
1 procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); 2 var 3 lppe: TProcessEntry32; 4 found : boolean; 5 Hand : THandle; 6 P:DWORD; 7 s:string; 8 begin 9 ListBox1.Items.Clear ; 10 Hand := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPALL,0); 11 found := Process32First(Hand,lppe); 12 while found do 13 begin 14 s := StrPas(lppe.szExeFile); 15 if lppe.th32ProcessID>0 then 16 p := lppe.th32ProcessID 17 else 18 p := 0; 19 ListBox1.Items.AddObject(s,pointer(p));//列出所有进程。 20 found := Process32Next(Hand,lppe); 21 end; 22 end;

1 procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); 2 var 3 lppe: TProcessEntry32; 4 found : boolean; 5 Hand : THandle; 6 P:DWORD; 7 sExeFile,sSelect:string; 8 killed:boolean; 9 begin 10 p :=DWORD(ListBox1.Items.Objects[ListBox1.itemindex]); 11 if P<>0 then 12 begin 13 killed := TerminateProcess(OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE,False,P),$FFFFFFFF); 14 if not killed then 15 messagebox(self.handle,pchar(sExeFile+'无法杀死!'),'提示',MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING) 16 else 17 ListBox1.Items.Delete(ListBox1.ItemIndex); 18 end; 19 end;

procedure TForm1.Button8Click(Sender: TObject); //uses PSAPI; var h:THandle; fileName:string; iLen:integer; hMod:HMODULE; cbNeeded,p:DWORD; begin p :=DWORD(ListBox1.Items.Objects[ListBox1.itemindex]); h := OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, false, p); //p 为 进程ID if h > 0 then begin if EnumProcessModules( h, @hMod, sizeof(hMod), cbNeeded) then begin SetLength(fileName, MAX_PATH); iLen := GetModuleFileNameEx(h, hMod, PCHAR(fileName), MAX_PATH); if iLen <> 0 then begin SetLength(fileName, StrLen(PCHAR(fileName))); ShowMessage(fileName); end; end; CloseHandle(h); end; end;

begin ListBox1.Items.Clear ; EnumWindows(@EnumWindowsProc, 0); end;

procedure TForm1.Button6Click(Sender: TObject); var H:THandle; P:DWORD; s:string; killed:boolean; begin s := ListBox1.Items[ListBox1.ItemIndex]; H:=FindWindow(nil,pchar(s)); if H<>0 then begin GetWindowThreadProcessId(H,@P); if P<>0 then killed:=TerminateProcess(OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE,False,P),$FFFFFFFF); if not killed then messagebox(self.handle,pchar(s+'无法杀死!'),'提示',MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING) else ListBox1.Items.Delete(ListBox1.ItemIndex); end; end;

procedure TForm1.Button9Click(Sender: TObject); var H:THandle; P,cbNeeded: DWORD; s,fileName:string; iLen:integer; hMod:HMODULE; begin s := ListBox1.Items[ListBox1.ItemIndex]; H:=FindWindow(nil,pchar(s)); if H<>0 then begin GetWindowThreadProcessId(H,@P); if P<>0 then begin h := OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, false, p); //p 为 进程ID if h > 0 then begin if EnumProcessModules( h, @hMod, sizeof(hMod), cbNeeded) then begin SetLength(fileName, MAX_PATH); iLen := GetModuleFileNameEx(h, hMod, PCHAR(fileName), MAX_PATH); if iLen <> 0 then begin SetLength(fileName, StrLen(PCHAR(fileName))); ShowMessage(fileName); end; end; CloseHandle(h); end; end; end; end;

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var SR: TSearchRec; V1, V2, V3, V4: integer ; const dtFmt:string = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:NN:SS'; begin // ============== 方法一 ==================== // if FindFirst(sFileName, faAnyFile, SR) = 0 then begin Edit1.Text := intToStr(SR.Attr); //文件属性 Edit2.Text := intToStr(SR.Size); //文件大小 Edit3.Text := FormatDateTime(dtFmt,CovFileDate(SR.FindData.ftCreationTime)); //创建时间 Edit4.Text := FormatDateTime(dtFmt,CovFileDate(SR.FindData.ftLastWriteTime)); //最后修改时间 Edit5.Text := FormatDateTime(dtFmt,CovFileDate(SR.FindData.ftLastAccessTime)); //最后访问时间 if SR.Attr and faHidden <> 0 then FileSetAttr(sFileName, SR.Attr-faHidden); FindClose(SR); end; if GetFileVersion(sFileName,V1, V2, V3, V4) then Edit7.Text := intToStr(v1)+'.'+intToStr(v2)+'.'+intToStr(v3)+'.'+intToStr(v4); // ============== 方法二 ==================== // { var Attrs: Word; f: file of Byte; // 文件大小 必须要 定义为" file of byte" ,这样才能取出 bytes size: Longint; //begin //文件属性 Attrs := FileGetAttr(sFileName); Edit1.Text := intToStr(Attrs); //文件大小 AssignFile(f, OpenDialog1.FileName); Reset(f); try AssignFile(f, sFileName); Reset(f); size := FileSize(f); Edit2.Text := intToStr(size); finally CloseFile(f); end; } end;

procedure TForm1.Button5Click(Sender: TObject); var PrevInstHandle:Thandle; AppTitle:pchar; begin AppTitle := pchar('test'); PrevInstHandle := FindWindow(nil, AppTitle); if PrevInstHandle <> 0 then begin if IsIconic(PrevInstHandle) then ShowWindow(PrevInstHandle, SW_RESTORE) else BringWindowToTop(PrevInstHandle); SetForegroundWindow(PrevInstHandle); end; end;

ListView1.Items.BeginUpdate; ListView1.Items.Clear; FSnapshotHandle := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); // CreateToolhelp32Snapshot函数得到进程快照 FProcessEntry32.dwSize := SizeOf(FProcessEntry32); // 初始化 ContinueLoop := Process32First(FSnapshotHandle, FProcessEntry32); // Process32First 得到一个系统快照里第一个进程的信息 Summ := 0; while ContinueLoop do begin Summ := Summ + 1; NewItem := ListView1.Items.Add; // 在ListView1显示 NewItem.ImageIndex := -1; NewItem.Caption := ExtractFileName(FProcessEntry32.szExeFile); // 进程名称 // ??NewItem.Caption := ExtractFilePath(FProcessEntry32.szExeFile);//进程名称 NewItem.subItems.Add(FormatFloat('00', Summ)); // 序号 NewItem.subItems.Add(IntToStr(FProcessEntry32.th32ProcessID)); // 进程ID ContinueLoop := Process32Next(FSnapshotHandle, FProcessEntry32); end; CloseHandle(FSnapshotHandle); ListView1.Items.EndUpdate; Label1.Caption := '进程数:' + IntToStr(ListView1.Items.count); ShowMessage(GetPathFileofModule('explorer.exe')); ShowMessage(GetProcessPath(7172));