-module(t). -export([test/0]). test() -> ["我", <<"我">>].在旧版的erlang中,以下的代码能正常工作。结果就是:
Eshell V5.9.1 (abort with ^G) 1> c(t). {ok,t} 2> t:test(). [[230,136,145],<<230,136,145>>]R17编译后的执行结果为:
Eshell V6.0 (abort with ^G) 1> c(t). {ok,t} 2> t:test(). [[25105],<<17>>]找到erlang的文档,erlang更新到R17后,默认编码从Latin-1换成了utf8
In Erlang/OTP 17.0, the encoding default for Erlang source files was switched to UTF-8 and in Erlang/OTP 18.0 Erlang will support atoms in the full Unicode range, meaning full Unicode function and module names
想让R17正确识别utf-8无bom格式的代码文件。方法就是在文件头部加上“%% coding: latin-1”,代码就变成这样:
%% coding: latin-1 -module(t). -export([test/0]). test() -> ["我", <<"我">>].问题是,写个脚本对旧的代码文件做改动尽管不麻烦。但新加进来的文件还要加上这个头部申明,确定有点坑爹。并且受影响的还有 file:consult/1 ,也是要加上头部申明
-module(test). -compile(export_all). compile(FileName) -> compile(FileName, [verbose,report_errors,report_warnings]). compile(FileName, Options) -> Module = filename:basename(FileName), {ok, Forms } = epp:parse_file(FileName, [{default_encoding, latin1}]) , {ok, Mod, Code} = compile:forms(Forms, Options), {ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(), code:load_binary(Mod, FileName, Code), file:write_file(lists:concat([Cwd, Module, ".beam"]), Code, [write, binary]).注意了,以上代码不要在R17之前erlang使用,某些接口erlang还没提供支持。执行结果例如以下:
14> c(test). {ok,test} 15> test:compile("t.erl"). ok 16> t:test(). [[230,136,145],<<230,136,145>>]另外。也又一次实现了file:consult/1,例如以下:
consult(File) -> case file:open(File, [read]) of {ok, Fd} -> R = consult_stream(Fd), _ = file:close(Fd), R; Error -> Error end. consult_stream(Fd) -> _ = epp:set_encoding(Fd, latin1), consult_stream(Fd, 1, []). consult_stream(Fd, Line, Acc) -> case io:read(Fd, '', Line) of {ok,Term,EndLine} -> consult_stream(Fd, EndLine, [Term|Acc]); {error,Error,_Line} -> {error,Error}; {eof,_Line} -> {ok,lists:reverse(Acc)} end.尽管这里能解决erlang R17无法识别中文问题, 但还是希望erlang在以后的版本号能提供一个參数用以兼容latin的代码。