Book of WolfMUDAndrew "Diddymus" Rolfe
Code Crafter's Studio
WolfMUD Website
Copyright ?2002-2003 by Andrew "Diddymus" Rolfe - All rights reserved.
This document was produced in the United Kingdom.
The information is provided "AS IS" without any kind of warranty. The
information presented is not a definitive guide to features,
performance or commitment to provide any feature. Code Crafter's
Studio reserve the right to change specifications and information
provided in this document without notice.
The WolfMUD Logo used on the cover is Copyright ?Andrew "Diddymus"
Rolfe - All Rights Reserved.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
Other company and product names may be trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective owners.
This work is dedicated to my wife Catherine, daughter Cassidy and my late
Grandfather Jack who is sorely missed...
I would also like to thank Sean Geoghegan. Though we have yet to meet face
to face, Sean has become a good friend over the last few years. He has
provided me with encouragement and been a voice of reason when I needed it
the most. Thankyou Sean...
Table of Contents
Quick Install
Quick Install Procedure
Player's Guide (Early Draft)
What IS WolfMUD?
Getting Started
Getting Help
Your Character
Moving Around
Skills and Guilds
Learning skills
Nitty Gritty details
WolfMUD Features
Tested Environments
Running Java Programs
Java in different environments
Running Java on Windows
Running Java on Windows using Microsoft's Java
Running Java on Unix
Running Java on an AS/400
Java 1.2 and above
Java 1.1.x (UNIX)
Java 1.1.x (Windows)
Upgrading from a previous installation
Retrospective Upgrade
Setup and Running
Server Configuration
Starting the Server
MiniWeb Server Setup
Binding Ports
MiniWeb file serving
SETWEB command
Setting MIME types
Ending The Server
WolfMUD Java Client Setup
Running the WolfMUD World Builder
World Builder
Creating Zones and Locations
Starting Locations
Creating Objects
Creating Mobiles
Non-Player Barriers
Linking Zones
Generating Everything
Exporting and Importing
Generated Files Only
Combat Text
Compiling from Source
Compiling under Windows
Compiling under Unix/Linux
Text Dump of the Cabbage Zone
License Agreement
So what is WolfMUD? Wolf stands for World Of Living Fantasy and is a MUD
codebase. If you have not come across this type of program before you may
already be lost by that remark so I'll start at the beginning...
A MUD is a multi-user dungeon. A text based environment where players can
gather and interact with each other and the world around them. You take on
the part of a character and through this character explore the world set out
before you. You can collect treasures, defeat monsters and build up a set of
skills for your character to use and interact with the other players.
Depending on the theme of a particular MUD you may find yourself in a
medieval fantasy setting, a futuristic science fiction setting or something
very bizarre.
A codebase is a program or set of programs that lets you run the MUD world
and handles the creatures, locations and objects as well as the player's
interacting with everything. The codebase itself is usually taken by the
people running the world (Usually called GODS, IMPs (Implementer), Admins,
Wizards and there are a lot more names) and they may tweak and modify the
codebase so that their world provides a unique experience for their players
not found on other MUDs. Typical examples are new Skills, Spells and Races.
WolfMUD provides a starting point for building and running a MUD. If you do
not want to modify the code and just create worlds for players you can. If
you do want to modify the codebase and add features for your players you are
free to do that as well. To help you create your own world a graphical based
World Builder is included so that you don't need to be the greatest
programmer in the world.
If you can type, you can be creative.
Quick Install
If you are the type of person who likes to get straight into something
without a lot of reading then this chapter is for you. If you get stuck at
any point then refer to the chapters that follow for more details on
installing WolfMUD, advanced setups, WolfMUD configuration and running Java.
Quick Install Procedure
1. Create an empty directory to install WolfMUD into. Usually this is
called wolfmud, it will be assumed this is the directory being
2. Download the latest WolfMUD JAR files from the WolfMUD web site
and save them into the wolfmud directory you created. The server
JAR file will be called WolfMUDServer_buildXXX.jar where XXX
represents the build number.
3. Open a shell/command window and change your current directory to
be wolfmud.
4. Run the JAR file from the command line using:
java -jar WolfMUDServer_build303.jar
5. Start the WolfMUD server by running the wolfServer class.
java wolfServer
6. Wait for the server to startup and you see the message saying it
is accepting clients. Login to the server as a player using:
telnet 4001
Player's Guide (Early Draft)
What IS WolfMUD?
WolfMUD is the 'World Of Living Fantasy' to give it it's full title. It is a
game where you create a character that you have control of and send it into
the game world to earn experience and fame. While in the game world you will
meet other players and creatures that can be interacted with.
Getting Started
When you first connect you will asked for the name of an existing character,
or the name to use for a new character. Enter the name you wish to use for
your character. A message will appear saying that the character could not be
found and do you want to create a new character. Reply Y. If you are asked
for a password the character already exists. Press enter and choose a
different name. You will then be asked for a password so nobody else can use
your character. You will then be asked to verify your password. Next you get
to choose the gender for the character. After you have created your
character you will be presented with a menu. If you already have a character
you will see this menu after entering your password.
To enter the game take option 1. This enters the main game itself and you
will find yourself in a tavern ready to play. While in the tavern you cannot
be attacked and cannot attack anything. So it is safe here for you to look
at help topics and experiment for a while until you get used to things.
Getting Help
Help is available to all players. To get a list of commands available, use
the COMMANDS command. If you need help on a specific commands use the HELP
command. It can be used in two ways. HELP by itself lists all help topics
available. HELP followed by a topic will show the help entry for the topic
chosen. For example to find out how to use the BUY command use:
You can also ask for help from other players. They may be helpful, then
again they may not.
Your Character
If you enter the command SCORE (SC for short) you will be able to see an
overview of your characters main attributes. These are:
* Character
* Date Created
* Last Login
* On Line Time
* Health
* Mana
* Hungry
* Thirsty
* Regen @
* Defense
* Attack
* Combat Damage
* Money
* Encumbrance
* Power Rating
Character Attributes
This tells you your characters name, title, gender and player
type. The name and gender you choose for yourself. All players
start off as mortals. The players title is based on the highest
skill gained. If two skills are of the same level then the
first learnt will determine the title.
Character...: Diddymus the GrandMaster Mage (Male) Implementer
\______/ \______________/ \____/ \_________/
Name Title Gender Type
Date created
This shows when you created your character.
Last Logon
This shows when you lasted logged onto the server. It will
always be when your current session started.
On Line Time
This is the total amount of time you have spent online
developing this character.
Health is a measure of how much damage your character can take.
The two figures given show your current health and the maximum
health. As you take damage the first figure will drop. When it
drops to zero your character will die and all equipment and
money carried will be dropped where you die. Your health will
raise by itself upto the maximum given a little time. However
if you are hungry or thirsty the amount of time taken will be
longer depending on how hungry or thirsty you are (See also
Regen @). As your character survives damage over time the
maximum health of the character will very slowly rise.
Mana is a measure of the magical force you have available for
casting spells. The two figures given show your current mana
and the maximum mana. As you cast spells the first figure will
drop. When it drops to zero your character can no longer cast
spells until the mana is regained. You mana will raise by
itself upto the maximum given a little time. However if you are
hungry or thirsty the amount of time taken will be longer
depending on how hungry or thirsty you are (See also Regen @).
As your character casts more and more spells over time the
maximum mana of the character will very slowly rise.
