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  • Matlab pchiptx

    function v = pchiptx(x,y,u)
    %PCHIPTX  Textbook piecewise cubic Hermite interpolation.
    %  v = pchiptx(x,y,u) finds the shape-preserving piecewise cubic
    %  interpolant P(x), with P(x(j)) = y(j), and returns v(k) = P(u(k)).
    %  First derivatives
       h = diff(x);
       delta = diff(y)./h;
       d = pchipslopes(h,delta);
    %  Piecewise polynomial coefficients
       n = length(x);
       c = (3*delta - 2*d(1:n-1) - d(2:n))./h;
       b = (d(1:n-1) - 2*delta + d(2:n))./h.^2;
    %  Find subinterval indices k so that x(k) <= u < x(k+1)
       k = ones(size(u));
       for j = 2:n-1
          k(x(j) <= u) = j;
    %  Evaluate interpolant
       s = u - x(k);
       v = y(k) + s.*(d(k) + s.*(c(k) + s.*b(k)));
    % -------------------------------------------------------
    function d = pchipslopes(h,delta)
    %  PCHIPSLOPES  Slopes for shape-preserving Hermite cubic
    %  interpolation.  pchipslopes(h,delta) computes d(k) = P'(x(k)).
    %  Slopes at interior points
    %  delta = diff(y)./diff(x).
    %  d(k) = 0 if delta(k-1) and delta(k) have opposites signs
    %         or either is zero.
    %  d(k) = weighted harmonic mean of delta(k-1) and delta(k)
    %         if they have the same sign.
       n = length(h)+1;
       d = zeros(size(h));
       k = find(sign(delta(1:n-2)).*sign(delta(2:n-1)) > 0) + 1;
       w1 = 2*h(k)+h(k-1);
       w2 = h(k)+2*h(k-1);
       d(k) = (w1+w2)./(w1./delta(k-1) + w2./delta(k));
    %  Slopes at endpoints
       d(1) = pchipendpoint(h(1),h(2),delta(1),delta(2));
       d(n) = pchipendpoint(h(n-1),h(n-2),delta(n-1),delta(n-2));
    % -------------------------------------------------------
    function d = pchipendpoint(h1,h2,del1,del2)
    %  Noncentered, shape-preserving, three-point formula.
       d = ((2*h1+h2)*del1 - h1*del2)/(h1+h2);
       if sign(d) ~= sign(del1)
          d = 0;
       elseif (sign(del1) ~= sign(del2)) & (abs(d) > abs(3*del1))
          d = 3*del1;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/blfbuaa/p/7072523.html
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