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  • tflearn 数据集太大无法加载进内存问题?——使用image_preloader 或者是 hdf5 dataset to deal with that issue

    tflearn 数据集太大无法加载进内存问题?

    Hi, all!
    I'm trying to train deep net on a big dataset that doesn't fit into memory.
    Is there any way to use generators to read batches into memory on every training step?
    I'm looking for behaviour similar to fit_generator method in Keras.

    I know that in pure tensorflow following snippet can be wrapped by for loop to train on several batches:

    batch_gen = generator(data)
    batch = batch_gen.next()
    sess.run([optm, loss, ...], feed_dict = {X: batch[0], y: batch[1]})

    aymericdamien commented on 11 Jan 2017

    That is a good idea! While this get implemented, you can use image_preloader or hdf5 dataset to deal with that issue.

    Image PreLoader

    tflearn.data_utils.image_preloader (target_path, image_shape, mode='file', normalize=True, grayscale=False, categorical_labels=True, files_extension=None, filter_channel=False)

    Create a python array (Preloader) that loads images on the fly (from disk or url). There is two ways to provide image samples 'folder' or 'file', see the specifications below.

    'folder' mode: Load images from disk, given a root folder. This folder should be arranged as follow:

    ROOT_FOLDER -> SUBFOLDER_0 (CLASS 0) -> CLASS0_IMG1.jpg -> CLASS0_IMG2.jpg -> ...-> SUBFOLDER_1 (CLASS 1) -> CLASS1_IMG1.jpg -> ...-> ...

    Note that if sub-folders are not integers from 0 to n_classes, an id will be assigned to each sub-folder following alphabetical order.

    'file' mode: A plain text file listing every image path and class id. This file should be formatted as follow:

    /path/to/img1 class_id
    /path/to/img2 class_id
    /path/to/img3 class_id

    Note that load images on the fly and convert is time inefficient, so you can instead use build_hdf5_image_dataset to build a HDF5 dataset that enable fast retrieval (this function takes similar arguments).


    # Load path/class_id image file:
    dataset_file = 'my_dataset.txt'
    # Build the preloader array, resize images to 128x128
    from tflearn.data_utils import image_preloader
    X, Y = image_preloader(dataset_file, image_shape=(128, 128),   mode='file', categorical_labels=True,   normalize=True)
    # Build neural network and train
    network = ...
    model = DNN(network, ...)
    model.fit(X, Y)


    • target_path: str. Path of root folder or images plain text file.
    • image_shape: tuple (height, width). The images shape. Images that doesn't match that shape will be resized.
    • mode: str in ['file', 'folder']. The data source mode. 'folder' accepts a root folder with each of his sub-folder representing a class containing the images to classify. 'file' accepts a single plain text file that contains every image path with their class id. Default: 'folder'.
    • categorical_labels: bool. If True, labels are converted to binary vectors.
    • normalize: bool. If True, normalize all pictures by dividing every image array by 255.
    • grayscale: bool. If true, images are converted to grayscale.
    • files_extension: list of str. A list of allowed image file extension, for example ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png']. If None, all files are allowed.
    • filter_channel: bool. If true, images which the channel is not 3 should be filter.


    (X, Y): with X the images array and Y the labels array.


    I try preloader, but seems have bugs. Code as below:
    `from future import division, print_function, absolute_import

    import tflearn

    n = 5

    train_dataset_file = '/home/lfwin/imagenet-data/raw-data/train_10c'
    test_dataset_file = '/home/lfwin/imagenet-data/raw-data/validation_10c/'

    from tflearn.data_utils import image_preloader
    X, Y = image_preloader(train_dataset_file, image_shape=(299, 299, 3), mode='folder',
    categorical_labels=True, normalize=True)

    (testX, testY) = image_preloader(test_dataset_file, image_shape=(299, 299, 3), mode='folder',
    categorical_labels=True, normalize=True)
    net = tflearn.input_data(shape=[None, 299, 299, 3])
    net = tflearn.conv_2d(net, 16, 3, regularizer='L2', weight_decay=0.0001)
    net = tflearn.residual_block(net, n, 16)
    net = tflearn.residual_block(net, 1, 32, downsample=True)
    net = tflearn.residual_block(net, n-1, 32)
    net = tflearn.residual_block(net, 1, 64, downsample=True)
    net = tflearn.residual_block(net, n-1, 64, downsample=True)
    net = tflearn.batch_normalization(net)
    net = tflearn.activation(net, 'relu')
    net = tflearn.global_avg_pool(net)

    net = tflearn.fully_connected(net, 20, activation='softmax')
    mom = tflearn.Momentum(0.1, lr_decay=0.1, decay_step=32000, staircase=True)
    net = tflearn.regression(net, optimizer=mom,

    model = tflearn.DNN(net, checkpoint_path='model_resnet_cifar10',
    max_checkpoints=10, tensorboard_verbose=0,

    model.fit(X, Y, n_epoch=1, validation_set=(testX, testY),
    snapshot_epoch=False, snapshot_step=500,
    show_metric=True, batch_size=16, shuffle=True,
    During debugging, following bugs appeared:
    Momentum | epoch: 000 | loss: -717286.50000 - acc: -30021.9395 -- iter: 00032/26000


    File "/home/lfwin/hello/tflearn/tflearn/helpers/trainer.py", line 289, in fit
    File "/home/lfwin/hello/tflearn/tflearn/helpers/trainer.py", line 706, in _train
    File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/client/session.py", line 372, in run
    File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/client/session.py", line 619, in _run
    np_val = np.array(subfeed_val, dtype=subfeed_dtype)
    ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (299,299,3) into shape (299,299)

    1 epoch is 000 always, loss is Nan after 1st step.
    2 broadcasting error from shape (299,299,3) into shape (299,299)


    pankap commented on 15 Oct 2016

    I thought posting this might help you somehow: I came across the same ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (x,x,3) into shape (x,x) when I tried to load the Caltech 101 images using build_image_dataset_from_dir (specifically: arrs[i] = np.array(arr) into the shuffle method). I identified the root cause to be some 8bit Grayscale JPG files in the dataset. Having the files converted from Grayscale to 24bit RGB, using an external util that I wrote, solved the issue. I am not sure if in-memory conversion to RGB using PIL will create the proper 3-byte JPEG format.


    0fork commented on 24 May 2017

    I ran into this also and solved this by using tflearn.reshape(net, new_shape=[-1, 300, 300, 1]) after input_data. My problem was that grayscale=True with image_preloader caused (300, 300) shape so conv_2d wasn't my friend anymore and I didn't find any way to use normal np.reshape with image_preloader instance. Now everything gets jammed nicely into the right shape.

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