGroupAware()) {
        // Then, match nodes on the same rack
        // At last, match all remaining nodes
        return dispatcher.bytesToMove();


       * Decide if the block is a good candidate to be moved from source to target.
       * A block is a good candidate if 
       * 1. the block is not in the process of being moved/has not been moved;
       * 移动的块不是正在被移动的块
       * 2. the block does not have a replica on the target;
       * 在目标节点上没有移动的block块
       * 3. doing the move does not reduce the number of racks that the block has
       * 移动之后,不同机架上的block块的数量应该是不变的.	
      private boolean isGoodBlockCandidate(Source source, StorageGroup target,
          DBlock block) {
        if (source.storageType != target.storageType) {
          return false;
        // check if the block is moved or not
        if (movedBlocks.contains(block.getBlock())) {
          return false;
        if (block.isLocatedOn(target)) {
          return false;
        if (cluster.isNodeGroupAware()
            && isOnSameNodeGroupWithReplicas(target, block, source)) {
          return false;
        if (reduceNumOfRacks(source, target, block)) {
          return false;
        return true;



     * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
     * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
     * distributed with this work for additional information
     * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
     * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
     * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
     * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     * limitations under the License.
    package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.balancer;
    import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.PrintStream;
    import java.net.URI;
    import java.text.DateFormat;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.Collection;
    import java.util.Collections;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.Formatter;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Set;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
    import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
    import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
    import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured;
    import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSUtil;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.HdfsConfiguration;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.StorageType;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.balancer.Dispatcher.DDatanode;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.balancer.Dispatcher.DDatanode.StorageGroup;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.balancer.Dispatcher.Source;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.balancer.Dispatcher.Task;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.balancer.Dispatcher.Util;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockPlacementPolicy;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockPlacementPolicyDefault;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.UnsupportedActionException;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.DatanodeStorageReport;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.StorageReport;
    import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;
    import org.apache.hadoop.util.Time;
    import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool;
    import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner;
    import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
    /** <p>The balancer is a tool that balances disk space usage on an HDFS cluster
     * when some datanodes become full or when new empty nodes join the cluster.
     * The tool is deployed as an application program that can be run by the 
     * cluster administrator on a live HDFS cluster while applications
     * adding and deleting files.
     * <p>SYNOPSIS
     * <pre>
     * To start:
     *      bin/start-balancer.sh [-threshold <threshold>]
     *      Example: bin/ start-balancer.sh 
     *                     start the balancer with a default threshold of 10%
     *               bin/ start-balancer.sh -threshold 5
     *                     start the balancer with a threshold of 5%
     * To stop:
     *      bin/ stop-balancer.sh
     * </pre>
     * <p>The threshold parameter is a fraction in the range of (1%, 100%) with a 
     * default value of 10%. The threshold sets a target for whether the cluster 
     * is balanced. A cluster is balanced if for each datanode, the utilization 
     * of the node (ratio of used space at the node to total capacity of the node) 
     * differs from the utilization of the (ratio of used space in the cluster 
     * to total capacity of the cluster) by no more than the threshold value. 
     * The smaller the threshold, the more balanced a cluster will become. 
     * It takes more time to run the balancer for small threshold values. 
     * Also for a very small threshold the cluster may not be able to reach the 
     * balanced state when applications write and delete files concurrently.
     * <p>The tool moves blocks from highly utilized datanodes to poorly 
     * utilized datanodes iteratively. In each iteration a datanode moves or 
     * receives no more than the lesser of 10G bytes or the threshold fraction 
     * of its capacity. Each iteration runs no more than 20 minutes.
     * 每次移动不超过10G大小,每次移动不超过20分钟。
     * At the end of each iteration, the balancer obtains updated datanodes
     * information from the namenode.
     * <p>A system property that limits the balancer's use of bandwidth is 
     * defined in the default configuration file:
     * <pre>
     * <property>
     *   <name>dfs.balance.bandwidthPerSec</name>
     *   <value>1048576</value>
     * <description>  Specifies the maximum bandwidth that each datanode 
     * can utilize for the balancing purpose in term of the number of bytes 
     * per second. </description>
     * </property>
     * </pre>
     * <p>This property determines the maximum speed at which a block will be 
     * moved from one datanode to another. The default value is 1MB/s. The higher 
     * the bandwidth, the faster a cluster can reach the balanced state, 
     * but with greater competition with application processes. If an 
     * administrator changes the value of this property in the configuration 
     * file, the change is observed when HDFS is next restarted.
     * <p>After the balancer is started, an output file name where the balancer 
     * progress will be recorded is printed on the screen.  The administrator 
     * can monitor the running of the balancer by reading the output file. 
     * The output shows the balancer's status iteration by iteration. In each 
     * iteration it prints the starting time, the iteration number, the total 
     * number of bytes that have been moved in the previous iterations, 
     * the total number of bytes that are left to move in order for the cluster 
     * to be balanced, and the number of bytes that are being moved in this 
     * iteration. Normally "Bytes Already Moved" is increasing while "Bytes Left 
     * To Move" is decreasing.
     * <p>Running multiple instances of the balancer in an HDFS cluster is 
     * prohibited by the tool.
     * <p>The balancer automatically exits when any of the following five 
     * conditions is satisfied:
     * <ol>
     * <li>The cluster is balanced;
     * <li>No block can be moved;
     * <li>No block has been moved for five consecutive(连续) iterations;
     * <li>An IOException occurs while communicating with the namenode;
     * <li>Another balancer is running.
     * </ol>
     * 下面5种情况会导致Balance操作的失败
     * 1、整个集群已经达到平衡状态
     * 2、经过计算发现没有可以被移动的block块
     * 3、在连续5次的迭代中,没有block块被移动
     * 4、当datanode节点与namenode节点通信的时候,发生IO异常
     * 5、已经存在一个Balance操作
     * <p>Upon exit, a balancer returns an exit code and prints one of the 
     * following messages to the output file in corresponding to the above exit 
     * reasons:
     * <ol>
     * <li>The cluster is balanced. Exiting
     * <li>No block can be moved. Exiting...
     * <li>No block has been moved for 5 iterations. Exiting...
     * <li>Received an IO exception: failure reason. Exiting...
     * <li>Another balancer is running. Exiting...
