create table student( s_id string comment '学生编号', s_name string comment '学生姓名', s_birth string comment '学生生日', s_sex string comment '学生性别') comment '学生表' row format delimited fields terminated by ' ';
create table score(
s_id string comment '学生编号',
c_id string comment '课程编号',
s_score int comment '分数') comment '课程表'
row format delimited
fields terminated by ' ';
create table course(
c_id string comment '学生编号',
c_name string comment '课程名称',
t_id string comment '教师编号') comment '课程表'
row format delimited
fields terminated by ' ';
create table teacher(
t_id string comment '教师编号',
t_name string comment '教师姓名') comment '教师表'
row format delimited
fields terminated by ' ';
[root@ke04 0516]# cat student 01 赵雷 1990-01-01 男 02 张三 1990-12-21 男 03 迪丽热巴 2000-01-01 女 04 雪见 2005-03-04 女 05 梅超风 1988-04-06 女 06 李云龙 1999-12-12 男 07 蒸煮 1989-07-01 男 08 王菊 1990-01-20 女
[root@ke04 0516]# cat score
01 01 80
01 02 90
01 03 99
02 01 70
02 02 60
02 03 80
03 01 80
03 02 80
03 03 80
04 01 50
04 02 30
04 03 20
05 01 76
05 02 87
06 01 31
06 03 34
07 02 89
07 03 98
[root@ke04 0516]# cat course
01 语文 02
02 数学 01
03 英语 03
[root@ke04 0516]# cat teacher
01 张三
02 李四
03 王五
load data local inpath '/tmp/bigdata/0516/student' into table student; load data local inpath '/tmp/bigdata/0516/score' into table score; load data local inpath '/tmp/bigdata/0516/course' into table course; load data local inpath '/tmp/bigdata/0516/teacher' into table teacher;
select stu.*, a.s_score as 01_score, b.s_score as 02_score from student stu join score a on stu.s_id = a.s_id and a.c_id = '01' join score b on stu.s_id = b.s_id and b.c_id = '02' where a.s_score > b.s_score; 02 张三 1990-12-21 男 70 60 04 雪见 2005-03-04 女 50 30 方案二: hive不支持子查询 所以查询报错 select stu.* from student stu where stu.s_id in (select a.s_id from score a where a.c_id = '01' and a.s_score > (select max(b.s_score) from score b where b.c_id = '02'));
2. 查询平均成绩大于等于60分的同学的学生编号和学生姓名和平均成绩
select stu.s_id, stu.s_name, round(avg(score.s_score), 1) as avg from student stu join score b on stu.s_id=b.s_id group by stu.s_id,stu.s_name having avg >=60; select stu.s_id, stu.s_name, tmp.avgscore as score from student stu join (select score.s_id, round(avg(score.s_score), 1) as avgscore from score group by s_id) as tmp on tmp.s_id = stu.s_id where tmp.avgscore >= 60; 01 赵雷 89.7 02 张三 70.0 03 迪丽热巴 80.0 05 梅超风 81.5 07 蒸煮 93.5
hive不支持not in, 可以使用1. left join isnull 2.not exist 解决 select stu2.s_id, stu2.s_name, 0 as avgScore from student stu2 where stu2.s_id not in (select distinct(sc2.s_id) from score sc2); 替换一: select stu2.s_id, stu2.s_name, 0 as avgScore from student stu2 left join score sc2 on stu2.s_id = sc2.s_id where sc2.s_id is null; 替换二: select stu2.s_id, stu2.s_name, 0 as avgScore from student stu2 where not exists (select distinct(sc2.s_id) from score sc2 where sc2.s_id = stu2.s_id); 方案一: select stu.s_id, stu.s_name, tmp.avgScore from student as stu join (select sc.s_id, round(avg(sc.s_score), 1) as avgScore from score sc group by sc.s_id having round(avg(sc.s_score), 1) < 60 ) as tmp on stu.s_id = tmp.s_id union all select stu2.s_id, stu2.s_name, 0 as avgScore from student stu2 left join score sc2 on stu2.s_id = sc2.s_id where sc2.s_id is null; 方案二: having不支持别名查询 select stu.s_id, stu.s_name, round(avg(sc.s_score), 1) avgScore from student stu join score sc on stu.s_id = sc.s_id group by stu.s_id, stu.s_name having round(avg(sc.s_score), 1) < 60 union all select stu2.s_id, stu2.s_name, 0 as avgScore from student stu2 where not exists (select distinct(sc2.s_id) from score sc2 where sc2.s_id = stu2.s_id); 08 王菊 0.0 04 雪见 33.3 06 李云龙 32.5
select t_name, count(1) from teacher where t_name like '李%' group by t_name; 李四 1
select stu.s_id, stu.s_name, count(sc.c_id) as total_count, sum(sc.s_score) as total_score from student stu left join score sc on stu.s_id = sc.s_id group by stu.s_id, stu.s_name; 01 赵雷 3 269 02 张三 3 210 03 迪丽热巴 3 240 04 雪见 3 100 05 梅超风 2 163 06 李云龙 2 65 07 蒸煮 2 187 08 王菊 0 NULL
