sp__depends | Better version of sp_depends |
sp__help | Better sp_help |
sp__helpdb | Database Information |
sp__helpdevice | Break down database devices into a nice report |
sp__helpgroup | List groups in database by access level |
sp__helpindex | Shows indexes by table |
sp__helpsegment | Segment Information |
sp__helprotect | Simple Protection Info for the database |
sp__helptext | Show comments with line splits ok |
sp__helpuser | Lists users in current database by group (includes aliases) |
sp__lock | Lock information |
sp__syntax | Works on any procedure to give you syntax |
sp__who | sp_who that fits on a page |
sp__block | Blocking processes. |
sp__dbspace | Summary of current database space information. |
sp__dumpdevice | Listing of Dump devices |
sp__diskdevice | Listing of Disk devices |
sp__helpdbdev | Show how Databases use Devices |
sp__helplogin | Show logins and remote logins to server |
sp__helpmirror | Shows mirror information, discover broken mirrors |
sp__segment | Segment Information |
sp__server | Server summary report (very useful) |
sp__stat | Give basic server performance information (loops) |
sp__vdevno | Who’s who in the device world |
sp__badindex | list badly formed indexes (allow nulls) or those needing statistics |
sp__collist | list all columns in database |
sp__find_missing_index | Finds keys that do not have associated index |
sp__flowchart | Makes a flowchart of procedure nesting |
sp__groupprotect | Permission info by group |
sp__indexspace | Space used by indexes in database |
sp__id | Gives information on who you are and which db you are in |
sp__noindex | list of tables without indexes. |
sp__helpcolumn | show columns for given table |
sp__helpdefault | list defaults (part of objectlist) |
sp__helpobject | list objects |
sp__helpproc | list procs (part of objectlist) |
sp__helprule | list rules (part of objectlist) |
sp__helptable | list tables (part of objectlist) |
sp__helptrigger | list triggers (part of objectlist) |
sp__helpview | list views (part of objectlist) |
sp__objprotect | Permission info by object |
sp__read_write | list tables by # procs that read, # that write, # that do both |
sp__trigger | Useful synopsis report of current database trigger schema |
sp__whodo | sp__who – filtered for only active processes |
sp__auditsecurity | Security Audit On Server |
sp__auditdb | Audit Current Database For Potential Problems |
sp__checkkey | Generate script for referential integrity problems (uses key info from sp_foreignkey) |
sp__revalias | get alias generation script for current database |
sp__revdb | get database generation script for server |
sp__revdevice | get device generation script for server |
sp__revgroup | get group generation script for current database |
sp__revindex | get index generation script for current database |
sp__revlogin | get login generation script for server |
sp__revmirror | get mirror generation script for current database |
sp__revsegment | get segment generation script for current database |
sp__revtable | get table generation script for current database |
sp__revuser | get user generation script for current database |
sp__bcp | Create unix script to bcp in/out database |
sp__date | Who can remember all the date styles? |
sp__iostat | Loops n times showing active processes only |
sp__grep | Search for patern |
sp__isactive | Shows info about a single active process |
sp__ls | Lists specific objects |
sp__quickstats | Quick dump of server summary information |
sp__whoactive | Show info about who is active |