     * </ol>
     * 在下面的5种情况下,balancer操作会自动退出
     * 1、整个集群已经达到平衡的状态
     * 2、经过计算发现没有可以被移动block块
     * 3、在5论的迭代没有block被移动
     * 4、接收端发生了I异常
     * 5、已经存在一个balanr进程在工作
     * <p>The administrator can interrupt the execution of the balancer at any 
     * time by running the command "stop-balancer.sh" on the machine where the 
     * balancer is running.
    public class Balancer {
      static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(Balancer.class);
      private static final Path BALANCER_ID_PATH = new Path("/system/balancer.id");
      private static final long GB = 1L << 30; //1GB
      private static final long MAX_SIZE_TO_MOVE = 10*GB;
      private static final String USAGE = "Usage: java "
          + Balancer.class.getSimpleName()
          + "
    	[-policy <policy>]	the balancing policy: "
          + BalancingPolicy.Node.INSTANCE.getName() + " or "
          + BalancingPolicy.Pool.INSTANCE.getName()
          + "
    	[-threshold <threshold>]	Percentage of disk capacity"
          + "
    	[-exclude [-f <hosts-file> | comma-sperated list of hosts]]"
          + "	Excludes the specified datanodes."
          + "
    	[-include [-f <hosts-file> | comma-sperated list of hosts]]"
          + "	Includes only the specified datanodes.";
      private final Dispatcher dispatcher;
      private final BalancingPolicy policy;
      private final double threshold;
      // all data node lists
      private final Collection<Source> overUtilized = new LinkedList<Source>();
      private final Collection<Source> aboveAvgUtilized = new LinkedList<Source>();
      private final Collection<StorageGroup> belowAvgUtilized
          = new LinkedList<StorageGroup>();
      private final Collection<StorageGroup> underUtilized
          = new LinkedList<StorageGroup>();
      /* Check that this Balancer is compatible(兼容) with the Block Placement Policy
       * used by the Namenode.
       * 检测此balancer均衡工具是否于与目前的namenode节点所用的block存放策略相兼容
      private static void checkReplicationPolicyCompatibility(Configuration conf
          ) throws UnsupportedActionException {
        if (!(BlockPlacementPolicy.getInstance(conf, null, null, null) instanceof 
            BlockPlacementPolicyDefault)) {
          throw new UnsupportedActionException(
              "Balancer without BlockPlacementPolicyDefault");
       * Construct a balancer.
       * Initialize balancer. It sets the value of the threshold, and 
       * builds the communication proxies to
       * namenode as a client and a secondary namenode and retry proxies
       * when connection fails.
       * 构造一个balancer均衡器,设置threshold值,读取配置中的分发线程数的值
      Balancer(NameNodeConnector theblockpool, Parameters p, Configuration conf) {
        final long movedWinWidth = conf.getLong(
        final int moverThreads = conf.getInt(
        final int dispatcherThreads = conf.getInt(
        final int maxConcurrentMovesPerNode = conf.getInt(
        this.dispatcher = new Dispatcher(theblockpool, p.nodesToBeIncluded,
            p.nodesToBeExcluded, movedWinWidth, moverThreads, dispatcherThreads,
            maxConcurrentMovesPerNode, conf);
        this.threshold = p.threshold;
        this.policy = p.policy;
       * 获取节点总容量大小
      private static long getCapacity(DatanodeStorageReport report, StorageType t) {
        long capacity = 0L;
        for(StorageReport r : report.getStorageReports()) {
          if (r.getStorage().getStorageType() == t) {
            capacity += r.getCapacity();
        return capacity;
       * 获取节点剩余可用容量大小 
      private static long getRemaining(DatanodeStorageReport report, StorageType t) {
        long remaining = 0L;
        for(StorageReport r : report.getStorageReports()) {
          if (r.getStorage().getStorageType() == t) {
            remaining += r.getRemaining();
        return remaining;
       * Given a datanode storage set, build a network topology and decide
       * over-utilized storages, above average utilized storages, 
       * below average utilized storages, and underutilized storages. 
       * The input datanode storage set is shuffled in order to randomize
       * to the storage matching later on.
       * 给定一个datanode集合,创建一个网络拓扑逻辑并划分出过度使用,使用率超出平均值,
       * 低于平均值的,以及未能充分利用资源的4种类型
       * @return the number of bytes needed to move in order to balance the cluster.
      private long init(List<DatanodeStorageReport> reports) {
        // 计算平均使用率
        for (DatanodeStorageReport r : reports) {
        long overLoadedBytes = 0L, underLoadedBytes = 0L;
        //进行使用率等级的划分,总共4种,over-utilized, above-average, below-average and under-utilized
        for(DatanodeStorageReport r : reports) {
          final DDatanode dn = dispatcher.newDatanode(r);
          for(StorageType t : StorageType.asList()) {
            final Double utilization = policy.getUtilization(r, t);
            if (utilization == null) { // datanode does not have such storage type 
            final long capacity = getCapacity(r, t);
            final double utilizationDiff = utilization - policy.getAvgUtilization(t);
            final double thresholdDiff = Math.abs(utilizationDiff) - threshold;
            final long maxSize2Move = computeMaxSize2Move(capacity,
                getRemaining(r, t), utilizationDiff, threshold);
            final StorageGroup g;
            if (utilizationDiff > 0) {
              final Source s = dn.addSource(t, maxSize2Move, dispatcher);
              if (thresholdDiff <= 0) { // within threshold
              } else {
                overLoadedBytes += precentage2bytes(thresholdDiff, capacity);
              g = s;
            } else {
              g = dn.addStorageGroup(t, maxSize2Move);
              if (thresholdDiff <= 0) { // within threshold
              } else {
                underLoadedBytes += precentage2bytes(thresholdDiff, capacity);
            == overUtilized.size() + underUtilized.size() + aboveAvgUtilized.size()
               + belowAvgUtilized.size(),
            "Mismatched number of storage groups");
        // return number of bytes to be moved in order to make the cluster balanced
        return Math.max(overLoadedBytes, underLoadedBytes);
      private static long computeMaxSize2Move(final long capacity, final long remaining,
          final double utilizationDiff, final double threshold) {
        final double diff = Math.min(threshold, Math.abs(utilizationDiff));
        long maxSizeToMove = precentage2bytes(diff, capacity);
        if (utilizationDiff < 0) {
          maxSizeToMove = Math.min(remaining, maxSizeToMove);
        return Math.min(MAX_SIZE_TO_MOVE, maxSizeToMove);
      private static long precentage2bytes(double precentage, long capacity) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(precentage >= 0,
            "precentage = " + precentage + " < 0");
        return (long)(precentage * capacity / 100.0);
      /* log the over utilized & under utilized nodes */
      private void logUtilizationCollections() {
        logUtilizationCollection("over-utilized", overUtilized);
        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
          logUtilizationCollection("above-average", aboveAvgUtilized);
          logUtilizationCollection("below-average", belowAvgUtilized);
        logUtilizationCollection("underutilized", underUtilized);
      private static <T extends StorageGroup>
          void logUtilizationCollection(String name, Collection<T> items) {
        LOG.info(items.size() + " " + name + ": " + items);
       * Decide all <source, target> pairs and
       * the number of bytes to move from a source to a target
       * Maximum bytes to be moved per storage group is
       * min(1 Band worth of bytes,  MAX_SIZE_TO_MOVE).
