(git需要git.exe在路径上,而不是google的depot tools里面的git.bat。那样python就不能运行git了,需要加上shell=ture)
可以用chocolate或者scoop安装。安装方法在 :https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install/
npm i -g @electron/build-tools
3, 源码下载并且编译构建
- e init --root=~/electron --bootstrap testing
`--root=~/electron/branch` (e.g. `~/electron-gn/master`)
e init
一般都要起个名字,如branch7,chocolate,随意。以后切换版本用: e use branch7.
# making 'release' and 'testing' builds from master $ e init master-testing -i testing --root=~/src/electron Creating '~/src/electron' New build config 'master-testing' created Now using config 'master-testing' $ e show current master-testing $ e init master-release -i release --root=~/src/electron INFO Root '~/src/electron' already exists. INFO (OK if you are sharing $root between multiple build configs) New build config 'master-release' created Now using config 'master-release' $ e show configs * master-release master-testing $ e show current master-release $ e show root ~/src/electron $ e use master-testing Now using config 'master-testing' $ e show current master-testing $ e show root ~/src/electron
e init --bootstrap 会全做,包括同步,构建。
- e sync
{ "goma": "none", "root": "C:\dev\electron7", "origin": { "electron": "git@github.com:electron/electron.git", "node": "git@github.com:electron/node.git" }, "gen": { "args": [ "import("//electron/build/args/testing.gn")" ], "out": "Testing" }, "env": { "CHROMIUM_BUILDTOOLS_PATH": "C:\dev\electron7\src\buildtools", "GIT_CACHE_PATH": "C:\Users\Administrator\.git_cache", "DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN": 0 } }
和depot_tools 使用目录有关的源码在 .electron_build_toolssrc下:
等同gclient sync。同步源码,依赖。可以切换分支????不知道怎么做。
下载想要的分支,用 git branch -vv 可以看到本地分支关联的是哪个远程分支。 修改 .gclient 里面的url: https//github/electron/electron@7-3-x 删除掉已经下载的src目录。重新同步代码: e sync -vvvv 可以看到是指定的分支下载了。 因为用的unmanaged,所以切换分支是不行的,以前unmanaged就丢掉了。 是不是需要先upstream到远程分支。再操作。
$ e sync Running "gclient sync --with_branch_heads --with_tags" in '~/src/electron/src' [sync output omitted]
-v 或者 -vvvv输出更多信息。
e sync -vvvv --revision 7-3-x
- e build [target] -v
Target | Description |
breakpad | Builds the breakpad dump_syms binary |
chromedriver | Builds the chromedriver binary |
electron | Builds the Electron binary (Default) |
electron:dist | Builds the Electron binary and generates a dist zip file |
mksnapshot | Builds the mksnapshot binary |
node:headers | Builds the node headers .tar.gz file |
rem set PATH=D:develectron7srcoutTesting;%PATH% set DEPOT_TOOLS_DIR=D:develectron-masterelectrondepot_tools set DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN=0 set GIT_CACHE_PATH=D:\dev\.git_cache
set depot-tools=D:develectron-masterelectrondepot_tools
set PATH=%depot-tools%ootstrap-3_8_0_chromium_8_binpythoninscripts;%PATH%
e --helpe help <cmd>
nvm | e | Description |
nvm ls | e show configs | 显示配置Show the available configurations |
nvm current | e show current | 显示版本Show which configuration is currently in use |
nvm use <name> | e use <name> | 切换分支Change which configuration is currently in use |
Using Electron
After you've built Electron, it's time to use it!
Command | Description |
e start | Run the Electron build |
e node | Run the Electron build as Node |
e debug | Run the Electron build in a debugger |
e test | Run Electron's spec runner |
As usual, any extra args are passed along to the executable. For example, e node --version
will print out Electron's node version.
e debug
Runs your local Electron build inside of lldb or gdb.
$ uname
$ e debug
Reading symbols from /home/yourname/electron/gn/master/src/out/Testing/electron...
$ uname
$ e debug
target create "/Users/yourname/electron-gn/src/out/Testing/Electron.app/Contents/MacOS/Electron"
e test
Starts the local Electron build's test runner. Any extra args are passed along to the runner.
