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  • 条件变量和信号量的区别



    Conditional variable is essentially a wait-queue, that supports blocking-wait and wakeup operations, i.e. you can put a thread into the wait-queue and set its state to BLOCK, and get a thread out from it and set its state to READY.

    Note that to use a conditional variable, two other elements are needed:

    • a condition (typically implemented by checking a flag or a counter)
    • a mutex that protects the condition

    The protocol then becomes,

    1. acquire mutex
    2. check condition
    3. block and release mutex if condition is true, else release mutex

    Semaphore is essentially a counter + a mutex + a wait queue. And it can be used as it is without external dependencies. You can use it either as a mutex or as a conditional variable.

    Therefore, semaphore can be treated as a more sophisticated structure than conditional variable, while the latter is more lightweight and flexible.



    semaphore and condition variables are very similar and are used mostly for the same purposes. However, there are minor differences that could make one preferable. For example, to implement barrier synchronization you would not be able to use a semaphore.But a condition variable is ideal.

    Barrier synchronization is when you want all of your threads to wait until everyone has arrived at a certain part in the thread function. this can be implemented by having a static variable which is initially the value of total threads decremented by each thread when it reaches that barrier. this would mean we want each thread to sleep until the last one arrives.A semaphore would do the exact opposite! with a semaphore, each thread would keep running and the last thread (which will set semaphore value to 0) will go to sleep.

    a condition variable on the other hand, is ideal. when each thread gets to the barrier we check if our static counter is zero. if not, we set the thread to sleep with the condition variable wait function. when the last thread arrives at the barrier, the counter value will be decremented to zero and this last thread will call the condition variable signal function which will wake up all the other threads!

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