       * 从源节点列表和目标节点列表中各自选择节点组成一个个对,选择顺序优先为同节点组,同机架,然后是针对所有
       * @return total number of bytes to move in this iteration
      private long chooseStorageGroups() {
        // First, match nodes on the same node group if cluster is node group aware
        if (dispatcher.getCluster().isNodeGroupAware()) {
        // Then, match nodes on the same rack
        // At last, match all remaining nodes
        return dispatcher.bytesToMove();
      /** Decide all <source, target> pairs according to the matcher. */
      private void chooseStorageGroups(final Matcher matcher) {
        /* first step: match each overUtilized datanode (source) to
         * one or more underUtilized datanodes (targets).
         * 把over组的数据移动under组中
        chooseStorageGroups(overUtilized, underUtilized, matcher);
        /* match each remaining overutilized datanode (source) to 
         * below average utilized datanodes (targets).
         * Note only overutilized datanodes that haven't had that max bytes to move
         * satisfied in step 1 are selected
         * 把over组的数据移动到below
        chooseStorageGroups(overUtilized, belowAvgUtilized, matcher);
        /* match each remaining underutilized datanode (target) to 
         * above average utilized datanodes (source).
         * Note only underutilized datanodes that have not had that max bytes to
         * move satisfied in step 1 are selected.
         * 然后,再把under组的数据移动一部分到above组中
        chooseStorageGroups(underUtilized, aboveAvgUtilized, matcher);
       * For each datanode, choose matching nodes from the candidates. Either the
       * datanodes or the candidates are source nodes with (utilization > Avg), and
       * the others are target nodes with (utilization < Avg).
      private <G extends StorageGroup, C extends StorageGroup>
          void chooseStorageGroups(Collection<G> groups, Collection<C> candidates,
              Matcher matcher) {
        for(final Iterator<G> i = groups.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
          final G g = i.next();
          for(; choose4One(g, candidates, matcher); );
          if (!g.hasSpaceForScheduling()) {
       * For the given datanode, choose a candidate and then schedule it.
       * @return true if a candidate is chosen; false if no candidates is chosen.
      private <C extends StorageGroup> boolean choose4One(StorageGroup g,
          Collection<C> candidates, Matcher matcher) {
        final Iterator<C> i = candidates.iterator();
        final C chosen = chooseCandidate(g, i, matcher);
        if (chosen == null) {
          return false;
        if (g instanceof Source) {
          matchSourceWithTargetToMove((Source)g, chosen);
        } else {
          matchSourceWithTargetToMove((Source)chosen, g);
        if (!chosen.hasSpaceForScheduling()) {
        return true;
       * 根据源节点和目标节点,构造任务对
      private void matchSourceWithTargetToMove(Source source, StorageGroup target) {
        long size = Math.min(source.availableSizeToMove(), target.availableSizeToMove());
        final Task task = new Task(target, size);
        dispatcher.add(source, target);
        LOG.info("Decided to move "+StringUtils.byteDesc(size)+" bytes from "
            + source.getDisplayName() + " to " + target.getDisplayName());
      /** Choose a candidate for the given datanode. */
      private <G extends StorageGroup, C extends StorageGroup>
          C chooseCandidate(G g, Iterator<C> candidates, Matcher matcher) {
        if (g.hasSpaceForScheduling()) {
          for(; candidates.hasNext(); ) {
            final C c = candidates.next();
            if (!c.hasSpaceForScheduling()) {
            } else if (matcher.match(dispatcher.getCluster(),
                g.getDatanodeInfo(), c.getDatanodeInfo())) {
              return c;
        return null;
      /* reset all fields in a balancer preparing for the next iteration */
      private void resetData(Configuration conf) {
      /** Run an iteration for all datanodes. */
      private ExitStatus run(int iteration, Formatter formatter,
          Configuration conf) {
        try {
          final List<DatanodeStorageReport> reports = dispatcher.init();
          final long bytesLeftToMove = init(reports);
          if (bytesLeftToMove == 0) {
            System.out.println("The cluster is balanced. Exiting...");
            return ExitStatus.SUCCESS;
          } else {
            LOG.info( "Need to move "+ StringUtils.byteDesc(bytesLeftToMove)
                + " to make the cluster balanced." );
          /* Decide all the nodes that will participate in the block move and
           * the number of bytes that need to be moved from one node to another
           * in this iteration. Maximum bytes to be moved per node is
           * Min(1 Band worth of bytes,  MAX_SIZE_TO_MOVE).
          final long bytesToMove = chooseStorageGroups();
          if (bytesToMove == 0) {
            System.out.println("No block can be moved. Exiting...");
            return ExitStatus.NO_MOVE_BLOCK;
          } else {
            LOG.info( "Will move " + StringUtils.byteDesc(bytesToMove) +
                " in this iteration");
          formatter.format("%-24s %10d  %19s  %18s  %17s%n",
              DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(new Date()),
          /* For each pair of <source, target>, start a thread that repeatedly 
           * decide a block to be moved and its proxy source, 
           * then initiates the move until all bytes are moved or no more block
           * available to move.
           * Exit no byte has been moved for 5 consecutive iterations.
           * 如果发现在5次连续的迭代中还是没有字节被移动,则退出
          if (!dispatcher.dispatchAndCheckContinue()) {
            return ExitStatus.NO_MOVE_PROGRESS;
          return ExitStatus.IN_PROGRESS;
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
          System.out.println(e + ".  Exiting ...");
          return ExitStatus.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS;
        } catch (IOException e) {
          System.out.println(e + ".  Exiting ...");
          return ExitStatus.IO_EXCEPTION;
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
          System.out.println(e + ".  Exiting ...");
          return ExitStatus.INTERRUPTED;
        } finally {
       * Balance all namenodes.
       * For each iteration,
       * for each namenode,
       * execute a {@link Balancer} to work through all datanodes once.  
