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  • CodeBlocks 快捷键



    Function Shortcut Key
    Undo last action Ctrl + Z
    Redo last action Ctrl + Shift +Z
    Cut selected text Ctrl + X
    Copy selected text Ctrl +C
    Paste text from clipboard Ctrl +V
    Select all text Ctrl + A
    Swap header / source F11
    Comment highlighted code Ctrl +Shift + C
    Uncomment highlighted code Ctrl+ Shift + X
    Duplicate line caret is on Ctrl+ D
    Auto-complete /Abbreviations Ctrl + Space /Ctrl + J
    Show call tip Ctrl + Shift +Space
    Swap line caret is on with line aboveit Ctrl + T
    Toggle bookmark Ctrl + B
    Goto previous bookmark Alt +PgUp
    Goto next bookmark Alt +PgDown
    Toggle current blockfolding F12
    Toggle all folds Shift +F12


    Function Shortcut Key
    Magnify text size. Ctrl + Keypad"+"
    Reduce text size. Ctrl + Keypad"-"
    Restore text size tonormal. Ctrl + Keypad "/"
    Cycle through recent files. Ctrl+ Tab
    Indent block. Tab
    Dedent block. Shift + Tab
    Delete to start of word. Ctrl +BackSpace
    Delete to end of word. Ctrl +Delete
    Delete to start of line. Ctrl +Shift + BackSpace
    Delete to end of line. Ctrl +Shift + Delete
    Go to start of document. Ctrl +Home
    Extend selection to start ofdocument. Ctrl + Shift +Home
    Go to start of display line. Alt+ Home
    Extend selection to start of displayline. Alt + Shift + Home
    Go to end of document. Ctrl +End
    Extend selection to end ofdocument. Ctrl + Shift +End
    Go to end of display line. Alt +End
    Extend selection to end of displayline. Alt + Shift + End
    Expand or contract a foldpoint. Ctrl + Keypad "*"
    Create or delete abookmark. Ctrl + F2
    Go to next bookmark. F2
    Select to next bookmark. Alt +F2
    Find selection. Ctrl + F3
    Find selection backwards. Ctrl +Shift + F3
    Scroll up. Ctrl + Up
    Scroll down. Ctrl + Down
    Line cut. Ctrl + L
    Line copy. Ctrl + Shift +T
    Line delete. Ctrl + Shift +L
    Line transpose withprevious. Ctrl + T
    Line duplicate. Ctrl + D
    Find matching preprocessor conditional, skipping nestedones. Ctrl + K
    Select to matching preprocessorconditional. Ctrl + Shift +K
    Find matching preprocessor conditional backwards, skipping nestedones. Ctrl + J
    Select to matching preprocessor conditionalbackwards. Ctrl + Shift +J
    Previous paragraph. Shift extendsselection. Ctrl + [
    Next paragraph. Shift extendsselection. Ctrl + ]
    Previous word. Shift extendsselection. Ctrl + Left
    Next word. Shift extendsselection. Ctrl + Right
    Previous word part. Shift extendsselection. Ctrl + /
    Next word part. Shift extendsselection. Ctrl +

    Function Shortcut Key
    New file or project Ctrl +N
    Open existing file orproject Ctrl + O
    Save current file Ctrl + S
    Save all files Ctrl + Shift +S
    Close current file Ctrl + F4 /Ctrl + W
    Close all files Ctrl + Shift +F4 / Ctrl + Shift + W


    Function Shortcut Key
    Activate next open file Ctrl +Tab
    Activate previous open file Ctrl+ Shift + Tab

    Function Shortcut Key
    Show / hide Messagespane F2
    Show / hide Managementpane Shift + F2
    Move project up (in Projecttree) Ctrl + Shift + Up
    Move project down (in Projecttree) Ctrl + Shift + Down
    Activate prior (in Projecttree) Alt + F5
    Activate next (in Projecttree) Alt + F6
    Zoom in / out Ctrl + Roll MouseWheel
    Focus editor CTRL + Alt +E

    Function Shortcut Key
    Find Ctrl + F
    Find next F3
    Find previous Shift + F3
    Find in files Crtl + Shift +F
    Replace Ctrl + R
    Replace in files Ctrl + Shift +R
    Goto line Ctrl + G
    Goto next changed line Ctrl +F3
    Goto previous changed line Ctrl+ Shift + F3
    Goto file Alt + G
    Goto function Ctrl + Alt +G
    Goto previous function Ctrl +PgUp
    Goto next function Ctrl +PgDn
    Goto declaration Ctrl + Shift +.
    Goto implementation Ctrl +.
    Open include file Ctrl + Alt +.

    Function Shortcut Key
    Build Ctrl + F9
    Compile current file Ctrl +Shift + F9
    Run Ctrl + F10
    Build and Run F9
    Rebuild Ctrl + F11

    Function Shortcut Key
    Debug F8
    Continue debugging Ctrl +F7
    Step over a code block F7
    Step into a code block Shift +F7
    Step out of a code block Ctrl +Shift + F7
    Toggle breakpoint F5
    Run to cursor F4
    Previous error Alt + F1
    Next error Alt + F2
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/black/p/5171802.html
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