This value indicates how hungry you are. As time progresses you
will start to get hungry. If you do not eat then it will effect
how quickly you regain you health and mana. You cannot die from
hunger but if you get too hungry and thirsty you will stop
regaining health and mana (See also Regen @).
This value indicates how thirsty you are. As time progresses
you will start to get thirsty. If you do not drink then it will
effect how quickly you regain you health and mana. You cannot
die from thirst but if you get too thirsty and hungry you will
stop regaining health and mana (See also Regen @).
Regen @
This value shows you the modifier that your health and mana are
regenerating at. There are four levels. Full rate (x1.00), half
rate (x0.50), quarter rate (x0.25) and no regeneration (x0.00).
The current modifier will be a combination of how hungry and
thirsty you are.
Your defense value is an indication of how well you are
protected from harm. The value will take into account any
armour, magical items and skills etc. that you are using at the
time. The higher this value the better protected you are.
Your attack value is an indication of how well you can attack
something. The value will take into account any weapons, magic
and skills etc. you are using at the time. The higher this
value the better you attack chances.
Combat Damage
Combat damage is a measure of the potential damage you can do
to an opponent. It is represented as two figures, for example
5+5. This means you damage will be in the range of 5 points + a
random number of points from 1 to 5. So your damage could range
from 6 to 10 points.
This is the current amount of money you are carrying. You can
have more money than this in an account held by a bank or money
changer. Care must be taken as if you are killed you will drop
any money you are carrying and may lose it.
Encumbrance is a measure of how heavy or difficult to carry an
object is. It usually works out that 1 encumbrance point is
about 1/10^th of a pound. The two values shown show how much
you are carrying and the maximum you can carry.
Power Rating
Your Power Rating is an indication of how successful your
character is in the game world. The value is made up from a
number of values including how advanced your skills are and to
a lesser extent how rich you are. This determines how much
influence you have in the game. Unlike most games of this type
running around and killing things does not gain you power!
Moving Around
For each location in the game there will be a number of exits available. To
move in a direction type the direction you want to go. Possible directions
and DOWN. You can use N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, U and D to save typing.
Which exits are available will depend on your current location. If you
forget what exits are available to you, you can use the command EXITS to
show just the exists, or use LOOK to re-describe the location.
In the game you will come across many useful items. To pick up an item use
the GET command followed by the item you want to pickup. For example GET
SWORD. To drop an item use DROP as in DROP SWORD. To get more information
use the EXAMINE command, EXAMINE SWORD. You can also try to wield and wear
many items. To see what items you currently have and which are worn or
wielded, if any, use the INVENTORY command (INV for short). Many of the
commands can also deal with multiple occurrence of an object. For example if
the are two swords and you want to pick up the second sword use GET 2 SWORD.
You can also use the special item ALL. As in GET ALL, DROP ALL, WEAR ALL
Skills and Guilds
To help you survive your adventures to can gain useful skills along the way.
The most common source of training is from guilds. This will only provide
you will basic common skills, you will have to journey and adventure to find
the more powerful and rare skills. Training will also cost you more and more
the higher the level you wish to train at. Once you have acquired a skill
you do not have to pay for more training if you do not want to. Instead by
using the skill you can slowly develop it yourself. However this may take
many, many repetitions of the skill, more with the higher skill levels.
Learning skills
If you think you have found a potential tutor to learn skills from use the
command LEARN followed by the tutor you wish to learn from. For example
LEARN WIZARD. This will show you a list of skills you can learn from this
tutor and how much money will be required at your current level. If you have
enough money available you can learn the skill if you wish. Some skills
require others to be learnt before you can use them. For instance the skill
"basic magic" must be learned before you can learn any other magic spells.
The fireball spell however cannot be learned until your basic magic is
raised to 30%.
Nitty Gritty details
Once you have learned your skills you will have to actually use and practice
them so you don't "get rusty". Here is how it works. There are root skills
like "basic magic" and "basic combat". Using the SKILLS command these skills
show as green and have a current and target usage next to them. The current
percentage is how much you are using the skill and the target percentage is
the minimum percentage you must use the skill. Periodically your skills are
checked. If the current usage is below the minimum target usage then the
root skill will drop by 0.1% AND SO WILL ALL SUB SKILLS. Sub skills are
shown in yellow after each root skill. Using a sub skill will count toward
using the root skill as well. For example casting "magic missile" requires
you to use your knowledge of "basic magic". This also means as your "magic
missile" improves so will your understanding of "basic magic". Due to this
for every full 1% a sub skill is raised your root skill will raise by 0.1%
as well.
The highest root skill attained will determine your characters title which
others will be able to see. If you have learned no skills your title will be
"Beginner". The titles currently available are:
* Amateur
* Neophyte
* Initiated
* Skilled
* Practiced
* Proficient
* Studied
* Adept
* Expert
* Master
* GrandMaster
Due to the fact you need to practice skills to keep them there will be
very few "power characters" around. For example a GrandMaster
Warrior/Mage. The reason for this is that the skills will have to be
very carefully balanced with each other. Rely on magic too much and
your warrior skills will suffer, fight too much and your magic will
WolfMUD Features
Why would someone want to consider using WolfMUD instead of another
codebase? Below are a list of some of the features WolfMUD provides:
* Written in 100% Java for use on many different platforms.
* Currently tested on Win95/98/NT, OS/2, Solaris, Linux, RS/6000 and
AS/400 but should be compatible with any platform supporting Java.
* Very simple to setup with no compilation needed, just download and
* Includes GUI based World Builder allowing creation of worlds
without programming.
* GUI World Builder includes features to easily share zones
developed by others.
* GUI World Builder tutorial and example world provided.
* Integrated MiniWeb server (with automatic configuration of clients
and plugins).
* Stable Core Engine (Max runtime is on Linux at about 986 hours,
server ended accidentally).
* Low memory usage (The current world will run in under 1MB with
between 10-15 players). [1]
* Event driven.
* Scalable - maximum locations, objects and mobile count is around
2,000,000,000 Each!!!
* Large client count depending on platform used (On an AS/400
simulated just over ?million connections, then ran out of PC
power to throw more clients at it).
* Provides a skill based system for players instead of levels.
* Java Developers can easily extend codebase.
This section details the software required to be able to run WolfMUD.
The following are the very minimum requirements on any system for it to be
able to run WolfMUD.
* Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.1.x or higher (1.3.x recommended)
* TCP/IP Networking (LAN, Dial-up or local)
The following are optional and allow additional features of WolfMUD to be
* Java Enabled Web browser
* A Web Server such as Apache [3]
* Swing 1.1 or higher (Only required if you plan to use the World
Builder) [4]
* Java Development Kit (JDK) for compiling WolfMUD from source
Tested Environments
To date WolfMUD has been tested in the following environments:
* Windows 95/98/NT/2K/ME (Sun, IBM and Microsoft JVMs)
Server, MiniWeb, Client and Builder all run with no problems.
* IBM AS/400 (OS/400 V4R3M0 and above, IBM JVM)
Server and MiniWeb run with no problems. Native telnet can be used
as a client with no problems. The AS/400 has no GUI and does not
run the Builder or WolfMUD client. Native AS/400 telnet works fine
as a client.
* Sun Solaris 7 (Sun JVM)
Server, MiniWeb, Client and Builder all run with no problems.
* i386 Linux (Debian, RedHat, Sun and IBM JVMs)
Server, MiniWeb, Client and Builder all run with no problems.