       * 开放给外部调用的run方法
      static int run(Collection<URI> namenodes, final Parameters p,
          Configuration conf) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        final long sleeptime = 2000*conf.getLong(
        LOG.info("namenodes  = " + namenodes);
        LOG.info("parameters = " + p);
        final Formatter formatter = new Formatter(System.out);
        System.out.println("Time Stamp               Iteration#  Bytes Already Moved  Bytes Left To Move  Bytes Being Moved");
        final List<NameNodeConnector> connectors
            = new ArrayList<NameNodeConnector>(namenodes.size());
        try {
          for (URI uri : namenodes) {
            final NameNodeConnector nnc = new NameNodeConnector(
                Balancer.class.getSimpleName(), uri, BALANCER_ID_PATH, conf);
          boolean done = false;
          for(int iteration = 0; !done; iteration++) {
            done = true;
            for(NameNodeConnector nnc : connectors) {
              final Balancer b = new Balancer(nnc, p, conf);
              final ExitStatus r = b.run(iteration, formatter, conf);
              // clean all lists
              if (r == ExitStatus.IN_PROGRESS) {
                done = false;
              } else if (r != ExitStatus.SUCCESS) {
                //must be an error statue, return.
                return r.getExitCode();
            if (!done) {
        } finally {
          for(NameNodeConnector nnc : connectors) {
        return ExitStatus.SUCCESS.getExitCode();
      /* Given elaspedTime in ms, return a printable string */
      private static String time2Str(long elapsedTime) {
        String unit;
        double time = elapsedTime;
        if (elapsedTime < 1000) {
          unit = "milliseconds";
        } else if (elapsedTime < 60*1000) {
          unit = "seconds";
          time = time/1000;
        } else if (elapsedTime < 3600*1000) {
          unit = "minutes";
          time = time/(60*1000);
        } else {
          unit = "hours";
          time = time/(3600*1000);
        return time+" "+unit;
      static class Parameters {
        static final Parameters DEFAULT = new Parameters(
            BalancingPolicy.Node.INSTANCE, 10.0,
            Collections.<String> emptySet(), Collections.<String> emptySet());
        final BalancingPolicy policy;
        final double threshold;
        // exclude the nodes in this set from balancing operations
        Set<String> nodesToBeExcluded;
        //include only these nodes in balancing operations
        Set<String> nodesToBeIncluded;
        Parameters(BalancingPolicy policy, double threshold,
            Set<String> nodesToBeExcluded, Set<String> nodesToBeIncluded) {
          this.policy = policy;
          this.threshold = threshold;
          this.nodesToBeExcluded = nodesToBeExcluded;
          this.nodesToBeIncluded = nodesToBeIncluded;
        public String toString() {
          return Balancer.class.getSimpleName() + "." + getClass().getSimpleName()
              + "[" + policy + ", threshold=" + threshold +
              ", number of nodes to be excluded = "+ nodesToBeExcluded.size() +
              ", number of nodes to be included = "+ nodesToBeIncluded.size() +"]";
      static class Cli extends Configured implements Tool {
         * Parse arguments and then run Balancer.
         * @param args command specific arguments.
         * @return exit code. 0 indicates success, non-zero indicates failure.
        public int run(String[] args) {
          final long startTime = Time.now();
          final Configuration conf = getConf();
          try {
            final Collection<URI> namenodes = DFSUtil.getNsServiceRpcUris(conf);
            return Balancer.run(namenodes, parse(args), conf);
          } catch (IOException e) {
            System.out.println(e + ".  Exiting ...");
            return ExitStatus.IO_EXCEPTION.getExitCode();
          } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            System.out.println(e + ".  Exiting ...");
            return ExitStatus.INTERRUPTED.getExitCode();
          } finally {
            System.out.format("%-24s ", DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(new Date()));
            System.out.println("Balancing took " + time2Str(Time.now()-startTime));
        /** parse command line arguments */
        static Parameters parse(String[] args) {
          BalancingPolicy policy = Parameters.DEFAULT.policy;
          double threshold = Parameters.DEFAULT.threshold;
          Set<String> nodesTobeExcluded = Parameters.DEFAULT.nodesToBeExcluded;
          Set<String> nodesTobeIncluded = Parameters.DEFAULT.nodesToBeIncluded;
          if (args != null) {
            try {
              for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                if ("-threshold".equalsIgnoreCase(args[i])) {
                  checkArgument(++i < args.length,
                    "Threshold value is missing: args = " + Arrays.toString(args));
                  try {
                    threshold = Double.parseDouble(args[i]);
                    if (threshold < 1 || threshold > 100) {
                      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                          "Number out of range: threshold = " + threshold);
                    LOG.info( "Using a threshold of " + threshold );
                  } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
                        "Expecting a number in the range of [1.0, 100.0]: "
                        + args[i]);
                    throw e;
                } else if ("-policy".equalsIgnoreCase(args[i])) {
                  checkArgument(++i < args.length,
                    "Policy value is missing: args = " + Arrays.toString(args));
                  try {
                    policy = BalancingPolicy.parse(args[i]);
                  } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
                    System.err.println("Illegal policy name: " + args[i]);
                    throw e;
                } else if ("-exclude".equalsIgnoreCase(args[i])) {
                  checkArgument(++i < args.length,
                      "List of nodes to exclude | -f <filename> is missing: args = "
                      + Arrays.toString(args));
                  if ("-f".equalsIgnoreCase(args[i])) {
                    checkArgument(++i < args.length,
                        "File containing nodes to exclude is not specified: args = "
                        + Arrays.toString(args));
                    nodesTobeExcluded = Util.getHostListFromFile(args[i], "exclude");
                  } else {
                    nodesTobeExcluded = Util.parseHostList(args[i]);
                } else if ("-include".equalsIgnoreCase(args[i])) {
                  checkArgument(++i < args.length,
                    "List of nodes to include | -f <filename> is missing: args = "
                    + Arrays.toString(args));
                  if ("-f".equalsIgnoreCase(args[i])) {
                    checkArgument(++i < args.length,
                        "File containing nodes to include is not specified: args = "
                        + Arrays.toString(args));
                    nodesTobeIncluded = Util.getHostListFromFile(args[i], "include");
                   } else {
                    nodesTobeIncluded = Util.parseHostList(args[i]);
                } else {
                  throw new IllegalArgumentException("args = "
                      + Arrays.toString(args));
              checkArgument(nodesTobeExcluded.isEmpty() || nodesTobeIncluded.isEmpty(),
                  "-exclude and -include options cannot be specified together.");
            } catch(RuntimeException e) {
              throw e;
          return new Parameters(policy, threshold, nodesTobeExcluded, nodesTobeIncluded);
        private static void printUsage(PrintStream out) {
          out.println(USAGE + "
       * Run a balancer
       * @param args Command line arguments
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        if (DFSUtil.parseHelpArgument(args, USAGE, System.out, true)) {
        try {
          System.exit(ToolRunner.run(new HdfsConfiguration(), new Cli(), args));
        } catch (Throwable e) {
          LOG.error("Exiting balancer due an exception", e);

     * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
     * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
     * distributed with this work for additional information
     * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
     * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
     * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
     * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     * limitations under the License.
