- 1 Primary features
- 1.1 Aerialway
- 1.2 Aeroway
- 1.3 Amenity
- 1.4 Barrier
- 1.5 Boundary
- 1.6 Building
- 1.7 Craft
- 1.8 Emergency
- 1.9 Geological
- 1.10 Highway
- 1.11 Historic
- 1.12 Landuse
- 1.13 Leisure
- 1.14 Man Made
- 1.15 Military
- 1.16 Natural
- 1.17 Office
- 1.18 Places
- 1.19 Power
- 1.20 Public Transport
- 1.21 Railway
- 1.22 Route
- 1.23 Shop
- 1.23.1 Food, beverages
- 1.23.2 General store, department store, mall
- 1.23.3 Clothing, shoes, accessories
- 1.23.4 Discount store, charity
- 1.23.5 Health and beauty
- 1.23.6 Do-it-yourself, household, building materials, gardening
- 1.23.7 Furniture and interior
- 1.23.8 Electronics
- 1.23.9 Outdoors and sport, vehicles
- 1.23.10 Art, music, hobbies
- 1.23.11 Stationery, gifts, books, newspapers
- 1.23.12 Others
- 1.23.13 User defined values
- 1.24 Sport
- 1.25 Tourism
- 1.26 Waterway
- 2 Additional properties