* PowerPC Linux (Debian, Apple iBook, Blackdown JVM)
Server, MiniWeb, Client and Builder all run with no problems.
* OS/2 (IBM JVM)
Server, MiniWeb, Client and Builder all run with no problems.
* IBM RS/6000 (AIX, IBM JVM)
Server, MiniWeb, Client and Builder all run with no problems.
These only represent the environments currently available to the
developers for testing and WolfMUD should run in any environment
supporting Java.
Running Java Programs
It is assumed that Java is already installed as is TCP/IP networking.
Detailing the setup of Java and TCP/IP networking for all environments is
beyond the scope of this documentation. For more details on Java see the
chapter called Requirements which has several references for downloading
There are two types of Java installation. You can install the Java Runtime
Environment (JRE) , which allows you to only run Java. Or you can install
the Java Development Kit (JDK) which allows you to run and also compile and
develop in Java. Depending on which environment you have installed the
command for running Java may be located in a different directory.
For all environments make sure that the directory you installed
WolfMUD into is your current directory before you try running any of
the Java classes.
Note Note for JRE 1.1.x users
If you are using the JRE for version 1.1.x of Java you will need to
replace the command java with the command jre in the following
Java in different environments
Some Examples now follow for running Java in the following environments.
* Windows
* Windows with Microsoft's Java
* Unix
* AS/400
Running Java on Windows
You can check to see if Java is installed and accessible using the java
java -version
Depending on the Java vendor and your version it should respond with
something like:
java version "1.3.0"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.0)
Classic VM (build 1.3.0, J2RE 1.3.0 IBM build cx130-20000623 (JIT enabled: jitc
If it does not and instead responds with:
The name specified is not recognized as an internal or external command, operab
le program or batch file.
You will have to specify the full path to the java command, as in:
You can then rerun the above test using:
c:\jdk1.3\bin\java -version
Now we know the java command is working the general command for
running Java looks like:
java <class file>
The entry <class file> should be replaced with the the name of the
class you wish to run. The class file should be specified without the
.class extension. For example to run the wolfServer.class class you
would type:
cd c:\wolfmud
java wolfServer
Or using a fully qualified path to the java command you could use:
cd c:\wolfmud
c:\jdk1.3\bin\java wolfServer
It is important when running WolfMUD that the WolfMUD directory (the
directory you installed WolfMUD into) is your current directory before
you try and run any of the WolfMUD classes.
Running Java on Windows using Microsoft's Java
This is very similar to running WolfMUD using a version of Java like Sun's
or IBM's (see the Section called Running Java on Windows) but the command
used should be jview and not java. Microsoft's Java is usually available if
you have Internet Explorer 4 or above. The last point of note: this is a JRE
and not a JDK although a Microsoft 'SDK' is available from their website.
Running Java on Unix
You can check to see if Java is installed and accessible using the java
java -version
Depending on the Java vendor and your version it should respond with
something like:
java version "1.3.0"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.0)
Classic VM (build 1.3.0, J2RE 1.3.0 IBM build cx130-20000623 (JIT enabled: jitc
If it does not and instead responds with:
java: command not found.
You will have to specify the full path to the java command, as in:
You can then rerun the above test using:
/opt/IBMJava2-13/jre/bin/java -version
Now we know the java command is working the general command for
running Java looks like:
java <class file>
The entry <class file> should be replaced with the the name of the
class you wish to run. The class file should be specified without the
.class extension. For example to run the wolfServer.class class you
would type:
cd /home/diddymus/WolfMUD
java wolfServer
Or you could use:
cd /home/diddymus/WolfMUD
/opt/IBMJava2-13/jre/bin/java wolfServer
It is important when running WolfMUD that the WolfMUD directory (the
directory you installed WolfMUD into) is your current directory before
you try and run any of the WolfMUD classes.
Running Java on an AS/400
Running Java on an IBM AS/400 is slightly different to normal so help is
given here. Firstly it is easiest to run Java from a Unix like shell session
or 'QShell'. To start QShell use the command:
Once in the QShell session change to the WolfMUD directory in the Integrated
File System (IFS) using:
cd \WolfMUD
While in the QShell session the commands are processed separate from
the session itself, a bit like a batch job. After typing a command
wait for the prompt to appear again (usually a $ or ?sign).
You should now have a QShell session started and be in the WolfMUD
directory.To actually run Java classes in this session use the
following command:
java -opt40 -classpath .:/Products/classes <class file>
The entry <class file> should be replaced with the the name of the
class you wish to run. The class file should be specified without the
.class extension. For example to run the wolfServer.class class you
would type:
java -opt40 -classpath .:/Products/classes wolfServer
Once the server is running you can use F12 (Disconnect) in the QShell
session to detach the Batch server job from the current session. This
will free up your session and run the server in batch.
On the AS/400 the access to the IFS can be slow, also optimized
versions of the classes will be created so it may take a while for
things to happen (many minutes sometimes). THIS IS NORMAL WHEN
STARTING THE SERVER. This in no way slows down the server once it is
It is important when running WolfMUD that the WolfMUD directory (the
directory you installed WolfMUD into) is your current directory before
you try and run any of the WolfMUD classes.
The different parts of WolfMUD are now provided as JAR files and come with
automatic installers to make life easier for people. Life is even easier if
you are using Java version 1.2 or higher, although the software should run
from version 1.1.4 or above allowing use of the Microsoft JVM.
If you have an existing WolfMUD installation please read the chapter
called Upgrading from a previous installation before reading this
Once the selected JAR has been downloaded place it in the directory
you wish the software to be installed into, which may need to be
created. Usually the Directory is called WolfMUD.
Then depending on the version of Java you are using install using one
of the following examples. In the examples the directory specified may
be different depending on the location of your Java implementation and
the platform you are on (E.G. Windows/Unix). You may also have to
fully qualify the location of your java command (E.G.
/usr/jdk118/bin/java). For more information if you are unsure refer to
the chapter called Running Java Programs.
Please note, in the examples the upper/lower case is very important
even on a Windows platform. Also where example commands are given they
should all be typed on a single line even though they may be shown on
multiple lines in this document.
Java 1.2 and above
java -jar <downloaded JAR name>
java -jar WolfMUDServer_build300.jar
Java 1.1.x (UNIX)
java -classpath .:<downloaded JAR name>:<path to> install
java -classpath .:WolfMUDServer_build300.jar:/usr/jdk118/lib/
Java 1.1.x (Windows)
java -classpath .;<downloaded JAR name>;<path to> install
java -classpath .;WolfMUDServer_build300.jar;c:\jdk118\lib\
Upgrading from a previous installation
If you already have a WolfMUD installation and wish to use existing player,
project or data files follow these instructions.
1. Backup the important files from you existing installation:
a. Copy the players directory containing .ply files to a safe
place (E.G. a temporary directory)
b. Copy the projects directory containing .wmp and .wmx files to
a safe place (E.G. a temporary directory)
c. Copy the data directory containing .zon, .loc, .mob and .tng
files to a safe place (E.G. a temporary directory)
2. Delete the existing installation (E.G. Everything in C:\WolfMUD or
3. Copy the old players, projects and data directories back (E.G.
into C:\WolfMUD or /home/<user>/WolfMUD)
4. Install the new version of WolfMUD using the normal installation
instructions in the chapter called Installation.