    package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.balancer;
    import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocolPB.PBHelper.vintPrefixed;
    import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
    import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
    import java.io.DataInputStream;
    import java.io.DataOutputStream;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.InputStream;
    import java.io.OutputStream;
    import java.net.Socket;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.Collection;
    import java.util.EnumMap;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.HashSet;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.Set;
    import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
    import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
    import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
    import java.util.concurrent.Future;
    import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
    import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
    import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
    import org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeys;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSUtil;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.StorageType;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.Block;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeInfo;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ExtendedBlock;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.HdfsConstants;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.datatransfer.IOStreamPair;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.datatransfer.Sender;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.datatransfer.TrustedChannelResolver;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.datatransfer.sasl.DataTransferSaslUtil;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.datatransfer.sasl.SaslDataTransferClient;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto.DataTransferProtos.BlockOpResponseProto;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto.DataTransferProtos.Status;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.security.token.block.BlockTokenIdentifier;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.balancer.Dispatcher.DDatanode.StorageGroup;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.HdfsServerConstants;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.BlocksWithLocations;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.BlocksWithLocations.BlockWithLocations;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.DatanodeStorageReport;
    import org.apache.hadoop.io.IOUtils;
    import org.apache.hadoop.net.NetUtils;
    import org.apache.hadoop.net.NetworkTopology;
    import org.apache.hadoop.security.token.Token;
    import org.apache.hadoop.util.HostsFileReader;
    import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;
    import org.apache.hadoop.util.Time;
    import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
    /** Dispatching block replica moves between datanodes. */
    public class Dispatcher {
      static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(Dispatcher.class);
      private static final long GB = 1L << 30; // 1GB
      private static final long MAX_BLOCKS_SIZE_TO_FETCH = 2 * GB;
      private static final int MAX_NO_PENDING_MOVE_ITERATIONS = 5;
      private static final long DELAY_AFTER_ERROR = 10 * 1000L; // 10 seconds
      private final NameNodeConnector nnc;
      private final SaslDataTransferClient saslClient;
      /** Set of datanodes to be excluded. */
      private final Set<String> excludedNodes;
      /** Restrict to the following nodes. */
      private final Set<String> includedNodes;
      private final Collection<Source> sources = new HashSet<Source>();
      private final Collection<StorageGroup> targets = new HashSet<StorageGroup>();
      private final GlobalBlockMap globalBlocks = new GlobalBlockMap();
      private final MovedBlocks<StorageGroup> movedBlocks;
      /** Map (datanodeUuid,storageType -> StorageGroup) */
      private final StorageGroupMap storageGroupMap = new StorageGroupMap();
      private NetworkTopology cluster;
      private final ExecutorService moveExecutor;
      private final ExecutorService dispatchExecutor;
      /** The maximum number of concurrent blocks moves at a datanode */
      private final int maxConcurrentMovesPerNode;
      private final AtomicLong bytesMoved = new AtomicLong();
      private static class GlobalBlockMap {
        private final Map<Block, DBlock> map = new HashMap<Block, DBlock>();
         * Get the block from the map;
         * if the block is not found, create a new block and put it in the map.
        private DBlock get(Block b) {
          DBlock block = map.get(b);
          if (block == null) {
            block = new DBlock(b);
            map.put(b, block);
          return block;
        /** Remove all blocks except for the moved blocks. */
        private void removeAllButRetain(MovedBlocks<StorageGroup> movedBlocks) {
          for (Iterator<Block> i = map.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            if (!movedBlocks.contains(i.next())) {
      static class StorageGroupMap {
        private static String toKey(String datanodeUuid, StorageType storageType) {
          return datanodeUuid + ":" + storageType;
        private final Map<String, StorageGroup> map = new HashMap<String, StorageGroup>();
        StorageGroup get(String datanodeUuid, StorageType storageType) {
          return map.get(toKey(datanodeUuid, storageType));
        void put(StorageGroup g) {
          final String key = toKey(g.getDatanodeInfo().getDatanodeUuid(), g.storageType);
          final StorageGroup existing = map.put(key, g);
          Preconditions.checkState(existing == null);
        int size() {
          return map.size();
        void clear() {
      /** This class keeps track of a scheduled block move */
      private class PendingMove {
        private DBlock block;
        private Source source;
        private DDatanode proxySource;
        private StorageGroup target;
        private PendingMove() {
        public String toString() {
          final Block b = block.getBlock();
          return b + " with size=" + b.getNumBytes() + " from "
              + source.getDisplayName() + " to " + target.getDisplayName()
              + " through " + proxySource.datanode;
         * Choose a block & a proxy source for this pendingMove whose source &
         * target have already been chosen.
         * @return true if a block and its proxy are chosen; false otherwise
        private boolean chooseBlockAndProxy() {
          // iterate all source's blocks until find a good one
          for (Iterator<DBlock> i = source.getBlockIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            if (markMovedIfGoodBlock(i.next())) {
              return true;
          return false;
         * @return true if the given block is good for the tentative move.
        private boolean markMovedIfGoodBlock(DBlock block) {
          synchronized (block) {
            synchronized (movedBlocks) {
              if (isGoodBlockCandidate(source, target, block)) {
                this.block = block;
                if (chooseProxySource()) {
                  if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("Decided to move " + this);
                  return true;
          return false;
         * Choose a proxy source.
         * @return true if a proxy is found; otherwise false
        private boolean chooseProxySource() {
          final DatanodeInfo targetDN = target.getDatanodeInfo();
          // if node group is supported, first try add nodes in the same node group
          if (cluster.isNodeGroupAware()) {
            for (StorageGroup loc : block.getLocations()) {
              if (cluster.isOnSameNodeGroup(loc.getDatanodeInfo(), targetDN)
                  && addTo(loc)) {
                return true;
          // check if there is replica which is on the same rack with the target
          for (StorageGroup loc : block.getLocations()) {
            if (cluster.isOnSameRack(loc.getDatanodeInfo(), targetDN) && addTo(loc)) {
              return true;
          // find out a non-busy replica
          for (StorageGroup loc : block.getLocations()) {
            if (addTo(loc)) {
              return true;
          return false;
        /** add to a proxy source for specific block movement */
        private boolean addTo(StorageGroup g) {
          final DDatanode dn = g.getDDatanode();
          if (dn.addPendingBlock(this)) {
            proxySource = dn;
            return true;
          return false;
        /** Dispatch the move to the proxy source & wait for the response. */
        private void dispatch() {
          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Start moving " + this);
          Socket sock = new Socket();
          DataOutputStream out = null;
          DataInputStream in = null;
          try {
            OutputStream unbufOut = sock.getOutputStream();
            InputStream unbufIn = sock.getInputStream();
            ExtendedBlock eb = new ExtendedBlock(nnc.getBlockpoolID(),
            final KeyManager km = nnc.getKeyManager(); 
            Token<BlockTokenIdentifier> accessToken = km.getAccessToken(eb);
            IOStreamPair saslStreams = saslClient.socketSend(sock, unbufOut,
                unbufIn, km, accessToken, target.getDatanodeInfo());
            unbufOut = saslStreams.out;
            unbufIn = saslStreams.in;
            out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(unbufOut,
            in = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(unbufIn,
            sendRequest(out, eb, accessToken);
            LOG.info("Successfully moved " + this);
          } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.warn("Failed to move " + this + ": " + e.getMessage());
            // Proxy or target may have some issues, delay before using these nodes
            // further in order to avoid a potential storm of "threads quota
            // exceeded" warnings when the dispatcher gets out of sync with work
            // going on in datanodes.