select stu.s_id, stu.s_name, stu.s_birth, stu.s_sex from student stu join score on stu.s_id = score.s_id join course on score.c_id = course.c_id join teacher t on course.t_id = t.t_id and t.t_name ='张三'; 01 赵雷 1990-01-01 男 02 张三 1990-12-21 男 03 迪丽热巴 2000-01-01 女 04 雪见 2005-03-04 女 05 梅超风 1988-04-06 女 07 蒸煮 1989-07-01 男
select stu.s_id, stu.s_name, stu.s_birth, stu.s_sex from student stu left join (select s_id from score join course on course.c_id = score.c_id join teacher on course.t_id =teacher.t_id and teacher.t_name = '张三' )tmp on stu.s_id = tmp.s_id where tmp.s_id is null; select stu.s_id, stu.s_name, stu.s_birth, stu.s_sex from student stu where not exists (select s_id from score join course on course.c_id = score.c_id join teacher on course.t_id =teacher.t_id and teacher.t_name = '张三' where score.s_id = stu.s_id); 06 李云龙 1999-12-12 男 08 王菊 1990-01-20 女
select stu.s_id, stu.s_name, stu.s_birth, stu.s_sex from student stu join (select s_id from score where c_id = '1') tmp1 on stu.s_id = tmp1.s_id join (select s_id from score where c_id = '2') tmp2 on stu.s_id = tmp2.s_id;
select stu.* from student stu join (select s_id from score where c_id = '1')tmp1 on stu.s_id = tmp1.s_id left join (select s_id from score where c_id = '2')tmp2 on stu.s_id = tmp2.s_id where tmp2.s_id is null;
select stu.* from student stu join (select count(c_id) num from course) tmp1 left join (select s_id, count(c_id) num from score group by s_id) tmp2 on stu.s_id = tmp2.s_id and tmp1.num = tmp2.num where tmp2.s_id is null; select stu.* from student stu left join (select s_id, count(c_id) num from score group by s_id) tmp2 on stu.s_id = tmp2.s_id join (select count(c_id) num from course) tmp1 on tmp1.num = tmp2.num where tmp2.s_id is null;
select stu.* from student stu join (select s_id, c_id from score) tmp1 join (select c_id from score where score.s_id='01') tmp2 on tmp1.c_id = tmp2.c_id and stu.s_id = tmp1.s_id group by stu.s_id, stu.s_name, stu.s_birth, stu.s_sex; 01 赵雷 1990-01-01 男 02 张三 1990-12-21 男 03 迪丽热巴 2000-01-01 女 04 雪见 2005-03-04 女 05 梅超风 1988-04-06 女 06 李云龙 1999-12-12 男 07 蒸煮 1989-07-01 男
select stu.*, tmp1.course_id from student stu join (select s_id, concat_ws('|', collect_set(c_id)) course_id from score group by s_id having s_id not in ('1')) tmp1 on stu.s_id = tmp1.s_id join (select concat_ws('|', collect_set(c_id)) course_id from score where s_id = '1') tmp2 on tmp2.course_id = tmp1.course_id;
select stu.* from student stu join (select s_id from score tmp1 join (select c_id from course join teacher on course.t_id = teacher.t_id where teacher.t_name='张三') tmp2 on tmp1.c_id = tmp2.c_id) tmp3 on stu.s_id = tmp3.s_id where tmp3.s_id is null;
方案一: select tmp.s_id, tmp.s_name, round(avg(score.s_score), 2) from (select stu.s_id as s_id, stu.s_name as s_name from student stu where stu.s_id in (select s_id from score where s_score < 60 group by s_id having count(s_score) >= 2))tmp join score on tmp.s_id = score.s_id group by tmp.s_id, tmp.s_name; 方案二: select stu.s_id,stu.s_name,tmp.avg_score from student stu join (select s_id from score where s_score < 60 group by score.s_id having count(s_id) > 1)tmp2 on stu.s_id = tmp2.s_id left join (select s_id, round(avg(score.s_score)) avg_score from score group by s_id) tmp on tmp.s_id = stu.s_id;
select stu.*, score.s_score from student stu join score on stu.s_id = score.s_id where score.s_score < 60 and score.c_id = '01' order by score.s_score desc;
select tmp1.s_id, tmp2.s_score chinese, tmp3.s_score math, tmp4.s_score rnglish, round(avg(tmp1.s_score), 2) avgScore from score tmp1 left join (select s_id, s_score from score where c_id = '01') tmp2 on tmp2.s_id = tmp1.s_id left join (select s_id, s_score from score where c_id = '02') tmp3 on tmp3.s_id = tmp3.s_id left join (select s_id, s_score from score where c_id = '03')tmp4 on tmp4.s_id = tmp3.s_id group by tmp1.s_id, tmp2.s_score, tmp3.s_score, tmp4.s_score order by avgScore desc;
