It sounds like you recently updated GitHub application and Git Shell is now broken. Short version To fix it
事实上出现这个问题非常可能是由于使用github for windows 的小伙伴更新了git shell所产生的。 上面的三点事实上就是三个步骤: 1)关闭git shell 2)打开gitHub 3)又一次打开Gitshell即可 事实上照着上面的做即可了。假设不行的再照着以下的尝试一下哈~~~~(由于我照着上面的做就解决这个问题了) Long version This just happened to me and just to make sure I follow you, you just did this
Now it gives the error
If this is the case, do this
This will say something along the lines of (not sure of the exact version)
Let that go through the process and after it is complete, go open Git Shell and it is fixed. Just worked for me at least. |