          } finally {
            synchronized (this) {
            synchronized (Dispatcher.this) {
        /** Send a block replace request to the output stream */
        private void sendRequest(DataOutputStream out, ExtendedBlock eb,
            Token<BlockTokenIdentifier> accessToken) throws IOException {
          new Sender(out).replaceBlock(eb, target.storageType, accessToken,
              source.getDatanodeInfo().getDatanodeUuid(), proxySource.datanode);
        /** Receive a block copy response from the input stream */
        private void receiveResponse(DataInputStream in) throws IOException {
          BlockOpResponseProto response =
          while (response.getStatus() == Status.IN_PROGRESS) {
            // read intermediate responses
            response = BlockOpResponseProto.parseFrom(vintPrefixed(in));
          if (response.getStatus() != Status.SUCCESS) {
            if (response.getStatus() == Status.ERROR_ACCESS_TOKEN) {
              throw new IOException("block move failed due to access token error");
            throw new IOException("block move is failed: " + response.getMessage());
        /** reset the object */
        private void reset() {
          block = null;
          source = null;
          proxySource = null;
          target = null;
      /** A class for keeping track of block locations in the dispatcher. */
      private static class DBlock extends MovedBlocks.Locations<StorageGroup> {
        DBlock(Block block) {
      /** The class represents a desired move. */
      static class Task {
        private final StorageGroup target;
        private long size; // bytes scheduled to move
        Task(StorageGroup target, long size) {
          this.target = target;
          this.size = size;
        long getSize() {
          return size;
      /** A class that keeps track of a datanode. */
      static class DDatanode {
        /** A group of storages in a datanode with the same storage type. */
        class StorageGroup {
          final StorageType storageType;
          final long maxSize2Move;
          private long scheduledSize = 0L;
          private StorageGroup(StorageType storageType, long maxSize2Move) {
            this.storageType = storageType;
            this.maxSize2Move = maxSize2Move;
          private DDatanode getDDatanode() {
            return DDatanode.this;
          DatanodeInfo getDatanodeInfo() {
            return DDatanode.this.datanode;
          /** Decide if still need to move more bytes */
          synchronized boolean hasSpaceForScheduling() {
            return availableSizeToMove() > 0L;
          /** @return the total number of bytes that need to be moved */
          synchronized long availableSizeToMove() {
            return maxSize2Move - scheduledSize;
          /** increment scheduled size */
          synchronized void incScheduledSize(long size) {
            scheduledSize += size;
          /** @return scheduled size */
          synchronized long getScheduledSize() {
            return scheduledSize;
          /** Reset scheduled size to zero. */
          synchronized void resetScheduledSize() {
            scheduledSize = 0L;
          /** @return the name for display */
          String getDisplayName() {
            return datanode + ":" + storageType;
          public String toString() {
            return getDisplayName();
        final DatanodeInfo datanode;
        final EnumMap<StorageType, StorageGroup> storageMap
            = new EnumMap<StorageType, StorageGroup>(StorageType.class);
        protected long delayUntil = 0L;
        /** blocks being moved but not confirmed yet */
        private final List<PendingMove> pendings;
        private final int maxConcurrentMoves;
        public String toString() {
          return getClass().getSimpleName() + ":" + datanode + ":" + storageMap.values();
        private DDatanode(DatanodeStorageReport r, int maxConcurrentMoves) {
          this.datanode = r.getDatanodeInfo();
          this.maxConcurrentMoves = maxConcurrentMoves;
          this.pendings = new ArrayList<PendingMove>(maxConcurrentMoves);
        private void put(StorageType storageType, StorageGroup g) {
          final StorageGroup existing = storageMap.put(storageType, g);
          Preconditions.checkState(existing == null);
        StorageGroup addStorageGroup(StorageType storageType, long maxSize2Move) {
          final StorageGroup g = new StorageGroup(storageType, maxSize2Move);
          put(storageType, g);
          return g;
        Source addSource(StorageType storageType, long maxSize2Move, Dispatcher d) {
          final Source s = d.new Source(storageType, maxSize2Move, this);
          put(storageType, s);
          return s;
        synchronized private void activateDelay(long delta) {
          delayUntil = Time.monotonicNow() + delta;
        synchronized private boolean isDelayActive() {
          if (delayUntil == 0 || Time.monotonicNow() > delayUntil) {
            delayUntil = 0;
            return false;
          return true;
        /** Check if the node can schedule more blocks to move */
        synchronized boolean isPendingQNotFull() {
          return pendings.size() < maxConcurrentMoves;
        /** Check if all the dispatched moves are done */
        synchronized boolean isPendingQEmpty() {
          return pendings.isEmpty();
        /** Add a scheduled block move to the node */
        synchronized boolean addPendingBlock(PendingMove pendingBlock) {
          if (!isDelayActive() && isPendingQNotFull()) {
            return pendings.add(pendingBlock);
          return false;
        /** Remove a scheduled block move from the node */
        synchronized boolean removePendingBlock(PendingMove pendingBlock) {
          return pendings.remove(pendingBlock);
      /** A node that can be the sources of a block move */
      class Source extends DDatanode.StorageGroup {
        private final List<Task> tasks = new ArrayList<Task>(2);
        private long blocksToReceive = 0L;
         * Source blocks point to the objects in {@link Dispatcher#globalBlocks}
         * because we want to keep one copy of a block and be aware that the
         * locations are changing over time.
        private final List<DBlock> srcBlocks = new ArrayList<DBlock>();
        private Source(StorageType storageType, long maxSize2Move, DDatanode dn) {
          dn.super(storageType, maxSize2Move);
        /** Add a task */
        void addTask(Task task) {
          Preconditions.checkState(task.target != this,
              "Source and target are the same storage group " + getDisplayName());
        /** @return an iterator to this source's blocks */
        Iterator<DBlock> getBlockIterator() {
          return srcBlocks.iterator();
         * Fetch new blocks of this source from namenode and update this source's
         * block list & {@link Dispatcher#globalBlocks}.
