NoSQL databases can be classified
into four categories: Key-Value Store This is the most basic data model, where the data is stored as key-value pairs.
Columnar Store:Similar to key-value store, data is stored as key-value pairs. However, each entry (referenced by a key) contains one or more key-value pairs instead of a value. A columnar store is essentially a two dimensional array (Tezer, 2014a). Document-Oriented Database The fundamental concept is the document, which is a group of data with internal structure that can be defined arbitrarily. A document is referenced by a key and this allows documents to nest inside one another. Unlike in relational databases, the internal structure of a document does not need to be predefined and can be changed anytime. While this makes storing data with complex or even ever-changing structure much easier, it also poses a challenge for querying as the complexity grows.
Graph Database:This uses graph structures to store data and thus, is most suitable for heavily linked data that can be best represented in graphs。
见:http://edoc.sub.uni-hamburg.de/haw/volltexte/2016/3578/pdf/Thesis.pdf 里面介绍了如何去实现一个高性能的kv数据库,嵌入式的,参考了levelDB和LMDB等。