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  • 高效分页存储过程


     5 @tblName VARCHAR(1255), -- 表名 
     6 @fldName VARCHAR(1255), -- 主键字段名 
     7 @PageSize INT = 10, -- 页尺寸 
     8 @PageIndex INT = 1, -- 页码 
     9 @IsReCount BIT = 0, -- 返回记录总数, 非 0 值则返回 
    10 @OrderType BIT = 0, -- 设置排序类型, 非 0 值则降序 
    11 @strWhere VARCHAR(MAX) = '', -- 查询条件 (注意: 不要加 where) 
    12 @Recount BIGINT OUTPUT, -- 返回记录总数 
    13 @PageCount BIGINT OUTPUT -- 返回总页数 
    14 AS 
    16 DECLARE @strSQL VARCHAR(MAX) -- 主语句 
    17 DECLARE @strTotal VARCHAR(2000) -- 获取记录数合计语句 
    18 DECLARE @strTmp VARCHAR(MAX) -- 临时变量 
    19 DECLARE @strOrder VARCHAR(400) -- 排序类型 
    20 DECLARE @Sql1 NVARCHAR(MAX) -- 计算记录总数SQL 
    22 IF @OrderType != 0 
    23 BEGIN 
    24 SET @strTmp = '<(select min' 
    25 SET @strOrder = ' order by [' + @fldName +'] desc' 
    26 END 
    27 ELSE 
    28 BEGIN 
    29 SET @strTmp = '>(select max' 
    30 SET @strOrder = ' order by [' + @fldName +'] asc' 
    31 END 
    33 SET @strSQL = 'select top ' + STR(@PageSize) + ' * from [' 
    34 + @tblName + '] where [' + @fldName + ']' + @strTmp + '([' 
    35 + @fldName + ']) from (select top ' + STR((@PageIndex-1)*@PageSize) + ' [' 
    36 + @fldName + '] from [' + @tblName + ']' + @strOrder + ') as tblTmp)' 
    37 + @strOrder 
    39 IF @strWhere != '' 
    40 SET @strSQL = 'select top ' + STR(@PageSize) + ' * from [' 
    41 + @tblName + '] where [' + @fldName + ']' + @strTmp + '([' 
    42 + @fldName + ']) from (select top ' + STR((@PageIndex-1)*@PageSize) + ' [' 
    43 + @fldName + '] from [' + @tblName + '] where ' + @strWhere + ' '+ @strOrder + ') as tblTmp) and ' + @strWhere + ' ' + @strOrder 
    44 --当为第一页时 
    45 IF @PageIndex = 1 
    46 BEGIN 
    47 SET @strTmp ='' 
    48 IF @strWhere != '' 
    49 SET @strTmp = ' where ' + @strWhere 
    51 SET @strSQL = 'select top ' + STR(@PageSize) + ' * from [' 
    52 + @tblName + ']' + @strTmp + ' ' + @strOrder 
    53 END 
    55 IF @strWhere != '' 
    56 BEGIN 
    57 SET @strTotal = 'select distinct * from [' + @tblName + ']'+' where ' + @strWhere 
    58 END 
    59 ELSE 
    60 BEGIN 
    61 SET @strTotal = 'select distinct * from [' + @tblName + ']' 
    62 END 
    63 EXEC (@strSQL) 
    64 IF @IsReCount != 0 
    65 BEGIN 
    66 SELECT @Sql1 = 'Select @Count = count(ta.' + @fldName + ') From (' + @strTotal + ') ta ' 
    67 EXEC sp_executesql @Sql1, N'@Count int output', @Recount OUTPUT 
    69 IF ((@Recount % @PageSize) != 0) --如果除不尽则加一页 
    70 BEGIN 
    71 SET @PageCount = @Recount / @PageSize 
    72 SET @PageCount = @PageCount + 1 
    73 END 
    74 ELSE 
    75 BEGIN 
    76 SET @PageCount = @Recount / @PageSize 
    77 END 
    78 END 
    79 GO


    public JsonResult GetList(string strWhere, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 10, int type = 0)
    int total;
    int pageTotal;


    string[] whereList = strWhere.Split(',');
    StringBuilder sWhere = new StringBuilder();
    sWhere.Append(" 1=1 ");
    if (whereList[0] != "")
    sWhere.Append(" and UserCode like '%" + whereList[0] + "%'");
    if (whereList[1] != "")
    sWhere.Append(" and UserName like '%" + whereList[1] + "%'");
    if (type == 0)
    if (whereList[2] != "")
    sWhere.Append(" and DeptName like '%" + whereList[2] + "%'");
    sWhere.Append(" and (DeptID =" + whereList[2] + " or DeptID in(select id from GetChildIDs(" + whereList[2] + ")))");
    if (whereList[3] != "-1")
    sWhere.Append(" and UserState=" + whereList[3]);