         * @return the total size of the received blocks in the number of bytes.
        private long getBlockList() throws IOException {
          final long size = Math.min(MAX_BLOCKS_SIZE_TO_FETCH, blocksToReceive);
          final BlocksWithLocations newBlocks = nnc.getBlocks(getDatanodeInfo(), size);
          long bytesReceived = 0;
          for (BlockWithLocations blk : newBlocks.getBlocks()) {
            bytesReceived += blk.getBlock().getNumBytes();
            synchronized (globalBlocks) {
              final DBlock block = globalBlocks.get(blk.getBlock());
              synchronized (block) {
                // update locations
                final String[] datanodeUuids = blk.getDatanodeUuids();
                final StorageType[] storageTypes = blk.getStorageTypes();
                for (int i = 0; i < datanodeUuids.length; i++) {
                  final StorageGroup g = storageGroupMap.get(
                      datanodeUuids[i], storageTypes[i]);
                  if (g != null) { // not unknown
              if (!srcBlocks.contains(block) && isGoodBlockCandidate(block)) {
                // filter bad candidates
          return bytesReceived;
        /** Decide if the given block is a good candidate to move or not */
        private boolean isGoodBlockCandidate(DBlock block) {
          for (Task t : tasks) {
            if (Dispatcher.this.isGoodBlockCandidate(this, t.target, block)) {
              return true;
          return false;
         * Choose a move for the source. The block's source, target, and proxy
         * are determined too. When choosing proxy and target, source &
         * target throttling has been considered. They are chosen only when they
         * have the capacity to support this block move. The block should be
         * dispatched immediately after this method is returned.
         * @return a move that's good for the source to dispatch immediately.
        private PendingMove chooseNextMove() {
          for (Iterator<Task> i = tasks.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            final Task task = i.next();
            final DDatanode target = task.target.getDDatanode();
            PendingMove pendingBlock = new PendingMove();
            if (target.addPendingBlock(pendingBlock)) {
              // target is not busy, so do a tentative block allocation
              pendingBlock.source = this;
              pendingBlock.target = task.target;
              if (pendingBlock.chooseBlockAndProxy()) {
                long blockSize = pendingBlock.block.getNumBytes();
                task.size -= blockSize;
                if (task.size == 0) {
                return pendingBlock;
              } else {
                // cancel the tentative move
          return null;
        /** Iterate all source's blocks to remove moved ones */
        private void removeMovedBlocks() {
          for (Iterator<DBlock> i = getBlockIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            if (movedBlocks.contains(i.next().getBlock())) {
        private static final int SOURCE_BLOCKS_MIN_SIZE = 5;
        /** @return if should fetch more blocks from namenode */
        private boolean shouldFetchMoreBlocks() {
          return srcBlocks.size() < SOURCE_BLOCKS_MIN_SIZE && blocksToReceive > 0;
        private static final long MAX_ITERATION_TIME = 20 * 60 * 1000L; // 20 mins
         * This method iteratively does the following: it first selects a block to
         * move, then sends a request to the proxy source to start the block move
         * when the source's block list falls below a threshold, it asks the
         * namenode for more blocks. It terminates when it has dispatch enough block
         * move tasks or it has received enough blocks from the namenode, or the
         * elapsed time of the iteration has exceeded the max time limit.
        private void dispatchBlocks() {
          final long startTime = Time.monotonicNow();
          this.blocksToReceive = 2 * getScheduledSize();
          boolean isTimeUp = false;
          int noPendingMoveIteration = 0;
          while (!isTimeUp && getScheduledSize() > 0
              && (!srcBlocks.isEmpty() || blocksToReceive > 0)) {
            final PendingMove p = chooseNextMove();
            if (p != null) {
              // move the block
              moveExecutor.execute(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
            // Since we cannot schedule any block to move,
            // remove any moved blocks from the source block list and
            removeMovedBlocks(); // filter already moved blocks
            // check if we should fetch more blocks from the namenode
            if (shouldFetchMoreBlocks()) {
              // fetch new blocks
              try {
                blocksToReceive -= getBlockList();
              } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.warn("Exception while getting block list", e);
            } else {
              // source node cannot find a pending block to move, iteration +1
              // in case no blocks can be moved for source node's task,
              // jump out of while-loop after 5 iterations.
              if (noPendingMoveIteration >= MAX_NO_PENDING_MOVE_ITERATIONS) {
            // check if time is up or not
            if (Time.monotonicNow() - startTime > MAX_ITERATION_TIME) {
              isTimeUp = true;
            // Now we can not schedule any block to move and there are
            // no new blocks added to the source block list, so we wait.
            try {
              synchronized (Dispatcher.this) {
                Dispatcher.this.wait(1000); // wait for targets/sources to be idle
            } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
      public Dispatcher(NameNodeConnector nnc, Set<String> includedNodes,
          Set<String> excludedNodes, long movedWinWidth, int moverThreads,
          int dispatcherThreads, int maxConcurrentMovesPerNode, Configuration conf) {
        this.nnc = nnc;
        this.excludedNodes = excludedNodes;
        this.includedNodes = includedNodes;
        this.movedBlocks = new MovedBlocks<StorageGroup>(movedWinWidth);
        this.cluster = NetworkTopology.getInstance(conf);
        this.moveExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(moverThreads);
        this.dispatchExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(dispatcherThreads);
        this.maxConcurrentMovesPerNode = maxConcurrentMovesPerNode;
        final boolean fallbackToSimpleAuthAllowed = conf.getBoolean(
        this.saslClient = new SaslDataTransferClient(
            TrustedChannelResolver.getInstance(conf), fallbackToSimpleAuthAllowed);
      StorageGroupMap getStorageGroupMap() {
        return storageGroupMap;
      NetworkTopology getCluster() {
        return cluster;
      long getBytesMoved() {
        return bytesMoved.get();
      long bytesToMove() {
            storageGroupMap.size() >= sources.size() + targets.size(),
            "Mismatched number of storage groups (" + storageGroupMap.size()
                + " < " + sources.size() + " sources + " + targets.size()
                + " targets)");
        long b = 0L;
        for (Source src : sources) {
          b += src.getScheduledSize();
        return b;
      void add(Source source, StorageGroup target) {
      private boolean shouldIgnore(DatanodeInfo dn) {
        // ignore decommissioned nodes
        final boolean decommissioned = dn.isDecommissioned();
        // ignore decommissioning nodes
        final boolean decommissioning = dn.isDecommissionInProgress();
        // ignore nodes in exclude list
        final boolean excluded = Util.isExcluded(excludedNodes, dn);
        // ignore nodes not in the include list (if include list is not empty)
        final boolean notIncluded = !Util.isIncluded(includedNodes, dn);
        if (decommissioned || decommissioning || excluded || notIncluded) {
          if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            LOG.trace("Excluding datanode " + dn + ": " + decommissioned + ", "
                + decommissioning + ", " + excluded + ", " + notIncluded);
          return true;
        return false;
      /** Get live datanode storage reports and then build the network topology. */
      List<DatanodeStorageReport> init() throws IOException {
        final DatanodeStorageReport[] reports = nnc.getLiveDatanodeStorageReport();
        final List<DatanodeStorageReport> trimmed = new ArrayList<DatanodeStorageReport>(); 
        // create network topology and classify utilization collections:
        // over-utilized, above-average, below-average and under-utilized.
