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  • 图像处理之Canny边缘检測

    图像处理之Canny 边缘检測


    Canny边缘检測算法是1986年有John F. Canny开发出来一种基于图像梯度计算的边缘







    1.      彩色图像转换为灰度图像

    2.      对图像进行高斯模糊

    3.      计算图像梯度,依据梯度计算图像边缘幅值与角度

    4.      非最大信号压制处理(边缘细化)

    5.      双阈值边缘连接处理

    6.      二值化图像输出结果


    1.      彩色图像转灰度图像

    依据彩色图像RGB转灰度公式:gray  =  R * 0.299 + G * 0.587 + B * 0.114


    int gray = (int) (0.299 * tr + 0.587 * tg + 0.114 * tb);

    2.      对图像进行高斯模糊



    		float kernel[][] = new float[gaussianKernelWidth][gaussianKernelWidth];
    		for(int x=0; x<gaussianKernelWidth; x++)
    			for(int y=0; y<gaussianKernelWidth; y++)
    				kernel[x][y] = gaussian(x, y, gaussianKernelRadius);




    // 高斯模糊 -灰度图像
    int krr = (int)gaussianKernelRadius;
    for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) {
    	for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
    		index = row * width + col;
    		double weightSum = 0.0;
    		double redSum = 0;
    		for(int subRow=-krr; subRow<=krr; subRow++)
    			int nrow = row + subRow;
    			if(nrow >= height || nrow < 0)
    				nrow = 0;
    			for(int subCol=-krr; subCol<=krr; subCol++)
    				int ncol = col + subCol;
    				if(ncol >= width || ncol <=0)
    					ncol = 0;
    				int index2 = nrow * width + ncol;
    				int tr1 = (inPixels[index2] >> 16) & 0xff;
    				redSum += tr1*kernel[subRow+krr][subCol+krr];
    				weightSum += kernel[subRow+krr][subCol+krr];
    		int gray = (int)(redSum / weightSum);
    		outPixels[index] = gray;

    3.      计算图像X方向与Y方向梯度。依据梯度计算图像边缘幅值与角度大小








    // 计算梯度-gradient, X放与Y方向
    data = new float[width * height];
    magnitudes = new float[width * height];
    for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) {
    	for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
    		index = row * width + col;
    		// 计算X方向梯度
    		float xg = (getPixel(outPixels, width, height, col, row+1) - 
    				getPixel(outPixels, width, height, col, row) + 
    				getPixel(outPixels, width, height, col+1, row+1) -
    				getPixel(outPixels, width, height, col+1, row))/2.0f;
    		float yg = (getPixel(outPixels, width, height, col, row)-
    				getPixel(outPixels, width, height, col+1, row) +
    				getPixel(outPixels, width, height, col, row+1) -
    				getPixel(outPixels, width, height, col+1, row+1))/2.0f;
    		// 计算振幅与角度
    		data[index] = hypot(xg, yg);
    		if(xg == 0)
    			if(yg > 0)
    			if(yg < 0)
    		else if(yg == 0)
    			magnitudes[index] = (float)((Math.atan(yg/xg) * 180)/Math.PI);					
    		// make it 0 ~ 180
    		magnitudes[index] += 90;