17.查询各科成绩最高分、最低分和平均分: 如以下形式显示: 课程id、课程名称、最高分、最低分、平均分、及格率、中等率、优良率、优秀率
select course.c_id, course.c_name, tmp.maxScore, tmp.minScore, tmp.avgScore, tmp.passRate, tmp.modeRate, tmp.goodRate, tmp.excellentRate from course join (select c_id, max(s_score) as maxScore, min(s_score) as minScore, round(avg(s_score), 2) as avgScore, round(sum(case when s_score >= 60 then 1 else 0 end)/count(c_id), 2) as passRate, round(sum(case when s_score >= 60 and s_score < 70 then 1 else 0 end)/count(c_id), 2) as modeRate, round(sum(case when s_score >= 70 and s_score < 80 then 1 else 0 end)/count(c_id), 2) as goodRate, round(sum(case when s_score >= 60 then 1 else 0 end)/count(c_id), 2) as excellentRate from score group by course.c_id, course.c_name) tmp on course.c_id = tmp.c_id;
select c_id, s_id, s_score,
row_number()over(partition by c_id order by s_score desc) from score;
select score.s_id, student.s_name, sum(s_score) sumscore, row_number()over(order by sum(s_score) desc) Ranking from score, student where score.s_id = student.s_id group by score.s_id, student.s_name order by sumscore desc;
20.查询不同老师所教不同课程平均分从高到低显示(需要对比原笔迹, 原笔记带了teacher表, 需要对比结果)
select c.c_id, c.t_id, round(avg(s.s_score), 2) as avgscore from course c join score s on c.c_id = s.c_id group by c.c_id, c.t_id order by avgscore desc;
22.统计各科成绩个分数段人数: 课程编号、课程名称、[100-85]、[85-70]、[70-60]、[60-0]及所占百分比
select count(s.s_id) num, c.c_id, c.c_name, round(sum(case when s.s_score > 85 then 1 else 0 end)/count(s.s_id), 2) as good, round(sum(case when s.s_score > 70 and s.s_score <= 85 then 1 else 0 end)/count(s.s_id), 2) as file, round(sum(case when s.s_score > 60 and s.s_score <= 70 then 1 else 0 end)/count(s.s_id), 2) as well, round(sum(case when s.s_score <= 60 then 1 else 0 end)/count(s.s_id), 2) as poor from score s join course c group by c.c_id, c.c_name order by c.c_id, c.c_name;
查询平均成绩: select stu.s_id, stu.s_name, round(avg(s.s_score), 2) avgScore from student stu join score s on s.s_id = stu.s_id group by stu.s_id, stu.s_name; 方案二: select tmp.s_id, stu.s_name, tmp.avgscore from student stu join (select s.s_id, round(avg(s.s_score), 2) avgscore from score s group by s.s_id) tmp on tmp.s_id = stu.s_id; select tmp.s_id, stu.s_name, tmp.avgscore, row_number()over(order by tmp.avgscore desc) rownum from student stu join (select s.s_id, round(avg(s.s_score), 2) avgscore from score s group by s.s_id) tmp on tmp.s_id = stu.s_id;
select tmp.c_id, tmp.c_name, tmp.s_id, tmp.count from (select course.c_id, course.c_name, score.s_id, sum(score.s_score) as count, row_number()over(partition by course.c_id order by sum(score.s_score) desc) rownum from score join course on course.c_id = score.c_id group by course.c_id, course.c_name, score.s_id) tmp where tmp.rownum <= 3;
select c.c_id, c.c_name, tmp.count from course c join (select score.c_id, count(score.s_id) count from score where score.s_score < 60 group by score.c_id) tmp on c.c_id = tmp.c_id;
select stu.s_id, stu.s_name from student stu join (select s_id, count(c_id) from score group by s_id having count(c_id) = 2)tmp on stu.s_id = tmp.s_id;
方案一: select sum(case when s_sex = '女' then 1 else 0 end) as women, sum(case when s_sex = '男' then 1 else 0 end) as man from student 方案二: select tmp1.count women, tmp2.count men from (select count(1) from student s_sex = '女')tmp1, (select count(1) from student s_sex = '男')tmp2;
28.查询同名同姓学生名单, 并统计同名人数
select s_name, count(1) sameName from student group by s_name having count(1) >1;
select c_id, round(avg(s_score), 2) avgscore from score
group by c_id order by avgscore desc, c_id asc;
select stu.s_id,stu.s_name, round(avg(score.s_score), 2) avgscore from student stu join score on score.s_id = stu.s_id group by stu.s_id, stu.s_name having round(avg(score.s_score), 2) >= 85;
