1 #error 的用法
用于生成一个编译错误信息 -
用于生成编译警告,常用于条件编译的情形#error message message 不需要用双引号包围
是一种预编译器指示字 -
可用于提示编译条件是否满足 -
#include <stdio.h> #ifndef __cplusplus #error This file should be processed with C++ compiler. #endif class CppClass { private: int m_value; public: CppClass() { } ~CppClass() { } }; int main() { return 0; } //使用gcc编译,输出信息 test.c:4: error: #error This file should be processed with C++ compiler.
在条件编译中的应用#include <stdio.h> void f() { #if ( PRODUCT == 1 ) printf("This is a low level product! "); #elif ( PRODUCT == 2 ) printf("This is a middle level product! "); #elif ( PRODUCT == 3 ) printf("This is a high level product! "); #else #error The "PRODUCTY" is NOT defined! #endif } int main() { f(); printf("1. Query Information. "); printf("2. Record Information. "); printf("3. Delete Information. "); #if ( PRODUCT == 1 ) printf("4. Exit. "); #elif ( PRODUCT == 2 ) printf("4. High Level Query. "); printf("5. Exit. "); #elif ( PRODUCT == 3 ) printf("4. High Level Query. "); printf("5. Mannul Service. "); printf("6. Exit. "); #endif return 0; } //gcc: gcc -DPRODUCT=2 test.c This is a middle level product! 1. Query Information. 2. Record Information. 3. Delete Information. 4. High Level Query. 5. Exit. //gcc: gcc -DPRODUCT=1 test.c This is a low level product! 1. Query Information. 2. Record Information. 3. Delete Information. 4. Exit. //gcc: gcc -DPRODUCT=3 test.c This is a high level product! 1. Query Information. 2. Record Information. 3. Delete Information. 4. High Level Query. 5. Mannul Service. 6. Exit. //gcc: gcc test.c test.c: In function 'f' test.c:12: error: #error The "PRODUCTY" is NOT defined!
2 #line 的用法
用于强制指定新的行号和编译文件名,并对源程序的代码重新编号 -
#line number filename filename 可省略
的使用#include <stdio.h> // The code section is written by A. // Begin #line 1 "a.c" // End // The code section is written by B. // Begin #line 1 "b.c" // End // The code section is written by C. // Begin #line 1 "main.c" int main() { printf("%s : %d ", __FILE__, __LINE__); printf("%s : %d ", __FILE__, __LINE__); return 0; } // End