        for (DatanodeStorageReport r : DFSUtil.shuffle(reports)) {
          final DatanodeInfo datanode = r.getDatanodeInfo();
          if (shouldIgnore(datanode)) {
        return trimmed;
      public DDatanode newDatanode(DatanodeStorageReport r) {
        return new DDatanode(r, maxConcurrentMovesPerNode);
      public boolean dispatchAndCheckContinue() throws InterruptedException {
        return nnc.shouldContinue(dispatchBlockMoves());
       * Dispatch block moves for each source. The thread selects blocks to move &
       * sends request to proxy source to initiate block move. The process is flow
       * controlled. Block selection is blocked if there are too many un-confirmed
       * block moves.
       * @return the total number of bytes successfully moved in this iteration.
      private long dispatchBlockMoves() throws InterruptedException {
        final long bytesLastMoved = bytesMoved.get();
        final Future<?>[] futures = new Future<?>[sources.size()];
        final Iterator<Source> i = sources.iterator();
        for (int j = 0; j < futures.length; j++) {
          final Source s = i.next();
          futures[j] = dispatchExecutor.submit(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
        // wait for all dispatcher threads to finish
        for (Future<?> future : futures) {
          try {
          } catch (ExecutionException e) {
            LOG.warn("Dispatcher thread failed", e.getCause());
        // wait for all block moving to be done
        return bytesMoved.get() - bytesLastMoved;
      /** The sleeping period before checking if block move is completed again */
      static private long blockMoveWaitTime = 30000L;
      /** set the sleeping period for block move completion check */
      static void setBlockMoveWaitTime(long time) {
        blockMoveWaitTime = time;
      /** Wait for all block move confirmations. */
      private void waitForMoveCompletion() {
        for(;;) {
          boolean empty = true;
          for (StorageGroup t : targets) {
            if (!t.getDDatanode().isPendingQEmpty()) {
              empty = false;
          if (empty) {
            return; //all pending queues are empty
          try {
          } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
       * Decide if the block is a good candidate to be moved from source to target.
       * A block is a good candidate if 
       * 1. the block is not in the process of being moved/has not been moved;
       * 移动的块不是正在被移动的块
       * 2. the block does not have a replica on the target;
       * 在目标节点上没有移动的block块
       * 3. doing the move does not reduce the number of racks that the block has
       * 移动之后,不同机架上的block块的数量应该是不变的.	
      private boolean isGoodBlockCandidate(Source source, StorageGroup target,
          DBlock block) {
        if (source.storageType != target.storageType) {
          return false;
        // check if the block is moved or not
        if (movedBlocks.contains(block.getBlock())) {
          return false;
        if (block.isLocatedOn(target)) {
          return false;
        if (cluster.isNodeGroupAware()
            && isOnSameNodeGroupWithReplicas(target, block, source)) {
          return false;
        if (reduceNumOfRacks(source, target, block)) {
          return false;
        return true;
       * Determine whether moving the given block replica from source to target
       * would reduce the number of racks of the block replicas.
      private boolean reduceNumOfRacks(Source source, StorageGroup target,
          DBlock block) {
        final DatanodeInfo sourceDn = source.getDatanodeInfo();
        if (cluster.isOnSameRack(sourceDn, target.getDatanodeInfo())) {
          // source and target are on the same rack
          return false;
        boolean notOnSameRack = true;
        synchronized (block) {
          for (StorageGroup loc : block.getLocations()) {
            if (cluster.isOnSameRack(loc.getDatanodeInfo(), target.getDatanodeInfo())) {
              notOnSameRack = false;
        if (notOnSameRack) {
          // target is not on the same rack as any replica
          return false;
        for (StorageGroup g : block.getLocations()) {
          if (g != source && cluster.isOnSameRack(g.getDatanodeInfo(), sourceDn)) {
            // source is on the same rack of another replica
            return false;
        return true;
       * Check if there are any replica (other than source) on the same node group
       * with target. If true, then target is not a good candidate for placing
       * specific replica as we don't want 2 replicas under the same nodegroup.
       * @return true if there are any replica (other than source) on the same node
       *         group with target
      private boolean isOnSameNodeGroupWithReplicas(
          StorageGroup target, DBlock block, Source source) {
        final DatanodeInfo targetDn = target.getDatanodeInfo();
        for (StorageGroup g : block.getLocations()) {
          if (g != source && cluster.isOnSameNodeGroup(g.getDatanodeInfo(), targetDn)) {
            return true;
        return false;
      /** Reset all fields in order to prepare for the next iteration */
      void reset(Configuration conf) {
        cluster = NetworkTopology.getInstance(conf);
      /** shutdown thread pools */
      void shutdownNow() {
      static class Util {
        /** @return true if data node is part of the excludedNodes. */
        static boolean isExcluded(Set<String> excludedNodes, DatanodeInfo dn) {
          return isIn(excludedNodes, dn);
         * @return true if includedNodes is empty or data node is part of the
         *         includedNodes.
        static boolean isIncluded(Set<String> includedNodes, DatanodeInfo dn) {
          return (includedNodes.isEmpty() || isIn(includedNodes, dn));
         * Match is checked using host name , ip address with and without port
         * number.
         * @return true if the datanode's transfer address matches the set of nodes.
        private static boolean isIn(Set<String> datanodes, DatanodeInfo dn) {
          return isIn(datanodes, dn.getPeerHostName(), dn.getXferPort())
              || isIn(datanodes, dn.getIpAddr(), dn.getXferPort())
              || isIn(datanodes, dn.getHostName(), dn.getXferPort());
        /** @return true if nodes contains host or host:port */
        private static boolean isIn(Set<String> nodes, String host, int port) {
          if (host == null) {
            return false;
          return (nodes.contains(host) || nodes.contains(host + ":" + port));
         * Parse a comma separated string to obtain set of host names
         * @return set of host names
        static Set<String> parseHostList(String string) {
          String[] addrs = StringUtils.getTrimmedStrings(string);
          return new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(addrs));
         * Read set of host names from a file
         * @return set of host names
        static Set<String> getHostListFromFile(String fileName, String type) {
          Set<String> nodes = new HashSet<String>();
          try {
            HostsFileReader.readFileToSet(type, fileName, nodes);
            return StringUtils.getTrimmedStrings(nodes);
          } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Failed to read host list from file: " + fileName);

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bianqi/p/12183922.html
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