    4.      非最大信号压制




    像素区域,中心像素P(x,y) 依据上一步中计算得到边缘角度值angle。能够将角度分


    当中黄色区域取值范围为0~22.5 与157.5~180

    绿色区域取值范围为22.5 ~ 67.5






    // 非最大信号压制算法 3x3
    Arrays.fill(magnitudes, 0);
    for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) {
    	for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
    		index = row * width + col;
    		float angle = magnitudes[index];
    		float m0 = data[index];
    		magnitudes[index] = m0;
    		if(angle >=0 && angle < 22.5) // angle 0
    			float m1 = getPixel(data, width, height, col-1, row);
    			float m2 = getPixel(data, width, height, col+1, row);
    			if(m0 < m1 || m0 < m2)
    				magnitudes[index] = 0;
    		else if(angle >= 22.5 && angle < 67.5) // angle +45
    			float m1 = getPixel(data, width, height, col+1, row-1);
    			float m2 = getPixel(data, width, height, col-1, row+1);
    			if(m0 < m1 || m0 < m2)
    				magnitudes[index] = 0;
    		else if(angle >= 67.5 && angle < 112.5) // angle 90
    			float m1 = getPixel(data, width, height, col, row+1);
    			float m2 = getPixel(data, width, height, col, row-1);
    			if(m0 < m1 || m0 < m2)
    				magnitudes[index] = 0;
    		else if(angle >=112.5 && angle < 157.5) // angle 135 / -45
    			float m1 = getPixel(data, width, height, col-1, row-1);
    			float m2 = getPixel(data, width, height, col+1, row+1);
    			if(m0 < m1 || m0 < m2)
    				magnitudes[index] = 0;
    		else if(angle >=157.5) // 跟零度是一致的,感谢一位网友发现了这个问题
    			float m1 = getPixel(data, width, height, col+1, row);
    			float m2 = getPixel(data, width, height, col-1, row);
    			if(m0 < m1 || m0 < m2)
    				magnitudes[index] = 0;

    1.      双阈值边缘连接




    缘,Canny提出基于双阈值(Fuzzy threshold)方法非常好的实现了边缘选取,在实际



    a.      对于随意边缘像素低于TL的则丢弃

    b.      对于随意边缘像素高于TH的则保留

    c.      对于随意边缘像素值在TL与TH之间的,假设能通过边缘连接到一个像素大于


    Arrays.fill(data, 0);
    int offset = 0;
    for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) {
    	for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
    		if(magnitudes[offset] >= highThreshold && data[offset] == 0)
    			edgeLink(col, row, offset, lowThreshold);

    private void edgeLink(int x1, int y1, int index, float threshold) {
    	int x0 = (x1 == 0) ? x1 : x1 - 1;
    	int x2 = (x1 == width - 1) ? x1 : x1 + 1;
    	int y0 = y1 == 0 ? y1 : y1 - 1;
    	int y2 = y1 == height -1 ?

    y1 : y1 + 1; data[index] = magnitudes[index]; for (int x = x0; x <= x2; x++) { for (int y = y0; y <= y2; y++) { int i2 = x + y * width; if ((y != y1 || x != x1) && data[i2] == 0 && magnitudes[i2] >= threshold) { edgeLink(x, y, i2, threshold); return; } } } }

    6.      结果二值化显示 - 不说啦,直接点,自己看吧,太简单啦

    // 二值化显示
    for(int i=0; i<inPixels.length; i++)
    	int gray = clamp((int)data[i]);
    	outPixels[i] = gray > 0 ?

