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  • GreenPlum之按月份或季度实现行转列



    2.根据Case When语句及GreenPlum中string_agg聚合函数拼凑对应月份或季度周期字段,以下是核心实现sql,读者可根据需求自行修改:

      if position('yyyy-mm' in in_datecolum)>0 then 
      out_strsql := '
      '||case in_matrix 
      when 1 then 'string_agg('',cast(count(distinct case when 日期字段=''''''||monthid||'''''' then 表名.字段名1 end) as numeric(16,0)) as "''||monthid||''" '','''' order by monthid)' 
      when 2 then 'string_agg('',sum(case when 日期字段=''''''||monthid||'''''' then 表名.字段名2 else 0 end) as "''||monthid||''" '','''' order by monthid)' 
      when 3 then 'string_agg('',sum(case when 日期字段=''''''||monthid||'''''' then 表名.字段名3 else 0 end) as "''||monthid||''" '','''' order by monthid)' 
      when 4 then 'string_agg('',cast(count(distinct case when 日期字段=''''''||monthid||'''''' then 表名.字段名4 end) as numeric(16,0)) as "''||monthid||''" '','''' order by monthid)' 
      'string_agg('',sum(case when 日期字段=''''''||monthid||'''''' then 表名.字段名3 else 0 end) as "''||monthid||''" '','''' order by monthid)'
      ||'from (
      select monthid from monthmapping where onday between '''||in_startdate||''' and '''||in_overdate||''' group by monthid) tab
      execute out_strsql into aggstr;
      out_strsql := '
      '||case in_matrix 
      when 1 then 'string_agg('',cast(count(distinct case when 日期字段=''''''||monthid||'''''' then 表名.字段名1 end) as numeric(16,0)) as "''||monthid||''" '','''' order by monthid)' 
      when 2 then 'string_agg('',sum(case when 日期字段=''''''||monthid||'''''' then 表名.字段名2 else 0 end) as "''||monthid||''" '','''' order by monthid)' 
      when 3 then 'string_agg('',sum(case when 日期字段=''''''||monthid||'''''' then 表名.字段名3 else 0 end) as "''||monthid||''" '','''' order by monthid)' 
      when 4 then 'string_agg('',cast(count(distinct case when 日期字段=''''''||monthid||'''''' then 表名.字段名4 end) as numeric(16,0)) as "''||monthid||''" '','''' order by monthid)' 
      'string_agg('',sum(case when 日期字段=''''''||monthid||'''''' then 表名.字段名3 else 0 end) as "''||monthid||''" '','''' order by monthid)'
      ||'from (
      select substring(onday,1,4)||''-''||EXTRACT(QUARTER from onday)||''-01'' as monthid from monthmapping where onday between '''||in_startdate||''' and '''||in_overdate||''' 
      group by substring(onday,1,4)||''-''||EXTRACT(QUARTER from onday)||''-01'') tab
      execute out_strsql into aggstr;
      end if;
      raise notice 'aggstr : %',aggstr;



  • 相关阅读:
    tp 批量转码
    create the web service by yourshelf
    云通讯 添加群组
    sql 更新字段
    op bug 修复计划
    php ut8声明
    PHP 包含文件
    php 判断查询结果是否为空
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/binguo2008/p/7153029.html
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