public abstract class AsyncTask<Params, Progress, Result> { /** * Override this method to perform a computation on a background thread. The * specified parameters are the parameters passed to {@link #execute} * by the caller of this task. * * This method can call {@link #publishProgress} to publish updates * on the UI thread. * * @param params The parameters of the task. * * @return A result, defined by the subclass of this task. * * @see #onPreExecute() * @see #onPostExecute * @see #publishProgress */ protected abstract Result doInBackground(Params... params); /** * Runs on the UI thread before {@link #doInBackground}. * * @see #onPostExecute * @see #doInBackground */ protected void onPreExecute() { } /** * <p>Runs on the UI thread after {@link #doInBackground}. The * specified result is the value returned by {@link #doInBackground}.</p> * * <p>This method won't be invoked if the task was cancelled.</p> * * @param result The result of the operation computed by {@link #doInBackground}. * * @see #onPreExecute * @see #doInBackground * @see #onCancelled(Object) */ @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedDeclaration"}) protected void onPostExecute(Result result) { } /** * Runs on the UI thread after {@link #publishProgress} is invoked. * The specified values are the values passed to {@link #publishProgress}. * * @param values The values indicating progress. * * @see #publishProgress * @see #doInBackground */ @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedDeclaration"}) protected void onProgressUpdate(Progress... values) { } }
- abstract class AsyncTssk<Params, Progess, Result>的三个参数:
- Params:启动执行任务时的输入参数,对应方法void execute(Params params)和 Result doInBackground(Params... params)。
- Progress:后台任务完成的进度值类型,对应方法void onProgressUpdate(Progress... values)。
- Result:后台任务执行完成后的返回结果类型。对应方法 Result doInBackground(Params... params)
- AsyncTask的主要方法介绍:
- void onPreExecute(): 该方法在doInBackground() 执行之前被调用,常用与一些初始化的准备工作,比如在界面上显示进度条。
- abstract Result doInBackground(Params... params): 该方法是个抽象方法,要在子类中重写。执行后台要完成的任务,可以在该方法中调用publishProgress(Progress... values)更新任务完成进度,它会触发onProgressUpdate()。返回的结果会传递给onPostExecute(Result result)。
- void onProgressUpdate(Progress... values): 当在 doInBackground() 中调用publishProgress()时会触发该方法。
- void onPostExecute(Result result): 当doInBackground()完成后,系统会自动调用该方法,其参数就是doInBackground()的返回值。如果任务被取消将不会被调用。
- 创建AsyncTask的子类,并未三个泛型参数指定类型。如果某个某个泛型参数不需要指定类型,用void代替。
- 根据具体需要,在子类中实现上面的4个方法。
- 在UI线程中创建子类的实例,并调用AsyncTask的execute()方法。
- 必须在UI线程里创建AsyncTask 的实例,并调用execute()方法
- AsyncTask的上面介绍的4个方法不应有程序员调用,而是系统自动调用。
- 每个AsyncTask只能被执行一次,多次调用会引发异常。
package org.crazyit.handler; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLConnection; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Bundle; import android.app.Activity; import android.app.ProgressDialog; import android.content.Context; import android.view.View; import android.widget.TextView; /** * Description: <br/> * site: <a href="http://www.crazyit.org">crazyit.org</a> <br/> * Copyright (C), 2001-2014, Yeeku.H.Lee <br/> * This program is protected by copyright laws. <br/> * Program Name: <br/> * Date: * @author Yeeku.H.Lee kongyeeku@163.com * @version 1.0 */ public class AsyncTaskTest extends Activity { private TextView show; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); show = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.show); } // 重写该方法,为界面的按钮提供事件响应方法 public void download(View source) throws MalformedURLException { DownTask task = new DownTask(this); task.execute(new URL("http://www.crazyit.org/ethos.php")); } class DownTask extends AsyncTask<URL, Integer, String> { // 可变长的输入参数,与AsyncTask.exucute()对应 ProgressDialog pdialog; // 定义记录已经读取行的数量 int hasRead = 0; Context mContext; public DownTask(Context ctx) { mContext = ctx; } @Override protected String doInBackground(URL... params) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { URLConnection conn = params[0].openConnection(); // 打开conn连接对应的输入流,并将它包装成BufferedReader BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream() , "utf-8")); String line = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line + " "); hasRead++; publishProgress(hasRead); } return sb.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(String result) { // 返回HTML页面的内容 show.setText(result); pdialog.dismiss(); } @Override protected void onPreExecute() { pdialog = new ProgressDialog(mContext); // 设置对话框的标题 pdialog.setTitle("任务正在执行中"); // 设置对话框 显示的内容 pdialog.setMessage("任务正在执行中,敬请等待..."); // 设置对话框不能用“取消”按钮关闭 pdialog.setCancelable(false); // 设置该进度条的最大进度值 pdialog.setMax(202); // 设置对话框的进度条风格 pdialog.setProgressStyle(ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL); // 设置对话框的进度条是否显示进度 pdialog.setIndeterminate(false); pdialog.show(); } @Override protected void onProgressUpdate(Integer... values) { // 更新进度 show.setText("已经读取了【" + values[0] + "】行!"); pdialog.setProgress(values[0]); } } }