public class SqlIdSplit { public SqlIdSplit(int minId,int maxId,int size){ this.maxId=maxId+1; this.size=size; this.ind=minId; } private int maxId;//最大id private int size;//每次数量 private int ind;//当前id private boolean noFirst=false;//是否是第一笔 /** 是否有值 */ public boolean next(){ return next(0); } /** 是否有值,sleep 睡眠多少毫秒 */ public boolean next(int sleep){ boolean result = ind<maxId; if(sleep!=0 && result){ if(noFirst) delay(sleep); noFirst=true; } ind+=size; return result; } public int getStart(){ return ind-size; } public int getEnd(){ return (ind>maxId?maxId:ind)-1; } /** 返回 idName>_ and idName<=_ */ public String getWhere(String idName){ String result = idName+">="+(ind-size)+" and "+idName+"<="+getEnd(); return result; } // TODO以下方法,可放置到工具类中 /** 使线程delay(毫秒) */ public static void delay(int times) { try { Thread.sleep(times); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { } } }

public class Test{ public static void main(String[] args) { //select max(Id) from tbl_userinfo,使用sql查询出最大id int maxId = 5000;//例如查出5000 SqlIdSplit sp = new SqlIdSplit(1, maxId,2000); while(sp.next(100)){ //执行sql,因为是案例,所以只是放置一条语句 String sql = "select * from tbl_userInfo where "+sp.getWhere("id"); System.out.println(sql); } } }
select * from tbl_userInfo where id>=1 and id<=2000
select * from tbl_userInfo where id>=2001 and id<=4000
select * from tbl_userInfo where id>=4001 and id<=5000

public class SqlListSplit { private List<? extends Object> ids_list;//id集合 private int pageInd=1;//当前下标 private String qh;//需要添加的内容,例如单引号 private int size;//每次执行数量 private int len;//总数量 private String result;//组装好的数据 public SqlListSplit(List<? extends Object> ids_list, String qh, int size){ this.ids_list=ids_list; this.qh=qh; this.size=size; len=ids_list.size(); } public SqlListSplit(Set<? extends Object> ids_set, String qh, int size){ this.ids_list=new ArrayList<Object>(ids_set);; this.qh=qh; this.size=size; len=ids_set.size(); } /** * 用长度是否为0判断有无数据 * @param isNoSpecial 是否是字符 * @param waitTime 休眠时间,小于0则不休眠 * @return */ private boolean next(boolean isNoSpecial,int waitTime){ if(waitTime>0 && pageInd>1) delay(waitTime); int start = (pageInd-1)*size; int end = start+size; if(start>=len) return false; if(end>len) end=len; if(isNoSpecial) this.result = getIdsByList_noSpecial(start,end); else this.result = getIdsByList(start,end); pageInd++; return true; } /** 用长度是否为0判断有无数据 */ public boolean next(boolean isNoSpecial){ return next(isNoSpecial,-1); } /** 用长度是否为0判断有无数据(每次间隔等待时间(毫秒)) */ public boolean next(int waitTime){ return next(false,waitTime); } /** 用长度是否为0判断有无数据 */ public boolean next(){ return next(false,-1); } /** 用长度是否为0判断有无数据 * 防止有特殊符号的方法(数字Id没必要用该方法) */ public boolean next_noSpecial(){ return next(true); } /**获取当前组装好的ids */ public String getStrIds(){ return result; } /** * @param start 开始数量 * @param end 结束数量 */ private String getIdsByList(int start,int end){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if(qh==null){ for(;start<end; start++){ if(sb.length()>0) sb.append(","); sb.append(String.valueOf(ids_list.get(start))); } }else{ for(;start<end; start++){ if(sb.length()>0) sb.append(","); sb.append(qh).append(String.valueOf(ids_list.get(start))).append(qh); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * 防止有特殊符号的方法(可根据需要添加过滤符号) * @param start 开始数量 * @param end 结束数量 */ private String getIdsByList_noSpecial(int start,int end){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if(qh==null){ for(;start<end; start++){ if(sb.length()>0) sb.append(","); sb.append(String.valueOf(ids_list.get(start)).replace("'", "")); } }else{ for(;start<end; start++){ if(sb.length()>0) sb.append(","); sb.append(qh).append(String.valueOf(ids_list.get(start)).replace("'", "")).append(qh); } } return sb.toString(); } /**重置下标 */ public void reSet(){ this.pageInd=1; } // TODO以下方法,可放置到工具类中 /** 使线程delay(毫秒) */ public static void delay(int times) { try { Thread.sleep(times); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { } } }

public class Test{ public static void main(String[] args) { //例如names中存放了1000个用户名,需要根据用户名去查询用户信息 Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>(); names.add("我'");names.add("来");names.add("了"); SqlListSplit sp = new SqlListSplit(names, "'", 200); while (sp.next_noSpecial()) { //执行sql,因为是案例,所以只是放置一条语句 String sql = "select * from tbl_userInfo where userName in("+sp.getStrIds()+")"; System.out.println(sql);//运行结果,select * from tbl_userInfo where userName in('我','了','来') } //用户名集合中因为存在特殊字符,如果用这个方法,返回的组装数据就会有问题 sp = new SqlListSplit(names, "'", 200); while (sp.next(10)) { //执行sql,因为是案例,所以只是放置一条语句 String sql = "select * from tbl_userInfo where userName in("+sp.getStrIds()+")"; System.out.println(sql);//运行结果,select * from tbl_userInfo where userName in('我'','了','来') } } }