char ** 和 const char ** 是两个不相容(incompatible)的类型,能够理解为不能直接赋值在C11的6.5.2.2 Function calls中有例如以下内容
Each argument shall have a type such that its value may be assigned to an object with the unqualified version of the type of its corresponding parameter.翻译:每一个实參都应该具有自己的类型,这样它的值就能够赋给相应非全然限定版本号形參类型的对象
再看6.5.16.1 Simple assignment中的约束条件
1 One of the following shall hold:112)
-- the left operand has atomic, qualified, or unqualified pointer type, and (considering
the type the left operand would have after lvalue conversion) both operands are
pointers to qualified or unqualified versions of compatible types, and the type pointed
to by the left has all the qualifiers of the type pointed to by the right;
正是由于这条约束的存在,所以能将实參char* 赋给const char*,比方以下这段用于解说的代码:
char *cp;
const char *ccp;
ccp = cp;
注意反过来就不行了. Simple assignment中其它约束条件都不能说明char** 赋值给const char ** 是合法的.最有可能证明其合法的是上面写的那个约束条件.
首先看6.2.5 Types中的样例
29 EXAMPLE 1 The type designated as ''float *'' has type ''pointer to float''. Its type category is pointer, not a floating type. The const-qualified version of this type is designated as ''float * const'' whereas the type designated as ''const float *'' is not a qualified type -- its type is ''pointer to const-qualified float'' and is a pointer to a qualified type.这个样例是说const float * 类型并非一个有限定符的类型,它是一个没有限定符的指针,指向的是有const限定符的float类型数据.也就是说const修饰的是指向的float而不是指针本身.
类似的,char ** 和const char **都是没有限定符的指针.
char ** 指向的是没有限定修饰符的指针char *
const char ** 指向的是没有限定修饰符的指针const char *
可是char * 和const char * 是不相容的,约束条件要求被指向的类型,不管有没有限定符,可是必须是相容的,显然char * 和const char *是两种不同的指针.
虽然char * 和const char * 所指向的类型是相容的,并且能够把前一个指针的值赋给后一个指针,可是这并不能说明这两个指针类型是相容的.
总之,char * 和const char * 不相容,这和那个"最有可能证明"的约束条件相违背,所以没有不论什么约束条件能证明能够把char **的值赋给const char **.