Retrospective Upgrade
If you have already installed the new version of WolfMUD and wish to upgrade
some player files or project files (E.G. from a friend or previous install):
1. Copy the files you wish to retrospectively upgrade:
a. Copy player files into the players directory with the rest of
the .ply files.
b. Copy projects and extract files into the projects directory
with the rest of the .wmp and .wmx files.
2. To upgrade players rerun the SERVER installation using the
-nounpack option. For example:
Java 1.2 and above:
java -jar WolfMUDServer_build300.jar -nounpack
Java 1.1.x:
java -classpath .;WolfMUDServer_build300.jar;<path to>
installServer -nounpack
3. To upgrade projects rerun the BUILDER installation using the
-nounpack option. For example:
Java 1.2 and above:
java -jar WolfMUDBuilder_build62.jar -nounpack
Java 1.1.x:
java -classpath .;WolfMUDBuilder_build62.jar;<path to>
install -nounpack
Setup and Running
It is assumed you have already installed WolfMUD before reading this, if not
you probably need to read the chapter called Installation on installation
Server Configuration
There are a number of options that can be configured for the WolfMUD server
however for most people the defaults should be fine to start with until you
get adventurous.
In the directory WolfMUD was installed into there should be a file called in the config directory. This file can be edited and the
default values changed. Each property and it's values are fully documented
in the file itself. Two properties of particular interest will be
server.welcome and by changing the default values you can create
a custom welcome screen and news items for your MUD.
If you just want to override a value temporarily without changing the file certain properties can be specified on the command
line when starting the server. Specifying properties in this way will
override settings in the properties file only until the server is ended. A
full list of options can be seen by starting the server and appending -? to
the end of the command. As an example:
Java 1.2 and above:
java wolfServer -?
Java 1.1.x:
java -classpath .;c:\jdk1.1.7\lib\ wolfServer -?
This should display the following details:
Valid parameters:
-? This help screen
-port <port> Port to listen on for clients.
Where <port> is the port number (1-65535)
NOTE: 1-1023 usually reserved for other services.
-nodisklog Do not write out a log to disk.
-noconsole Do not log to a console/screen.
Useful if running in as background process.
-noeventlog Do not include events in the log.
-maxClients <x> Maximum number of client connections allowed.
If not specified defaults to platform limit.
-timeout <x> Timeout limit for idle players where x is a
number of minutes. Defaults to 15 minutes.
-noweb Do not start internal web server.
-webport <port> Port for web server. See -port option.
Starting the Server
To start the server you need to run the wolfServer class (See the chapter
called Running Java Programs on running Java if you need help). This will
start the server running. You can optionally specify a number of parameters
to override some settings in the file (See the Section
called Server Configuration for details).
By default the Client Port which players should connect to is 4001 and the
Web server is started on 4002. The window / process the server is running in
should now be left alone to do it's job. It will not end until the server is
The FIRST character that is created will be created as an Implementer
and has access to the #SHUTDOWN command to end the server.
MiniWeb Server Setup
If you do not want to use the MiniWeb Server it can be disabled using the
-noweb command line option. You can also change the port the web server is
running on by using the -webport option or by editing the
file. To save having to type the port number just for web pages, For Example, you can run on the web server on the default HTTP
port of 80. However on some systems this may require special system security
configuration as port numbers in the range 1-1024 are usually reserved for
well known services and access may be restricted to these ports on your
The last line displayed by the server when it starts up should look like:
27May 16:47:12.35 [M] Web server waiting on port 4002 (Accepting on any IP Addr
So you should be able to open a web browser and goto http://<my_IP>:4002
where <my_IP> is the IP address of the WolfMUD server EG If you cannot see this line, because the server is
running as a background process for example, ON THE SERVER MACHINE goto This will let you check the ports
being used.
Binding Ports
In the above section when the server starts up the last line displayed is:
27May 16:47:12.35 [M] Web server waiting on port 4002 (Accepting on any IP Addr
Notice it says (Accepting on any IP Address). This indicates that any
available IP address on the server machine will be used. Normally this is
fine. However if your machine is multi-homed (E.G. has more than one network
card installed or is configured for multiple IP addresses) you may want to
specify a specific IP which players can connect to. This is done by setting
the server.bindIP property in the file.
This binds the Telnet port and web server port.
MiniWeb file serving
In the installation directory there is a directory called web. This is the
only directory (and subdirectories) that the MiniWeb Server will allow
access to. Files in other directories cannot be requested by browsers. At
the moment HTML pages cannot use URLs that start with a period, For Example
.. for previous directory, as it opens up a security hole. This will be
addressed in a later release.
SETWEB command
As of build 258 the SETWEB command has been removed. The setup of the
MiniWeb server is now totally automatic as is the setting up of the WolfMUD
Setting MIME types
When a request for data is made by a browser the MiniWeb Server will send
the requested file (if applicable) and will also try to tell the browser
what type of data the file should contain. For example if a .txt file is
sent the browser will be told it is of type text/plain and the browser
should know what to do with that file type. The mapping between the file
extension .txt and the MIME Type text/plain is configured in the file This can be found in the config directory.
Ending The Server
To end the server you need to log on as a character that is an Implementer
and use the #SHUTDOWN command. This will end the server in an orderly manner
and save any characters currently in use. If the server is just killed off
there is a chance that the socket is not released and the server will not
restart because it thinks the socket is in use. Sometimes the server will
restart, but players will not be able to connect. Also any characters in use
will not be saved and the character will revert back to when it was last
auto-saved. This could lead to some very unhappy players.
WolfMUD Java Client Setup
There are three ways to setup the client: Automatically, as a stand-alone
application or as an Applet on a Web server. The following sections detail
each of these methods. For quick setups and testing method 1 is recommended.
Also this method allows a number of people to quickly get playing on a
network or over the Internet. Method 2 is of use if the internal web server
is not being used or needs to be configured. This method is also handy if
your browser does not support Java or you want to use a different version of
Java then your browser supports. Method 3 is usually used when you already
have a web server setup or just don't like the integrated MiniWeb server.
Note AS/400 Users
The Client will NOT run on the AS/400 in a normal "green screen"
session, only the server will. It is possible to access the server
using Telnet from a "green screen" session.
* Method 1: Automatic setup
This is the quickest and easiest method to use. When the MiniWeb
server is started it will automatically configure itself and the
client pages. Get the players to point a Java enabled web-browser
at the server and start playing. (See the section on MiniWeb
Server Setup for more details on the Port to Point too).
* Method 2: WolfMUD Client stand-alone Application setup
In the distribution file there is a file called
This file should be unpacked on each machine you wish players to
connect from, usually into a WolfMUD directory. To start the
client run the class wolf.client.wolfClient. This class can also
have 1 or 2 parameters. The first parameter is the host to connect
to. It can be specified as the Host Name or the Host IP address.
The second parameter is the port number to connect to. The port
can only be specified if a host has been specified. The defaults
are for the host and port 4001. To specify the
parameters just type them after the class name. For example:
Java 1.2 and above:
java wolf.client.wolfClient 4001
Java 1.1.x:
java -classpath .;c:\jdk1.1.7\lib\
wolf.client.wolfClient 4001
The commands should be entered on a single line. For more information
on running Java classes see the chapter Running Java if you need help.
* Method 3: Stand-alone Web server setup
To setup the client so it can be accessed from a stand-alone web
server the web server and WolfMUD server must be on the same
machine. This is due to restrictions that the Java 'sandbox'
security model imposes to protect users from Applets loaded over
the Web accessing their own machine. Also the integrated web
server must not be running on the port you want to use.
