# file: neural_net_dense_batch.py #=============================================================================== # Copyright 2014-2018 Intel Corporation. # # This software and the related documents are Intel copyrighted materials, and # your use of them is governed by the express license under which they were # provided to you (License). Unless the License provides otherwise, you may not # use, modify, copy, publish, distribute, disclose or transmit this software or # the related documents without Intel's prior written permission. # # This software and the related documents are provided as is, with no express # or implied warranties, other than those that are expressly stated in the # License. #=============================================================================== # # ! Content: # ! Python example of neural network training and scoring # !***************************************************************************** # ## <a name="DAAL-EXAMPLE-PY-NEURAL_NET_DENSE_BATCH"></a> ## example neural_net_dense_batch.py # import os import sys import numpy as np from daal.algorithms.neural_networks import initializers from daal.algorithms.neural_networks import layers from daal.algorithms import optimization_solver from daal.algorithms.neural_networks import training, prediction from daal.data_management import NumericTable, HomogenNumericTable utils_folder = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))) if utils_folder not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, utils_folder) from utils import printTensors, readTensorFromCSV # Input data set parameters trainDatasetFile = os.path.join("..", "data", "batch", "neural_network_train.csv") trainGroundTruthFile = os.path.join("..", "data", "batch", "neural_network_train_ground_truth.csv") testDatasetFile = os.path.join("..", "data", "batch", "neural_network_test.csv") testGroundTruthFile = os.path.join("..", "data", "batch", "neural_network_test_ground_truth.csv") fc1 = 0 fc2 = 1 sm1 = 2 batchSize = 10 def configureNet(): # Create layers of the neural network # Create fully-connected layer and initialize layer parameters fullyConnectedLayer1 = layers.fullyconnected.Batch(5) fullyConnectedLayer1.parameter.weightsInitializer = initializers.uniform.Batch(-0.001, 0.001) fullyConnectedLayer1.parameter.biasesInitializer = initializers.uniform.Batch(0, 0.5) # Create fully-connected layer and initialize layer parameters fullyConnectedLayer2 = layers.fullyconnected.Batch(2) fullyConnectedLayer2.parameter.weightsInitializer = initializers.uniform.Batch(0.5, 1) fullyConnectedLayer2.parameter.biasesInitializer = initializers.uniform.Batch(0.5, 1) # Create softmax layer and initialize layer parameters softmaxCrossEntropyLayer = layers.loss.softmax_cross.Batch() # Create configuration of the neural network with layers topology = training.Topology() # Add layers to the topology of the neural network topology.push_back(fullyConnectedLayer1) topology.push_back(fullyConnectedLayer2) topology.push_back(softmaxCrossEntropyLayer) topology.get(fc1).addNext(fc2) topology.get(fc2).addNext(sm1) return topology def trainModel(): # Read training data set from a .csv file and create a tensor to store input data trainingData = readTensorFromCSV(trainDatasetFile) trainingGroundTruth = readTensorFromCSV(trainGroundTruthFile, True) sgdAlgorithm = optimization_solver.sgd.Batch(fptype=np.float32) # Set learning rate for the optimization solver used in the neural network learningRate = 0.001 sgdAlgorithm.parameter.learningRateSequence = HomogenNumericTable(1, 1, NumericTable.doAllocate, learningRate) # Set the batch size for the neural network training sgdAlgorithm.parameter.batchSize = batchSize sgdAlgorithm.parameter.nIterations = int(trainingData.getDimensionSize(0) / sgdAlgorithm.parameter.batchSize) # Create an algorithm to train neural network net = training.Batch(sgdAlgorithm) sampleSize = trainingData.getDimensions() sampleSize[0] = batchSize # Configure the neural network topology = configureNet() net.initialize(sampleSize, topology) # Pass a training data set and dependent values to the algorithm net.input.setInput(training.data, trainingData) net.input.setInput(training.groundTruth, trainingGroundTruth) # Run the neural network training and retrieve training model trainingModel = net.compute().get(training.model) # return prediction model return trainingModel.getPredictionModel_Float32() def testModel(predictionModel): # Read testing data set from a .csv file and create a tensor to store input data predictionData = readTensorFromCSV(testDatasetFile) # Create an algorithm to compute the neural network predictions net = prediction.Batch() net.parameter.batchSize = predictionData.getDimensionSize(0) # Set input objects for the prediction neural network net.input.setModelInput(prediction.model, predictionModel) net.input.setTensorInput(prediction.data, predictionData) # Run the neural network prediction # and return results of the neural network prediction return net.compute() def printResults(predictionResult): # Read testing ground truth from a .csv file and create a tensor to store the data predictionGroundTruth = readTensorFromCSV(testGroundTruthFile) printTensors(predictionGroundTruth, predictionResult.getResult(prediction.prediction), "Ground truth", "Neural network predictions: each class probability", "Neural network classification results (first 20 observations):", 20) topology = "" if __name__ == "__main__": predictionModel = trainModel() predictionResult = testModel(predictionModel) printResults(predictionResult)