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  • Excel Vba 正则URL协议、域名、端口号、页面路径

    打开Excel,Shift + F11 打开VBA编辑器,注意高度时必须先保存,否则会提示无法高度外部程序。

    Sub RegexURL()

    Dim url As String
    Dim regex As Object
    url = "http://www.baidu.com/a/b/index.html"
    Set regex = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
    regex.Global = True
    regex.Pattern = "(\w+)://([^/:]+)(:\d*)?([^# ]*)"
    MsgBox regex.Replace(url, "使用协议/主域名/端口号/页面:[$1],[$2],[$3],[$4]")

    End Sub
                Regex reg = new Regex(@"(\w+):\/\/([^/:]+)(:\d*)?([^# ]*)");

    List<string> items = new List<string>() {

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
    foreach (string item in items)
    foreach(Match match in reg.Matches(item))
    //for(int i=0;i<match.Groups.Count ;i++)
    MessageBox.Show(GetServerDomain(match.Groups[2].ToString ()));

    string result = sb.ToString();
           public bool IsNumeric(string str)
    try { int i = Convert.ToInt32(str); return true; }
    catch { return false; }

    public string GetServerDomain(string url)
    string str = url.ToLower();//此处获取值转换为小写
    if (str.IndexOf('.') > 0)
    string[] strArr = str.Split('.');
    string lastStr = strArr.GetValue(strArr.Length - 1).ToString();
    if (IsNumeric(lastStr)) //如果最后一位是数字,那么说明是IP地址
    return str.Replace(".", ""); //替换.为纯数字输出
    else //否则为域名
    string[] domainRules = ".com.cn|.net.cn|.org.cn|.gov.cn|.com|.net|.cn|.org|.cc|.me|.tel|.mobi|.asia|.biz|.info|.name|.tv|.hk|.公司|.中国|.网络".Split('|');
    string findStr = string.Empty;
    string replaceStr = string.Empty;
    string returnStr = string.Empty;
    for (int i = 0; i < domainRules.Length; i++)
    if (str.EndsWith(domainRules[i].ToLower())) //如果最后有找到匹配项
    findStr = domainRules[i].ToString(); //www.eieboom.com
    replaceStr = str.Replace(findStr, ""); //将匹配项替换为空,便于再次判断
    if (replaceStr.IndexOf('.') > 0) //存在二级域名或者三级,比如:www.eieboom
    string[] replaceArr = replaceStr.Split('.'); // www eieboom
    returnStr = replaceArr.GetValue(replaceArr.Length - 1).ToString() + findStr;
    return returnStr;
    else //eieboom
    returnStr = replaceStr + findStr; //连接起来输出为:eieboom.com
    return returnStr;
    { returnStr = str; }
    return returnStr;
    return str;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/blackcore/p/2232102.html
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