    -1 : 0xff000000; }



    package com.gloomyfish.filter.study;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    public class CannyEdgeFilter extends AbstractBufferedImageOp {
    	private float gaussianKernelRadius = 2f;
    	private int gaussianKernelWidth = 16;
    	private float lowThreshold;
    	private float highThreshold;
    	// image width, height
    	private int width;
    	private int height;
    	private float[] data;
    	private float[] magnitudes;
    	public CannyEdgeFilter() {
    		lowThreshold = 2.5f;
    		highThreshold = 7.5f;
    		gaussianKernelRadius = 2f;
    		gaussianKernelWidth = 16;
    	public float getGaussianKernelRadius() {
    		return gaussianKernelRadius;
    	public void setGaussianKernelRadius(float gaussianKernelRadius) {
    		this.gaussianKernelRadius = gaussianKernelRadius;
    	public int getGaussianKernelWidth() {
    		return gaussianKernelWidth;
    	public void setGaussianKernelWidth(int gaussianKernelWidth) {
    		this.gaussianKernelWidth = gaussianKernelWidth;
    	public float getLowThreshold() {
    		return lowThreshold;
    	public void setLowThreshold(float lowThreshold) {
    		this.lowThreshold = lowThreshold;
    	public float getHighThreshold() {
    		return highThreshold;
    	public void setHighThreshold(float highThreshold) {
    		this.highThreshold = highThreshold;
    	public BufferedImage filter(BufferedImage src, BufferedImage dest) {
    		width = src.getWidth();
    		height = src.getHeight();
    		if (dest == null)
    			dest = createCompatibleDestImage(src, null);
    		// 图像灰度化
    		int[] inPixels = new int[width * height];
    		int[] outPixels = new int[width * height];
    		getRGB(src, 0, 0, width, height, inPixels);
    		int index = 0;
    		for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) {
    			int ta = 0, tr = 0, tg = 0, tb = 0;
    			for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
    				index = row * width + col;
    				ta = (inPixels[index] >> 24) & 0xff;
    				tr = (inPixels[index] >> 16) & 0xff;
    				tg = (inPixels[index] >> 8) & 0xff;
    				tb = inPixels[index] & 0xff;
    				int gray = (int) (0.299 * tr + 0.587 * tg + 0.114 * tb);
    				inPixels[index] = (ta << 24) | (gray << 16) | (gray << 8)
    						| gray;
    		// 计算高斯卷积核
    		float kernel[][] = new float[gaussianKernelWidth][gaussianKernelWidth];
    		for(int x=0; x<gaussianKernelWidth; x++)
    			for(int y=0; y<gaussianKernelWidth; y++)
    				kernel[x][y] = gaussian(x, y, gaussianKernelRadius);
    		// 高斯模糊 -灰度图像
    		int krr = (int)gaussianKernelRadius;
    		for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) {
    			for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
    				index = row * width + col;
    				double weightSum = 0.0;
    				double redSum = 0;
    				for(int subRow=-krr; subRow<=krr; subRow++)
    					int nrow = row + subRow;
    					if(nrow >= height || nrow < 0)
    						nrow = 0;
    					for(int subCol=-krr; subCol<=krr; subCol++)
    						int ncol = col + subCol;
    						if(ncol >= width || ncol <=0)
    							ncol = 0;
    						int index2 = nrow * width + ncol;
    						int tr1 = (inPixels[index2] >> 16) & 0xff;
    						redSum += tr1*kernel[subRow+krr][subCol+krr];
    						weightSum += kernel[subRow+krr][subCol+krr];
    				int gray = (int)(redSum / weightSum);
    				outPixels[index] = gray;
    		// 计算梯度-gradient, X放与Y方向
    		data = new float[width * height];
    		magnitudes = new float[width * height];
    		for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) {
    			for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
    				index = row * width + col;
    				// 计算X方向梯度
    				float xg = (getPixel(outPixels, width, height, col, row+1) - 
    						getPixel(outPixels, width, height, col, row) + 
    						getPixel(outPixels, width, height, col+1, row+1) -
    						getPixel(outPixels, width, height, col+1, row))/2.0f;
    				float yg = (getPixel(outPixels, width, height, col, row)-
    						getPixel(outPixels, width, height, col+1, row) +
    						getPixel(outPixels, width, height, col, row+1) -
    						getPixel(outPixels, width, height, col+1, row+1))/2.0f;
    				// 计算振幅与角度
    				data[index] = hypot(xg, yg);
    				if(xg == 0)
    					if(yg > 0)
    					if(yg < 0)
    				else if(yg == 0)
    					magnitudes[index] = (float)((Math.atan(yg/xg) * 180)/Math.PI);					
    				// make it 0 ~ 180
    				magnitudes[index] += 90;
    		// 非最大信号压制算法 3x3
    		Arrays.fill(magnitudes, 0);
    		for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) {
    			for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
    				index = row * width + col;
    				float angle = magnitudes[index];
    				float m0 = data[index];
    				magnitudes[index] = m0;
    				if(angle >=0 && angle < 22.5) // angle 0
    					float m1 = getPixel(data, width, height, col-1, row);
    					float m2 = getPixel(data, width, height, col+1, row);
    					if(m0 < m1 || m0 < m2)
    						magnitudes[index] = 0;
    				else if(angle >= 22.5 && angle < 67.5) // angle +45
    					float m1 = getPixel(data, width, height, col+1, row-1);
    					float m2 = getPixel(data, width, height, col-1, row+1);
    					if(m0 < m1 || m0 < m2)
    						magnitudes[index] = 0;
    				else if(angle >= 67.5 && angle < 112.5) // angle 90
    					float m1 = getPixel(data, width, height, col, row+1);
    					float m2 = getPixel(data, width, height, col, row-1);
    					if(m0 < m1 || m0 < m2)
    						magnitudes[index] = 0;
    				else if(angle >=112.5 && angle < 157.5) // angle 135 / -45
    					float m1 = getPixel(data, width, height, col-1, row-1);
    					float m2 = getPixel(data, width, height, col+1, row+1);
    					if(m0 < m1 || m0 < m2)
    						magnitudes[index] = 0;
    				else if(angle >=157.5) // angle 0
    					float m1 = getPixel(data, width, height, col, row+1);
    					float m2 = getPixel(data, width, height, col, row-1);
    					if(m0 < m1 || m0 < m2)
    						magnitudes[index] = 0;
    		// 寻找最大与最小值
    		float min = 255;
    		float max = 0;
    		for(int i=0; i<magnitudes.length; i++)
    			if(magnitudes[i] == 0) continue;
    			min = Math.min(min, magnitudes[i]);
    			max = Math.max(max, magnitudes[i]);
    		System.out.println("Image Max Gradient = " + max + " Mix Gradient = " + min);
    		// 通常比值为 TL : TH = 1 : 3, 依据两个阈值完毕二值化边缘连接
    		// 边缘连接-link edges
    		Arrays.fill(data, 0);
    		int offset = 0;
    		for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) {
    			for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
    				if(magnitudes[offset] >= highThreshold && data[offset] == 0)
    					edgeLink(col, row, offset, lowThreshold);
    		// 二值化显示
    		for(int i=0; i<inPixels.length; i++)
    			int gray = clamp((int)data[i]);
    			outPixels[i] = gray > 0 ? -1 : 0xff000000;     
    		setRGB(dest, 0, 0, width, height, outPixels );
    		return dest;
    	public int clamp(int value) {
    		return value > 255 ?