31.查询课程名称为'数学', 且分数低于60的学生姓名和分数(需要和元数据进行对比)
方案一: select stu.s_name, score.s_score from student stu left join score join course on stu.s_id = score.s_id and score.c_id = course.c_id where course.c_name = '数学' and score.s_score <60; 方案二; select stu.s_name, score.s_score from student stu left join score on stu.s_id = score.s_id join course on score.c_id = course.c_id where course.c_name = '数学' and score.s_score <60;
select stu.s_name, sum(case when course.c_name = '语文' then score.s_score else 0 end) chinese, sum(case when course.c_name = '数学' then score.s_score else 0 end) math, sum(case when course.c_name = '英语' then score.s_score else 0 end) english from student stu join score on score.s_id = stu.s_id join course on course.c_id = score.c_id group by stu.s_id, stu.s_name;
方案一: select stu.s_name, score.s_score, course.c_name from student stu join score on stu.s_id = score.s_id join course on course.c_id = score.c_id where score.s_score > 70; 方案二: select s_name,c_name,s_score from student join (select sc.* from score sc left join(select s_id from score where s_score < 70 group by s_id)tmp on sc.s_id=tmp.s_id where tmp.s_id is null)tmp2 on student.s_id=tmp2.s_id join course on tmp2.c_id=course.c_id;
方案一: select s_name, c_name as courseName, tmp.s_score from student join (select s_id, s_score, c_name from score,course where score.c_id = course.c_id and s_score <60) tmp on student.s_id=tmp.s_id; 方案二: select student.s_name, course.c_name as courseName, score.s_score from student join score on student.s_id=score.s_id join course on score.c_id = course.c_id where score.s_score < 60;
select stu.s_id, stu.s_name from student stu join score on score.s_id = stu.s_id where score.c_id = '01' and score.s_score > 80;
select c.c_name, count(s.s_id) num from score s join course c on s.c_id = c.c_id group by c.c_name;
select stu.*, tmp.s_score from student stu join (select s_id, s_score, row_number()over(order by s_score desc) rownum from score join course on score.c_id = course.c_id join teacher on teacher.t_id = course.t_id where teacher.t_name = '张三') tmp on stu.s_id = tmp.s_id where tmp.rownum <= 1;
select distinct a.s_id, a.c_id, a.s_score from score a join score b where a.c_id <> b.c_id and a.s_score = b.s_score;
39. 查询每门课程成绩最好的前三名
方案一: select tmp.s_id, tmp.s_score, tmp.ranking from (select s_id, s_score, row_number()over(partition by c_id order by s_score desc) ranking from score )tmp where tmp.ranking <= 3; 方案二: select tmp1.s_id as s_id, tmp1.s_score as s_score, tmp1.ranking as ranking from (select *, row_number()over(order by s_score desc) ranking from score where c_id = '01') tmp1 where tmp1.ranking <= 3 union all select tmp2.s_id as s_id, tmp2.s_score as s_score, tmp2.ranking as ranking from (select *, row_number()over(order by s_score desc) ranking from score where c_id = '02') tmp2 where tmp2.ranking <= 3 union all select tmp3.s_id as s_id, tmp3.s_score as s_score, tmp3.ranking as ranking from (select *, row_number()over(order by s_score desc) ranking from score where c_id = '03') tmp3 where tmp3.ranking <= 3;
-- 要求输出课程号和选修人数,查询结果按人数降序排列,若人数相同按课程号升序排列。
select tmp.c_id, tmp.count num from course c join (select c_id, count(s_id) as count from score group by c_id having count(s_id) >= 5)tmp on tmp.c_id = c.c_id order by num desc, tmp.c_id asc;
方案一: select s_name, s_birth, (year(current_date) - year(s_birth) + (case when month(current_date) > month(s_birth) then 1 when month(current_date) = month(s_birth) and day(current_date) > day(s_birth) then 1 else 0 end)) as age from student; 方案二: select s_name,s_birth, floor((datediff(current_date,s_birth) - floor((year(current_date) - year(s_birth))/4))/365) +1 as age from student;
select * from student where weekofyear(current_date) + 1 = weekofyear(s_birth);