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  • All flavors must now belong to a named flavor dimension


    All flavors must now belong to a named flavor dimension. Learn more at https://d.android.com/r/tools/flavorDimensions-missing-error-message.html



    Plugin 3.0.0 includes a new dependency mechanism that automatically matches variants when consuming a library. This means an app's debug variant automatically consumes a library's debug variant, and so on. It also works when using flavors—an app's redDebug variant will consume a library's redDebug variant. To make this work, the plugin now requires that all flavors belong to a named flavor dimension —even if you intend to use only a single dimension. Otherwise, you will get the following build error:

    2.Flavor Dimensions变更

    Android Plugin3.0的依赖机制:在使用library时会自动匹配variant(debug, release),就是说app的debug会自动匹配library的debug,相信大多数人也像我一样,当library多了,不会手动选择每个Library的variant。现在好了,它会自动匹配了。同样如果使用flavor的时候,比如app的redDebug同样会自动匹配library的readDebug。虽然有这样的优势,但是在使用flavor时,必须定义flavor dimension,否则会提示错误:

    Error:All flavors must now belong to a named flavor dimension.
    The flavor 'flavor_name' is not assigned to a flavor dimension.
    • 这个错误,我也已经在使用Android Studio3.0以后碰到好多次了。现在使用flavor,必须像下面一样配置:
    // Specifies a flavor dimension.
    flavorDimensions "color"
    productFlavors {
         red {
          // Assigns this product flavor to the 'color' flavor dimension.
          // This step is optional if you are using only one dimension.
          dimension "color"
        blue {
          dimension "color"
    • 注意:如果library有两个dimensions:color,shape,但是app只有color,那么会如下的编译错误:
    Error:Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':bar:redDebugCompileClasspath'.
    Cannot choose between the following configurations on project :foo:
      - redCircleDebugApiElements
      - redSquareDebugApiElements
    • 在APP使用flavorSelection选定使用某个flavor dimension,注意如下配置:
    android {
      // The flavorSelection property uses the following format:
      // flavorSelection 'dimension_name', 'flavor_name'
      // Chooses the 'square' flavor from libraries that specify a 'shape'
      // dimension.
      flavorSelection 'shape', 'square'

    ref docs:
    迁移到Android Studio 3.0

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bluestorm/p/7374903.html
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