If you want to use a stand-alone web server AND want to make use
of the automatic configuration and plugins available from the
MiniWeb server you can just embed hyperlinks to the MiniWeb
plugins into your pages. In the installation there is a directory
called web. This contains an HTML file which contains such links
and you can crib from these.
The client and server files should not be put into the same directory,
otherwise players will be able to get to the server code and classes
as well and download the whole lot from your server. The WolfMUD
server does not have to be installed anywhere near the server files as
long as they are on the same machine.
Running the WolfMUD World Builder
To start the World Builder:
1. Change to the directory where the software is installed (Usually
2. Run the class wolfBuilder
a. For Java 1.2 and above:
java wolfBuilder
b. For Java 1.1.x make sure the Swing classes are in you
java -classpath .;c:\jdk1.1.7\lib\;
c:\swing-1.1.1fcs\swingall.jar wolfBuilder
The commands should be entered on a single line. For more details on
Swing for Java 1.1.x see the chapter on Requirements for details. For
more information on running Java classes see the chapter Running Java
if you need help.
Details on using the World Builder including a tutorial are covered
starting with the chapter called World Builder.
World Builder
This section details how to use the World Builder to create your own worlds
with locations, mobiles and objects without having to do any programming.
When the Builder is loaded the Builder workbench will be displayed with the
World Tree frame opened as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. World Builder Workbench
Most actions are performed by using a right mouse click (or mouse
click with a modifier key). To make sure everything has loaded
properly: select the Zones entry in the World Tree and right click. A
menu will be shown. From this menu select Add. A submenu should be
shown with a single item on it: Zone. This is shown in Figure 2. If
the entry for Zone is not displayed close down the builder and try
starting it again (This bug was fixed and should no longer be a
Figure 2. World Tree Showing Zone
Included with the World Builder is a sample project file based on the Stock
world shipped with WolfMUD. To load it select World from the World Tree,
right click and select Load as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Loading a Project
This will display a project load dialog from which you can select
different projects to be loaded into the Workbench. The sample project
is called WolfMUDWorld.wmp. Select it and click the Load button as
shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Project Load Dialog
You will now see a progress indicator as the project is loaded, and
then as the World Tree is rebuilt. See Figure 3.
Figure 3. Load and Build progress Indicators
When the project has loaded and the World Tree has been rebuilt expand
the Zones by double clicking the tree entry or selecting the icon left
of the entry. Under the Zones tree entry there should be 3 zones
available. If you expand each zone you will see there are three more
entries available: Locations, Mobiles and Objects as shown in Figure
4. Notice under the zone "South of Zinara" the icons for Mobiles and
Objects look different and have no "handles" next to them. This is
because no mobiles or objects have been defined for this zone.
Figure 4. Zones Expanded
You will notice looking at the tree that next to each entry is a
letter in square brackets. There are three possible values [C], [S]
and [E] indicating the type of entry. See the Table for an explanation
of each type.
Tree Mnemonics
[C] Multiple Category
This type of entry cannot be edited but unlimited additional
entries can be made under this entry. For example you can add
may creatures under the Mobiles entry.
[S] Single Category
This is similar to a [C] type entry but only a single entry can
be made under it. For example when creating a mobile there is a
Single Category Entry for the mobiles body so you can only add
one body per mobile.
[E] Entity
An entity entry is the actual entry in the tree that holds the
data for an object in the game. Individual creatures and
objects are examples.
If you find the entry for the Newbie Zone and expand the entries for
Mobiles You will see a number of creatures that have been defined for
this zone as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Mobiles for the "Newbie Zone"
For any tree entry with a type of [E] you can right click and display
a popup menu. From the World Tree find select the entity for An Ugly
Imp. Right click to bring up the popup menu and select Edit... as
shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Selecting an entry for editing
A new frame will open showing the properties defined for the Ugly Imp.
Tool tips are available for each attribute and there is also a main
help panel for all types available. See Figure 7 for an example.
Figure 7. Attributes for an Ugly Imp
If you look back to the World Tree you will also see a number of items
under the tree entry for the Ugly Imp. These include the Imps body,
Inventory and Attributes. Figure 8 shows these elements. Each element
with an [E] can be edited and if you look at the Pouch you will notice
it is a container and actually contains something.
Figure 8. Additional Attributes of the Ugly Imp
There is also a find feature available which will look for any text
that has been entered. Select the World entry in the World Tree and
right click to display the popup menu. From here select Find.... A new
frame will open. In the field for Search Text enter the word water and
the click the search button. After a short pause any result will be
shown. Each item in the result list can be double clicked and this
will position you to the entry in World Tree. Figure 9 shows the find
dialog in action.
Figure 9. Find Dialog in action
An example nows follows that will show you how to:
* Create a Zone
* Create Locations
* Create Mobiles
* Create Objects
The zone to be created will be added to the zone South of Zinara.
Figure 1 shows a map of this zone with the new zone to be created
shown in blue. It will be called The Cabbage Zone.
Figure 1. The Cabbage Zone (In blue).
Creating Zones and Locations
From the World Tree select the entry for Zones, display the popup menu and
select Add. A sub menu should popup where Zone can be selected. See Figure
Figure 1. Adding a new Zone
Selecting this will open a properties dialog for the new zone details.
Enter the details as shown in Figure 2 and then select the Save
When creating a new zone you must fill in the Alias. This is what the
generated files will be prefixed with.
Figure 2. Properties for the Cabbage Zone
There will now be a new zone listed in the World Tree; Our Cabbage
Zone. Select and expand the entries under it. You should see
Locations, Mobiles and Objects. Select Locations and display the popup
menu. The select Add, this will show a sub menu of different location
types you can have. For now select the Basic Location type. Figure 3
shows an example.
Figure 3. Adding a Location
This will now cause a new properties frame to be opened, this time for
entering the details for a Basic Location. Enter the details as show
in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Properties for a Basic Location
Now if there are cabbages in the field the players should be able to
interact with them, but we don't want them to take them. To do this we
add a narrative object to the location. Select the new location and
expand it so the Narrative Objects category can be seen. Select this
category and display the popup menu, select Add and from the type of
narrative available select Narrative Object. See Figure 5.
Figure 5. Adding a Narrative Object
Again we get a new dialog to enter detail for the Narrative Object.
This is where details for the cabbages can be entered as shown in
Figure 6. Now a player may type 'examine cabbage' or 'examine
cabbages' so we need both aliases. To get the field for the second
alias select the first field and right click to display the popup
menu, select add. A new field will now be added. If there is more than
one field already a delete option will also be available.
Figure 6. Properties for a Narrative Object
So there is now a field with cabbages we can examine. There are
another three fields to do each with cabbages, but we don't want to
have to type everything in again. Select the location and from the
popup select Copy. Display the popup again select Paste. Display the
popup twice more and paste each time. You should now have four
locations in total. Notice that the narrative under the locations has
also been copied for you. See Figure 7.
Figure 7. Copied Locations and Narratives
The three new locations and narrative are exact copies of the original
so you need to edit each of them. The information that needs changing
is the location index and exits for the locations and the location
index for the narratives. Figure 8 shows the modified locations and
Figure 9 shows the modified narratives.