# run all tests
e test
# run main process tests
e test --runners=main
Possible extra arguments to pass:
- Run Node.js' own tests with Electron inRUN_AS_NODE
- The set of tests to run, can be eithermain
, ornative
Getting Information
e show
shows information about the current build config.
Command | Description |
e show current | The name of the active build config |
e show configs | Lists all build configs |
e show env | Show environment variables injected by the active build config |
e show exe | The path of the built Electron executable |
e show root | The path of the root directory from e init --root . |
e show src [name] | The path of the named (default: electron) source dir |
e show stats | Build statistics |
Example usage:
$ uname
$ e show exe
$ uname
$ e show exe
$ e show out
$ e show src
$ cd `e show src base` && pwd
$ ripgrep --t h TakeHeapSnapshot `e show src`
e open <commit | issue | PR>
Opens the GitHub page for the specified commit, pull request, or issue.
For example, e open 0920d01
will find the commit with an abbreviated sha1 of 0920d01
, see that it's associated with pull request #23450, and open https://github.com/electron/electron/pull/23450 in your browser. Since you can pass in a pull request or issue number as well, e open 23450
would have the same effect.
e patches [patch-dir]
Exports patches to the desired patch folder in Electron source tree.
Valid patch directories can include:
Command | Source Directory | Patch Directory |
e patches node | src/third_party/electron_node |
src/electron/patches/node |
e patches chromium | src |
src/electron/patches/chromium |
e patches boringssl | src/third_party/boringssl/src |
src/electron/patches/boringssl |
e patches v8 | src/v8 |
src/electron/patches/v8 |
e patches perfetto | src/third_party/perfetto |
src/electron/patches/perfetto |
e patches icu | src/third_party/icu |
src/electron/patches/icu |
Advanced Usage
Per-Session Active Configs
If you want your shell sessions to each have different active configs, try this in your ~/.profile
or ~/.zshrc
or ~/.bashrc
export EVM_CURRENT_FILE="$(mktemp --tmpdir evm-current.XXXXXXXX.txt)"
This will create per-shell temporary files in which he active config file can be changed with e use
C:dev>e init --root=develectron mymaster WARN A fixable error has occurred --> git config --global core.filemode must be set to false. Do you want build-tools to try fix this for you? [y/n]: y Running "git config --global core.filemode false" WARN A fixable error has occurred --> git config --global core.autocrlf must be set to false. Do you want build-tools to try fix this for you? [y/n]: y Running "git config --global core.autocrlf false" WARN A fixable error has occurred --> git config --global branch.autosetuprebase must be set to always. Do you want build-tools to try fix this for you? [y/n]: y Running "git config --global branch.autosetuprebase always" WARN A fixable error has occurred --> A required dependency "choco" could not be located, it probably has to be installed. Do you want build-tools to try fix this for you? [y/n]: y Running "powershell -Command Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))" WARN A fixable error has occurred --> A required dependency "python" could not be located, it probably has to be installed. Do you want build-tools to try fix this for you? [y/n]: y Running "choco install python2 --yes" WARN A fixable error has occurred --> A required dependency "pywin32" could not be located, it probably has to be installed. Do you want build-tools to try fix this for you? [y/n]: y Running "choco install pywin32 --yes"
C:dev>e init --root=develectron mymaster Creating develectron Cloning "depot_tools" into C:UsersAdministrator.electron_build_tools hird_partydepot_tools Updating C:UsersAdministrator.electron_build_tools hird_partydepot_tools Running "cmd.exe /c C:UsersAdministrator.electron_build_tools hird_partydepot_toolsupdate_depot_tools.bat" Downloading CIPD client for windows-amd64 from https://chrome-infra-packages.appspot.com/client?platform=windows-amd64&version=git_revision:9f9afb5ef6ef9d4887e8aa2bb617dfdd798f8005... Running "python C:UsersAdministrator.electron_build_tools hird_partydepot_toolsgclient.py config --name src/electron --unmanaged https://github.com/electron/electron" in develectron Creating C:UsersAdministrator.electron_build_toolsconfigs New build config mymaster created in C:UsersAdministrator.electron_build_toolsconfigsevm.mymaster.json Now using config mymaster