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  • vue组件化学习第二天



     1 // The Vue build version to load with the `import` command
     2 // (runtime-only or standalone) has been set in webpack.base.conf with an alias.
     3 import Vue from 'vue' //引入vue
     4 import ElementUI from 'element-ui' //引入ui组件
     5 import 'element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css' //引入ui组件css
     6 import App from './App' //引入app.vue
     7 import router from './router' //引入vue-router配置
     8 import Music from './components/Music' //引入自定义组件music
     9 Vue.use(ElementUI) //使用ui组件
    10 Vue.use(Music) //使用自定义组件
    11 Vue.config.productionTip = false
    13 /* eslint-disable no-new 实例化vue*/
    14 new Vue({
    15   el: '#app',
    16   router,
    17   components: { App },
    18   template: '<App/>'
    19 })


     1 import Vue from 'vue'
     2 import Router from 'vue-router'
     3 // 配置所有页面路由路径
     5 Vue.use(Router)  //使用router
     6 Vue.use(require('vue-wechat-title')); //实例化参数动态改变页面title   用法1:可以在各模块页面单独引入  用法2:也可以在app.vue统一引用。效果一样<div v-wechat-title="$route.meta.title"></div>
     7 export default new Router({
     8   routes: [
     9   // 默认首路径即是首页的页面
    10     {
    11       path: '/',
    12       name: 'Index',
    13       meta: { title: '首页' },
    14       component: resolve => require(['@/pages/Index'], resolve)//异步加载组件好处按需加载不需要用户一次性加载各模块
    15     },
    16     // 分类
    17     {
    18         path: '/list',
    19         name: 'List',
    20         meta: { title: '分类' },
    21         component: resolve => require(['@/pages/List'], resolve)
    22     },
    23     //个人中心
    24     {
    25         path: '/my',
    26         name: 'My',
    27         meta: { title: '我的' },
    28         component: resolve => require(['@/pages/My'], resolve)
    29     },
    30     {
    31       path: '/journalList',
    32       name: 'JournalList',
    33       meta: { title: '日志列表' },
    34       component: resolve => require(['@/pages/JournalList'], resolve)
    35     }  
    36   ]
    37 })


     1 <template>
     2   <div>
     3     <div v-wechat-title="$route.meta.title"></div>
     4     <Head></Head>
     5     <el-main>
     6       <el-carousel :interval="4000" type="card" height="200px">
     7         <el-carousel-item v-for="item in 6" :key="item">
     8           <h3>{{ item }}</h3>
     9         </el-carousel-item>
    10       </el-carousel>
    11       <div style="height:1000px">
    12       </div>
    13     </el-main>
    14     <Foot></Foot>
    15   </div>
    17 </template>
    19 <script>
    20 // 引入头部和底部
    21 import Head from '../components/Header' //引入组件header
    22 import Foot from '../components/Footer'   //引入组件footer
    23 import Img from '../assets/img/bg.jpg'   //引入背景图
    24 export default {
    25   name: 'Index', //命名和router名字一致
    26   data () {
    27     return {
    28       msg: ''
    29     }
    30   },
    31   components: { Head , Foot}  //定义所需要引入的组件,名字和引入时赋值名字一致
    32 }
    33 </script>
    35 <style>   //样式
    36  .el-main {
    37     100%;
    38     position:absolute;
    39     top:40px;
    40     bottom:40px;
    41     overflow:scroll;
    42     left:0;
    43     padding:0;
    44     background-repeat:no-repeat;
    45     background-image:url('../assets/img/bg.jpg');
    46     background-size:cover;
    47   }
    48   .el-carousel__item h3 {
    49     color: #475669;
    50     font-size: 14px;
    51     opacity: 0.75;
    52     line-height: 200px;
    53     margin: 0;
    54   }
    56   .el-carousel__item:nth-child(2n) {
    57     background-color: #99a9bf;
    58   }
    60   .el-carousel__item:nth-child(2n+1) {
    61     background-color: #d3dce6;
    62   }
    63 </style>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bluesky1024/p/8630441.html
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