Figure 8. Modified Locations
Figure 9. Modified Narratives
Starting Locations
Starting Locations in WolfMUD are a special type of Peaceful Location. They
have all the properties of a Peaceful location, that is no combat is allowed
providing a safe location. However starting locations also provide points of
entry into the world for players. Creating a Starting Location and it's
properties are exactly as for creating a Basic or Peaceful location.
Starting locations provide a way to implement "home zones" for players. If a
zone has at least one starting location defined then that zone becomes a
"home zone". When a player creates a character (or uses an existing
character without a "home zone" set) they may be asked to choose a "home
zone". Figure 1 shows an example login.
WolfMUD (C)1999,2000
World Created By
Of A.Rolfe (AKA Diddymus)
Please enter your characters name or the name for a new character.
Please wait, checking for character...
A character by that name cannot be found. Create a new Character? (Y/N)
Please enter a password for your character.
Please enter your password again for verification.
What gender would you like your character to be:
M - Male
F - Female
1st Character Created - Player Type is IMP.
Please select where in the world you would like to start from:
1. South of Zinara
2. Zinara
Figure 1. Example Login
If there is only one "home zone" available this will be automatically
selected for the character and no option to choose will be shown.
However if there are more "home zones" the player is asked to choose
If a "home zone" has more than one starting location defined then each
time the player logs in one of them will be selected at random when
the player enters the world.
Creating Objects
Next we will add a prize cabbage a player is able to take from one of the
fields (Location 3000). Find the tree entry for Objects under the Cabbage
Zone and select it. Then display the popup menu and select Add a sub menu
will be displayed showing all the different types of objects that can be
created. Select Food from the sub menu. See Figure 1.
Figure 1. Adding a Food Object
This will cause a new editor window to opened so the properties can be
edited. Enter the properties as shown in figure 21 to create the prize
Figure 2. Prize Cabbage Details
Creating Mobiles
If we have fields of cabbages then maybe there should be some to tend them.
For this we will create a Cabbage Farmer (Location 3003) to toil in the
field. Find the tree entry for Mobiles under the Cabbage Zone and select it.
Then display the popup menu and select Add this time a sub menu will be
displayed showing all the different types of mobiles that can be created.
Select Creature from the sub menu. See Figure 1.
Figure 1. Adding a Mobile
This will cause a new editor window to opened this time to enter
details for the farmer. Enter the properties as shown in Figure 2 to
create the Cabbage Farmer. The text for the combat actions may look a
bit odd due to special formatting. For information on how to compose
these messages see the section on Combat Text.
Figure 2. Cabbage Farmer Details
Now we have our cabbage farmer we need to flesh him out a bit and add
items, a body and attributes. These are added to the categories listed
under the entry for the farmer (Inventory, Body and Attributes). The
body will be added first. Notice that the category for Body has a type
of [S] next to it. This means we can only add a single item to this
category. Select Body, display the popup menu and select Add, from the
sub menu select Body Parts. See Figure 3.
Figure 3. Adding a Body
This will show a frame where the body parts can be entered. The body
parts a mobile has will effect what items can be worn/held/wielded.
For example if a creature has no hands, for example a giant slug, it
cannot use any item that requires hands to be used. Our cabbage farmer
will have a standard humanoid body as shown in Figure 4. Notice how
easy it is to create mobiles with a hand/arm/leg or even an ear
Figure 4. Body Details
Next add the attribute details. Select the Attributes category for the
farmer and add one each of Base Damage, Base Damage Modifier and Base
Hit Chance. The values for each are shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Attribute Details
Lastly we need to add some items for our farmer. Figure 6 shows the
items in the Farmer's inventory. He has clothing A Rough Shirt, Some
Leather Trousers and A Pair of Leather Boots (Figure 8). He also has a
Small Sack with some lunch in it; Some Bread and Some Cheese (Figure
9). Lastly he has a Hoe which can be wielded as a weapon should he be
attacked (Figure 7).
Figure 6. Cabbage Farmer's Inventory
Each of these items can be added in the usual way by selecting
Inventory from the cabbage farmer and adding the different types. The
exception to this is the Small Sack. This has it's own inventory. You
need to select the Small Sack and use Add to add the food into it.
Figure 8, Figure 9 and Figure 7 show the attributes for the different
items. The text for the combat actions for the Hoe may look a bit odd
due to special formatting. For information on how to compose these
messages see the chapter called Combat Text.
Figure 7. Farmer's Hoe
Figure 8. Farmer's Clothing
Figure 9. Farmer's Lunch
Non-Player Barriers
Before we generate our zone we need to stop our farmer from wandering out of
the fields. This is done using Non-player Barriers. We shall create one at
the west exit of location 3000 and one at the west exit of location 3002.
Find the Locations category for the Cabbage zone. For locations 3000 and
3002 add a Non-Player Barrier. The properties for each are shown in Figure
Figure 1. Non-Player Barrier Details
Linking Zones
The last thing we need to do before our zone is ready is to link it to the
existing zone South of Zinara at locations 2001 and 2002. To do this find
the zone South of Zinara, and under it find the Locations entry. Under this
look for locations '(2001) Worn road south of Zinara' and '(2002) Worn
road'. The exits for each of these locations need to be modified and the
descriptions changed to indicate the new Cabbage fields to the east of the
road. Figure 1 shows the changes for each location.
Figure 1. 'South of Zinara' Zone Changes
Generating Everything
Now at last the Cabbage Zone is ready to be tried out, but first we need to
generate the new zone. Select the entry World in the world tree, display the
popup menu and select Generate. A small progress dialog will open while
everything is being generated as shown in Figure 1. The yellow bars indicate
the progress for a zone and are reset as each zone is generated. The blue
bars show the overall zone progress and also any help entries.
Figure 1. The Generate progress Dialog
Now all that is left to do is start the server running and connect to
it. Exit the tavern and head south out of town. If everything is
working properly the cabbage zone should be just to the east of the
main road.
Note If you can log on as an Implementer
There are a few things you can do as an Implementer that make checking
your new zone easier.
* Use the command DUMP Z # this will list all loaded zones so you
can check your zone is loaded.
* Use the command GOTO O PRIZE will take you straight to the Prize
Cabbage object.
* Use the command GOTO L L3000 will take you straight to the first
room in the Cabbage Zone.
Now you have your new Cabbage Zone there is a chance (slim) that you may
want to share your work with others. To allow collaboration between
designers working on a world two features have been included. You can either
export your zone, or provide just the generated files. When you export a
zone to a *.wmx file (WolfMud Export) anyone you give the file to can import
it into their World Tree, look through it and modify it. If you give them
just the generated files they can only use them 'as is' and you will have to
make any changes for them.
Exporting and Importing
To export a zone select the zone to export, display the popup menu and
select Export. A dialog will be displayed where you can specify the file
name for the export. By default this file will be saved into the projects
directory. You can now take a copy of the *.wmx file and give it to other
designers to use. To import a *.wmx file select the Zones entry in the world
tree. Then display the popup menu and select Import. This will display a
dialog listing the files available for import. Select a file and the details
will be incorporated into you current project.
Generated Files Only
If you wish to keep control over the modifications made to your zone, or you
don't want anyone to look at the zone details and spoil any 'surprises' you
can do that as well. When a zone is initially created an alias MUST BE
PROVIDED. This is the name used for the generated files. The generated files
will be placed into the data directory. In the tutorial we gave the alias of
CABBAGE to our zone. Therefore once we have generated our zone we should
have a number of files prefixed CABBAGE. The exact files generated will
depend on the details you create. Table 1 shows the generated file types.
