2013, TIP《Regularized Robust Coding for Face Recognition》
作者说 The proposed model "is more flexible than the Gaussian and Laplacian functions to model the residual e. It can have a longer tail to address the residuals yielded by outlier pixels such as corruptions and occlusions, and hence the coding vector α will be robust to the outliers in y."
思考对于图像中corruption and occlusion的部分,也就是所谓的外点,我们是应该尽可能的cover它们还是应该对它们做下校正再用模型中呢?或者当损坏的部分比较少的时候直接抛弃掉这些外点。人眼看到被遮挡的物体仍然可以进行识别时,好像并没有在推测被遮挡背后是什么样的内容,而是把注意力都放在未被遮挡的信息中,也没有想要把遮挡物体和背景内容统一起来,直观的感觉是把遮挡的物体给忽略掉了。