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  • AutoCAD VBA文字自动对齐操作

    AutoCAD VBA文字自动对齐,代码如下。

    Public Type TextWithPnt
    Index As Long
    TextObj As AcadText
    PntIntX As Double
    PntIntY As Double
    PntLeftX As Double
    PntMidX As Double
    PntRigX As Double
    End Type
    Public OrgTexts() As TextWithPnt
    Public Function CreateSSet(Optional SS As String = "mjtd") As AcadSelectionSet
    On Error Resume Next
    Set CreateSSet = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add(SS)
    End Function
    Public Sub BuildFilter(typeArray, dataArray, ParamArray gCodes())
    Dim fType() As Integer, fData()
    Dim Index As Long, i As Long
    Index = LBound(gCodes) - 1
    For i = LBound(gCodes) To UBound(gCodes) Step 2
    Index = Index + 1
    ReDim Preserve fType(0 To Index)
    ReDim Preserve fData(0 To Index)
    fType(Index) = CInt(gCodes(i))
    fData(Index) = gCodes(i + 1)
    End Sub
    Public Function ssExtents(SS As AcadSelectionSet) As Variant
    Dim Points(), C As Long
    Dim Min As Variant, Max As Variant
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    C = 0
    For i = 0 To SS.count - 1
    SS.Item(i).GetBoundingBox Min, Max
    ReDim Preserve Points(0 To C + 1)
    Points(C) = Min: Points(C + 1) = Max
    C = C + 2
    ssExtents = Extents(Points)
    End Function
    Public Function Extents(Points)
    Dim Min As Variant, Max As Variant
    Dim i As Long, j As Long, Pt, RetVal(0 To 1)
    Min = Points(LBound(Points))
    Max = Points(LBound(Points))
    For i = LBound(Points) To UBound(Points)
    Pt = Points(i)
    For j = LBound(Pt) To UBound(Pt)
    If Pt(j) < Min(j) Then Min(j) = Pt(j)
    If Pt(j) > Max(j) Then Max(j) = Pt(j)
    RetVal(0) = Min: RetVal(1) = Max
    Extents = RetVal
    End Function



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bimgoo/p/2502900.html
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