    IList<User> List = Dal层.GetList(pageIndex, pageSize, sWhere.ToString(), out total, out pageTotal);
    string pageBar = 工具类.newShowPageNavNew(pageIndex, total, pageSize);
    return Json(new { result = true, data = List, pageBar = pageBar });

    /// <summary>
    /// 分页查询信息信息列表
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static IList<Sys_User> GetList(int pageIndex, int pageSize, string where, out int total, out int pageTotal)
    string tableName = "V_Sys_User";   //表明
    string primaryKey = "ID";   //主键
    DataTable dt =GetPage(tableName, primaryKey, pageIndex, pageSize, 1, 1, where, out total, out pageTotal);   //下面工具类里面的方法
    return GetListByTable(dt);  //将DataTable转换成list集合。在这也可以用循环遍历DataTable得到list。


     /// <summary>
            /// 获取分页数据
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="tableName">表名</param>
            /// <param name="primaryKey">主键字段名</param>
            /// <param name="pageIndex">页码</param>
            /// <param name="pageSize">页尺寸</param>
            /// <param name="isReCount">返回记录总数, 非 0 值则返回</param>
            /// <param name="orderType">设置排序类型, 非 0 值则降序</param>
            /// <param name="where">查询条件 (注意: 不要加 where)</param>
            /// <param name="recount">返回记录总数</param>
            /// <param name="pageCount">返回总页数</param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public static DataTable GetPage(string tableName, string primaryKey, int pageIndex, int pageSize, int isReCount, int orderType, string where, out int recount, out int pageCount)
                string procName = "SP_Page";
                SqlParameter[] paras = new SqlParameter[]{
                    new SqlParameter("@Recount",SqlDbType.Int),
                    new SqlParameter("@PageCount",SqlDbType.Int),
                    new SqlParameter("@tblName",tableName),
                    new SqlParameter("@fldName",primaryKey),
                    new SqlParameter("@PageSize",pageSize),
                    new SqlParameter("@PageIndex",pageIndex),
                    new SqlParameter("@IsReCount",isReCount),
                    new SqlParameter("@OrderType",orderType),
                    new SqlParameter("@strWhere",where)
                paras[0].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                paras[1].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                DataTable dt = SqlHelper.FillDataTable(procName, paras);
                recount = int.Parse(paras[0].Value.ToString());
                pageCount = int.Parse(paras[1].Value.ToString());
                return dt;

    public static string newShowPageNavNew(int pageCurrent, int totalCount, int pageSize = 5, string methodName = "getlist")
    var totalPage = Math.Max((totalCount + pageSize - 1) / pageSize, 1);
    //if (totalPage >= 1)
    var pageNav = new StringBuilder();
    pageNav.AppendFormat("<div class='col-sm-4'><div class='dataTables_info' id='editable_info' role='alert' aria-live='polite' aria-relevant='all'>显示 0 项,共 0 项</div></div>");
    if (pageCurrent == totalPage)
    pageNav.AppendFormat("<div class='col-sm-4'><div class='dataTables_info' id='editable_info' role='alert' aria-live='polite' aria-relevant='all'>显示 " + ((pageCurrent - 1) * pageSize + 1) + " 到 " + totalCount + " 项,共 " + totalCount + " 项</div></div>");
    pageNav.AppendFormat("<div class='col-sm-4'><div class='dataTables_info' id='editable_info' role='alert' aria-live='polite' aria-relevant='all'>显示 " + ((pageCurrent - 1) * pageSize + 1) + " 到 " + (pageCurrent * pageSize) + " 项,共 " + totalCount + " 项</div></div>");

    pageNav.AppendFormat("<div class='col-sm-8'><div class='dataTables_paginate paging_simple_numbers' id='editable_paginate'><ul class='pagination'>");