Table 1. Generated File Types
Zone Header File
This file should always be generated for all zones.
Locations File
This file contains details about all locations in the zone as well as
narrative objects. It is only generated when there are locations.
Mobile File
This file contains all of the details for each of the mobiles in a
zone. It is only generated when there are mobiles.
Thing File
This file contains details for everything else that can be created
except help topics. It is only generated if needed.
To distribute your zone this way just provide copies of the files
associated with your zone. To use these type of files on your own
server just copy them into the data directory and they will be picked
up automatically when the server is started.
If the *.zon file is not present then NONE of the other files will be
used either.
Combat Text
Combat text in WolfMUD is a little tricky until you get used to it.
Basically when a combat message is displayed it can be seen by one of three
types of people: the attacker, the defender and anyone watching (Viewers).
This means the same message cannot be sent to everyone. For example if you
have the message:
A Farmer hits out at you with a ham sized fist.
This would look fine for the defender but not for the attacker or viewers.
If you are watching and saw 'A Farmer hits out at you with a ham sized fist'
you would think the farmer is attacking you. Likewise if you are attacking
and saw it you would think 'but I'm not a farmer'.
To get around this substitution values can be used to automatically put the
right text in the right place for the person it is intended for. The
substitution values take the form {number}. See Table 1 for a list of valid
Table 1. Substitution Values
Substitution Replaced By
Attacker's Viewpoint Defender's Viewpoint Viewer's Viewpoint
{2} Defender's Name + 'S YOUR Defender's Name + 'S
{3} Defender's Name YOU Defender's Name
DB = Defender Based, AB = Attacker Based
Another problem is that of tenses. For example you hit and he hits. To
get around this you can use the special form [text/text]. The text
before the slash is only seen by the attacker and the text after the
slash is only seen by defenders and viewers.
Situation: A Farmer fighting Diddymus
{0} hit[/s] out at {3} with a ham sized fist.
Attacker sees: You hit out at Diddymus with a ham sized fist.
Defender sees: A Farmer hits out at You with a ham sized fist.
Viewers see: You see A Farmer hits out at Diddymus with a ham sized
Situation: A City Guard (Female) fighting A Taunting Imp (It)
{3} make[s/] a grab for {0} but {7} dart[/s] aside and swipe[/s] at
Attacker sees: A Taunting Imp makes a grab for You but You dart aside
and swipe at It.
Defender sees: You make a grab for A City Guard but She darts aside
and swipes at You.
Viewers see: You see A Taunting Imp make a grab for A City Guard but
She darts aside and swipes at It.
To make it easier to compose these messages a small utility is
available. In the directory where the server and World Builder
software is installed there should be a file called
testActionText.html. This can be run in a browser or using
appletViewer from the JDK. Figure 1 shows the utility.
Figure 1. Message Utility
The utility assumes a City Guard (female) fighting a Taunting Imp
(It). Enter you message in the top half and select the button CHECK.
The message will be formatted for the attacker [A], defender [D] and
viewer [V]. The resulting messages will then be displayed in the lower
half for you to check. Figure 2 shows an example.
Figure 2. Message Utility Example
When you are happy with your message it can then be cut and pasted
into the World Builder.
Compiling from Source
Compiling WolfMUD from source can be very easy even if you are only using
the standard Java Development Kit can not a fancy IDE. However just
compiling the sources using javac on the main wolfServer.javawill not work
and you will find only about a third of the sources are compiled.
You might ask why is this? Compiling the base file causes it
and also any classes it depends on to be compiled. However WolfMUD does not
directly reference all of it's classes, it uses reflection quite a bit. This
means the compiler cannot know about the other classes as they are loaded at
The easiest way to get around this is to quickly check and compile all of
the source files automatically. However you may find you need a JDK version
1.3.0 or higher to use the javac @<filename> method of compiling as other
versions of the JDK have problems especially under Windows.
Compiling under Windows
These commands will build a list of all of the java files which can then be
used as input into the javac command to compile everything. The commands can
either be entered again and again or put into a batch file. It is assumed
that WolfMUD has been installed into c:\wolfmud and the sources into
cd c:\wolfmud\sources
dir /B /S *.java file.list
javac -d c:\wolfmud @file.list
Compiling under Unix/Linux
These commands will build a list of all of the java files which can then be
used as input into the javac command to compile everything. The commands can
either be entered again and again or put into a script file. It is assumed
that WolfMUD has been installed into ~/wolfmud and the sources into
cd ~/wolfmud/sources
find . -name '*.java' > file.list
javac -d ~/wolfmud @file.list
Text Dump of the Cabbage Zone
Figure 1 show all of the details for the Cabbage Zone. It was produced using
the Dump To Text menu option on the Cabbage Zone and may be of help if some
of the images in the tutorial are difficult to read.
The Cabbage Zone -> Zone ====================================
Name: The Cabbage Zone
Description: Example Zone for Builder Tutorial.
Alias +: CABBAGE
Start Range: 3000
End Range: 4000
(3000) A cabbage field. -> Basic Location ===================
Location Number: 3000
Title: A cabbage field.
Description: You are in a muddy field full of cabbages.
Alias +: FIELD
Exits: 0, 0, 3001, 3003, 3002, 0, 2001, 0, 0, 0
----- Some cabbages -> Narrative Object ---------------------
Title: Some cabbages
Description: These are your average cabbage, if some what
on the small size. Available in a range
of greens,
yellows and browns.
Location: 3000
----- Non Player Barrier ------------------------------------
Location Index: 3000
Direction Blocked: 16
Block Alias +: FARMER
Pass Alias +:
(3001) A cabbage field. -> Basic Location ===================
Location Number: 3001
Title: A cabbage field.
Description: You are in a muddy field full of cabbages.
Alias +: FIELD
Exits: 0, 0, 0, 0, 3003, 3002, 3000, 0, 0, 0
----- Some cabbages -> Narrative Object ---------------------
Title: Some cabbages
Description: These are your average cabbage, if some what
on the small size. Available in a range
of greens,
yellows and browns.
Location: 3001
(3002) A cabbage field. -> Basic Location ===================
Location Number: 3002
Title: A cabbage field.
Description: You are in a muddy field full of cabbages.
Alias +: FIELD
Exits: 3000, 3001, 3003, 0, 0, 0, 2002, 0, 0, 0
----- Some cabbages -> Narrative Object ---------------------
Title: Some cabbages
Description: These are your average cabbage, if some what
on the small size. Available in a range
of greens,
yellows and browns.
Location: 3002
----- Non Player Barrier ------------------------------------
Location Index: 3002
Direction Blocked: 16
Block Alias +: FARMER
Pass Alias +:
(3003) A cabbage field. -> Basic Location ===================
Location Number: 3003
Title: A cabbage field.
Description: You are in a muddy field full of cabbages.
Alias +: FIELD
Exits: 3001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3002, 3000, 0, 0
----- Some cabbages -> Narrative Object ---------------------
Title: Some cabbages
Description: These are your average cabbage, if some what
on the small size. Available in a range
of greens,
yellows and browns.
Location: 3003
(3003) A Cabbage Farmer -> Creature =========================
Name: A Cabbage Farmer
Description: This is one of the local town's people whos
job is to grow and tend the cabbages for the to
Alias +: FARMER, MAN
Enter Message: A Farmer walks in.
Exit Message: A Farmer wolks off.
