TLE but corrct in most cases.
inline int Find(int x){
//be careful with the way used for finding your grand papa
for(; fa[x]; x = fa[x]);
return x;
inline int Merge(int x,int y){
if(!x) return y;
if(!y) return x;
if(val[x] > val[y] || (val[x] == val[y] && x > y)) x^=y^=x^=y;
son[x][1] = Merge(son[x][1], y);
fa[son[x][1]] = x;
if(dis[son[x][1]] > dis[son[x][0]]) swap(son[x][1], son[x][0]);
dis[x] = dis[son[x][1]] + 1;
return x;
inline void Del(int x){
val[x] = -1;
fa[son[x][1]] = fa[son[x][0]] = 0;
Merge(son[x][1], son[x][0]);
AC with an undescriable magic.
inline int Find(int x){
return x == fa[x] ? x : fa[x] = Find(fa[x]);
inline int Merge(int x,int y){
if(!x) return y;
if(!y) return x;
if(val[x] > val[y] || (val[x] == val[y] && x > y)) swap(x, y);
son[x][1] = Merge(son[x][1], y);
fa[son[x][0]] = fa[son[x][1]] = x;
if(dis[son[x][0]] < dis[son[x][1]]) swap(son[x][0], son[x][1]);
dis[x] = dis[son[x][1]] + 1;
return x;
int del[N];
inline void Del(int x){
del[x] = true;
fa[son[x][0]] = son[x][0];
fa[son[x][1]] = son[x][1];
fa[x] = Merge(son[x][0], son[x][1]);//QAQ
Ah, it seems as father is not useful for himself anymore, he becomes a rope for his son to climb higher...
anyway, this program goes well with this sentence, so who care about the reason.
He who laughs last, laughs best...
use struct
struct LeftTree{
int l,r,val,dis;
//int son[N][2],fa[N],val[N],dis[N];
int fa[N];
inline int Find(int x){
return x == fa[x] ? x : fa[x] = Find(fa[x]);
inline int Merge(int x,int y){
if(!x) return y;
if(!y) return x;
if(t[x].val > t[y].val || (t[x].val == t[y].val && x > y)) swap(x, y);
t[x].r = Merge(t[x].r, y);
fa[t[x].l] = fa[t[x].r] = x;
if(t[t[x].l].dis < t[t[x].r].dis) swap(t[x].l, t[x].r);
t[x].dis = t[t[x].r].dis + 1;
return x;
int del[N];
inline void Del(int x){
del[x] = true;
fa[t[x].l] = t[x].l;
fa[t[x].r] = t[x].r;
fa[x] = Merge(t[x].l, t[x].r);//QAQ
Ah, it seems as father is not useful for himself anymore, he becomes a rope for his son to climb higher...
anyway, this program goes well with this sentence, so who care about the reason.
He who laughs last, laughs best...