    if (pageCurrent == 1)
    pageNav.AppendFormat("<li class='paginate_button previous disabled' aria-controls='editable' tabindex='0' id='editable_previous'><a href='javascript:void(0)'>上一页</a></li>");
    pageNav.AppendFormat("<li class='paginate_button previous' aria-controls='editable' tabindex='0' id='editable_previous'><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='" + methodName + "({0},{1})'>{2}</a></li>", pageCurrent - 1, pageSize, "上一页");


    if (pageCurrent <= 3)
    for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++)
    if (i <= totalPage)
    if (pageCurrent == i) //当前页处理
    pageNav.AppendFormat("<li class='paginate_button active' aria-controls='editable' tabindex='0'><a href='javascript:void(0)'>{0}</a></li>", pageCurrent);
    else //一般页处理
    pageNav.AppendFormat("<li class='paginate_button previous' aria-controls='editable' tabindex='0' id='editable_previous'><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='" + methodName + "({0},{1})'>{2}</a></li>", i, pageSize, i);
    else if (pageCurrent > 3 && pageCurrent < totalPage - 3)
    int current = 4;
    for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++)
    if ((pageCurrent + i - current) >= 1 && (pageCurrent + i - current) <= totalPage)
    if (current == i) //当前页处理
    pageNav.AppendFormat("<li class='paginate_button active' aria-controls='editable' tabindex='0'><a href='javascript:void(0)'>{0}</a></li>", pageCurrent);
    else //一般页处理
    pageNav.AppendFormat("<li class='paginate_button previous' aria-controls='editable' tabindex='0' id='editable_previous'><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='" + methodName + "({0},{1})'>{2}</a></li>", pageCurrent + i - current, pageSize, pageCurrent + i - current);


    for (int i = totalPage - 6; i <= totalPage; i++)
    if (i <= totalPage && i>0)
    if (pageCurrent == i) //当前页处理
    pageNav.AppendFormat("<li class='paginate_button active' aria-controls='editable' tabindex='0'><a href='javascript:void(0)'>{0}</a></li>", pageCurrent);
    else //一般页处理
    pageNav.AppendFormat("<li class='paginate_button previous' aria-controls='editable' tabindex='0' id='editable_previous'><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='" + methodName + "({0},{1})'>{2}</a></li>", i, pageSize, i);


    if (pageCurrent == totalPage)
    pageNav.AppendFormat("<li class='paginate_button next disabled' aria-controls='editable' tabindex='0' id='editable_next'><a href='javascript:void(0)'>下一页</a></li>");
    pageNav.AppendFormat("<li class='paginate_button next' aria-controls='editable' tabindex='0' id='editable_next'><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='" + methodName + "({0},{1})'>{2}</a></li>", pageCurrent + 1, pageSize, "下一页");
    return pageNav.ToString();
    // return string.Empty;



    <table class="table table-bordered table-hover tablesorter" id="tableinfo">
    <tbody id="tableBody"></tbody>
    <div class="row" id="pageBar"></div>


    function getlist(pageindex, pagesize) {
    var where =$.trim($("#UserName").val()) + ',' + $.trim($("#dept_SupID").val()) + ',' + $.trim($("#UserState").val());  //拼接where条件
    type: "post",
    url: "@Url.Action("GetList", "User")",
    data: { pageIndex: pageindex, pageSize: pagesize, strWhere: where, type: 1 },
    datatype: "json",
    success: function (data) {
    if (!data.result) {
    layer.alert('服务器异常!', {
    skin: 'layui-layer-molv', //样式类名
    icon: 2
    var str = "";
    if (data.data.length <= 0) {
    layer.msg("暂无数据", { icon: 2, time: 1000 });
    for (var i = 0; i < data.data.length; i++) {
    str += "<tr>" +
    "<td>" + data.data[i].UserCode + "</td>" +
    "<td>" + data.data[i].UserName + "</td>" +
    "<td>" + (data.data[i].Sex == "0" ? "男" : "女") + "</td>" +
    "<td>" + data.data[i].DeptName + "</td>" +
    "<td>" + (data.data[i].UserState == "1" ? "<lable class='label label-danger'>禁用</lable>" : " <lable class='label label-success'>正常</lable>") + "</td>" +

  • 相关阅读:
    GMP for PHP
    MySQL 多库操作
    波形声音整理资料(for Project1)
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bin521/p/8392600.html
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