    255 : (value < 0 ?

    0 : value); } private void edgeLink(int x1, int y1, int index, float threshold) { int x0 = (x1 == 0) ? x1 : x1 - 1; int x2 = (x1 == width - 1) ? x1 : x1 + 1; int y0 = y1 == 0 ? y1 : y1 - 1; int y2 = y1 == height -1 ? y1 : y1 + 1; data[index] = magnitudes[index]; for (int x = x0; x <= x2; x++) { for (int y = y0; y <= y2; y++) { int i2 = x + y * width; if ((y != y1 || x != x1) && data[i2] == 0 && magnitudes[i2] >= threshold) { edgeLink(x, y, i2, threshold); return; } } } } private float getPixel(float[] input, int width, int height, int col, int row) { if(col < 0 || col >= width) col = 0; if(row < 0 || row >= height) row = 0; int index = row * width + col; return input[index]; } private float hypot(float x, float y) { return (float) Math.hypot(x, y); } private int getPixel(int[] inPixels, int width, int height, int col, int row) { if(col < 0 || col >= width) col = 0; if(row < 0 || row >= height) row = 0; int index = row * width + col; return inPixels[index]; } private float gaussian(float x, float y, float sigma) { float xDistance = x*x; float yDistance = y*y; float sigma22 = 2*sigma*sigma; float sigma22PI = (float)Math.PI * sigma22; return (float)Math.exp(-(xDistance + yDistance)/sigma22)/sigma22PI; } }


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/blfbuaa/p/6751691.html
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