Actions +: The Farmer tends to the cabbages.,
The Farmer starts to h
oe the ground.,
The Farmer looks aroun
d the field.,
The Farmer rests again
st his hoe.
Location: 3003
Reset Frequency: 60
Health: 30
Combat frequency: 0
Combat Actions +: {0} hit[/s] {3} with a ham sized fist.,
{0} catch[/es] {3} with a stunning blow.,
{0} lash[/es] out at {3} hitting hard.
Aggressiveness: 0
Money: 0
Gender: 0
Carry Encumbrance: 1000
Encumbrance: 1500
Friends +:
Enemies +:
----- (0) A Rough Shirt -> Worn Object ----------------------
Title: A Rough Shirt
Description: This is a rather shabby, rough, long sleeved
cotton shirt.
Reset Message:
Location: 0
Reset Frequency: 0
Value: 10
Reset on Pickup: false
Encumbrance: 10
Required Body Parts: 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 4
----- (0) Some Leather Trousers -> Worn Object --------------
Title: Some Leather Trousers
Description: This is a pair of soft leather trousers, a
bit worn but serviceable.
Reset Message:
Location: 0
Reset Frequency: 0
Value: 15
Reset on Pickup: false
Encumbrance: 15
Required Body Parts: 11, 12, 12, 13, 13
----- (0) A Pair of Leather Boots -> Worn Object ------------
Title: A Pair of Leather Boots
Description: This is a pair of leather boots, they have
seen better days and one has a hole in
the bottom.
Better than bear feet though
Reset Message:
Location: 0
Reset Frequency: 0
Value: 15
Reset on Pickup: false
Encumbrance: 10
Required Body Parts: 15, 15, 14, 14
----- (0) A small Sack -> Container -------------------------
Title: A small Sack
Description: This is a small cloth sack.
Alias +: SACK, CLOTH
Reset Message:
Location: 0
Reset Frequency: 0
Value: 5
Reset on Pickup: false
Encumbrance: 5
Maximum Capacity: 20
------- (0) Some Bread -> Food ------------------------------
Title: Some Bread
Description: This is a chunk of fresh bread. Just the
thing to fill an empty stomach.
Alias +: BREAD
Reset Message:
Location: 0
Reset Frequency: 0
Value: 10
Reset on Pickup: false
Encumbrance: 10
Hour Value: 12
------- (0) Some Cheese -> Food -----------------------------
Title: Some Cheese
Description: This is a piece of yellow cheese, except
for the odd spot of green that
Alias +: CHEESE
Reset Message:
Location: 0
Reset Frequency: 0
Value: 5
Reset on Pickup: false
Encumbrance: 5
Hour Value: 4
----- (0) A Hoe -> Wielded Weapon ---------------------------
Title: A Hoe
Description: This is a regular hoe commonly used by pesants
toiling in the fields. It is a slendar
wooden pole
about five foot in length and has a sma
ll iron blade
at one end.
Alias +: HOE
Reset Message:
Location: 0
Reset Frequency: 0
Value: 40
Reset on Pickup: false
Encumbrance: 70
Required Body Parts: 10, 10
Fixed Damage: 2
Random Damage: 2
Combat Actions +: {0} swing[/s] a hoe at {3}.,
{0} lunge[/s] at {3} with a hoe hitting {1},
{0} jab[/s] at {3} with {4} hoe.
----- Body Parts --------------------------------------------
Body Parts: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9,
10, 10, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15,
15, 19, 19,
19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20
----- Base Damage -------------------------------------------
Natural Fixed Damage: 2
----- Base Damage Modifier ----------------------------------
Natural Random Damage: 2
----- Base Hit Chance ---------------------------------------
Natural Hit Chance: 20
Figure 1. Dump to Text for Cabbage Zone
License Agreement
Last Updated: 11^th November 2002
WolfMUD is an original work:
Copyright ?1999-2003 Andrew "Diddymus" Rolfe,
WolfMUD is licensed software. It is not Public Domain, Shareware or
anything similar. This file contains the terms and conditions of the
WolfMUD License Agreement. This Agreement grants you a non-exclusive
license to use the software as outlined below. If you wish to use
WolfMUD in any way, or use any of its source code, you must read this
license and are legally bound to comply with it.
Use of the WolfMUD code in any capacity implies that you have read,
understood, and agreed to abide by the terms and conditions set down
by this license. If you use WolfMUD without complying with the
license, it is a breach of the law.
You must not use WolfMUD to make money in any way or be otherwise
compensated. WolfMUD was developed in people's uncompensated spare
time and was given away free of charge, and you must not use it to
make money. WolfMUD must not be used in any way to accept or demand
fees, donations, or other compensation of any kind.
Examples include, but are not limited to the following:
* You must NOT require players to pay a fee or donation for using
* You must NOT accept bribes in any form for levels, equipment or
anything else that have not been aquired through hard play.
* You must NOT accept a fee or donation for the running of a WolfMUD
server or for passing on the cost of service providers.
* You cannot sell, distribute or exchange WolfMUD for a fee or
donation. It must be free to any at all times.
You must give credit to the authors of WolfMUD. It is a project
created in spare time for no compensation and is given away at no
charge. Therefore the only recognition the authors get is their name
in the credits and source code. If this is removed and you claim to
have written the code yourself it shows you have no respect for the
time and effort involved in creating software.
The following MUST be followed if you wish to use or modify the
WolfMUD codebase:
* This license must be distributed 'AS IS' with all copies or
portions of WolfMUD that you distribute, if any, including works
derived from WolfMUD.
* You MUST NOT remove any copyright notice or authors name from the
source code.
* The text for the CREDITS command must remain intact and
unmodified. The only exception is that you may add ADDITIONAL text
if you make modifications.
* The initial text seen by players when they connect must remain
intact and unmodified. The only exception is that you may add
ADDITIONAL text if you make modifications.
* The text for the WolfMUD command must remain intact and
unmodified. There are no exceptions to this requirement.
* WolfMUD has been written in 100% Pure Java(TM), making it
available on a vast number of platforms. WolfMUD MUST stay 100%
Pure Java(TM). Modifications are NOT allowed to tie WolfMUD to any
one specific Platform or Operating System. [5]
* If you make modification to the source code it should be clearly
documented as to the modifications made and the date of the
Permission is given to use, modify and redistribute all WolfMUD source
code and documentation as long as such use does not violate any of the
rules set down by this license. If you cannot abide by any part of
this License Agreement then DO NOT USE WolfMUD.
If you are running a server based on WolfMUD, please contact the
Authors at the top of this license agreement with some details.
If you write an article about WolfMUD, please contact the Authors at
the top of this license agreement with some details and gain
permission before publication.
If you find any bugs, wish to make comemnts etc. please contact the
Authors at the top of this license agreement.
-- Andrew 'Diddymus' Rolfe
Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or
registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and/or
other countries.
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2.4.18 and 2.4.19.
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This is on top of the memory taken to run the JVM itself which depends
on the JVM being used.
For details of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java Development
Kit (JDK) see the JavaSoft web site at or
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platforms are supported.
The Apache web site can be found at As of Build 240
WolfMUD now has it's own integrated MiniWeb Server.
If you are using Java 2 you should have Swing already and not need to
download anything extra. If you are using Java 1.1.x you will need to
download a 1.1.x version of Swing from
Platform specifc modifications such as scripts for administration and
native code for performance improvements should be made available as
an OPTIONAL companion distribution.