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  • mysql基本使用


    mysql -h -P3306 -u root -p    [登录数据库]


    show databases; [查看数据库]
    create database boye; [创建数据库]
    drop database boye; [删除数据库]
    drop table if exists tb1;
    use boye [使用数据库]
    show columns from tb1 [查看表结构]
    SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM tb1 [查看表信息]
    show index from tb1 [列出表的索引信息]
    describe tb1; [查看表结构]
    show tables; [查看表]


    create table tb1 like tb01; [克隆tb01的表结构]
    create table tb1 select * from test1 limit 1;
    create table tb11 as select * from test1 limit 2;
    create table tb1 (id int not null primary key auto_increment,name char(64)); [id主键自加1]
    create table tb2 (id int(4) not null,name char(32)); [not null:必填项]
    create table tb3 (id int(4) not null primary key,name char(32)) [创建表并指定主键]
    create table tb4 (sex char(10) default 'woman' ) [创建表并给出默认值]

    alter table tb1 add column sex char(1); [增加字段]
    alter table tb1 drop column sex; [删除字段]
    alter table tb1 add column (math float,english float); [增加多个字段]
    alter table tb1 modify name char(20); [改变字段属性]
    alter table tb1 change id id int PRIMARY KEY;[设置id为主键]
    alter table tb1 add primary key(id,name); [添加主键]
    alter table tb drop primary key;[删除主建]
    alter table tb1 change sex sex char(1) default 'F';[设置sex字段默认值为‘F’]


    drop table tb1; [删除表]
    delete from tb1 where name="Tom"; [删除记录]
    delete from tb02; [删除表全部内容]
    delete from tb1 where name="Tom";[删除]
    truncate table tb1; [TRUNCATE在功能上与不带WHERE子句的DELETE语句相同(TRUNCATE速度快)]

    insert into tt select * from test1 limit 1;
    insert into tb1 values(1,'tom'); [插入数据]
    insert into tb03(sex,name) values('m','boye'); [指定字段插入]
    insert into chinese select * form math [注:两个表中字段一样]

    update tb01 set id=5 where name="Jeap";[将名字为Jeap的id设置为5]
    update tb01 set name='quanzhan.org',sex='M' where id=5;

    SELECT count(1) NUM1 FROM information_schema.TABLES where table_schema='boye'; [查看表的数量]
    SELECT TABLE_NAME T_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES where table_schema='boye' order by T_NAME asc ; [查询数据库中所有表]
    select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema='boye' and table_name='user' order by ordinal_position asc; [查询表中的所有列]

    SELECT CASE WHEN 1> 0 THEN "yes " ELSE "no " END FROM book;
    SELECT if(name=NULL,'',name) FROM book; [如果name=NULL输出'',否则输出name]
    select concat('11','22','33'); [连接字符串,输出为112233]
    select * from tb02 where id>3 and id<6; [条件查询]
    select * from tb01 order by name desc; [显示所有记录并以name字段降序排序]
    select * from math where name regexp '^a'; [匹配name字段以a开头的所有记录]
    select id from tb01 where name like '%a%'; [查询名字中包含a的记录]_:匹配任意单个字符;
    select id from tb01 where name like 'a_'; [查询名字中以a开头且只有两个字母的记录]%:匹配任意数目字符
    select * from math order by name asc limit 0,3; [列出从第0条开始,显示3条记录以name字段升序排序]
    select * from tb01 where id not in(1,55,5);
    select * from user where username in ('admin','tom');
    select * from A left join B on A.aID = B.bID [返回A表中所有记录及B表中bID等于aID的记录]
    select * from mcate where not exists(select * from minfo where id <20);
    select * from math where id in(select id from missions where name="tom");

    select * from mcate where id in
    (select id from minfo where name like 'a_');[select语句嵌套]

    select * from minfo where 6 >any(select id from mcate);

    select * from minfo where 6 >all(select id from mcate);

    select * from mcate where exists(select * from minfo where id <20);
    [exists(select * from minfo where id <20):若 select 语句有输出结果,exists语句为真]

    select sys_innt,tab_eng_nm,count(*) from ods_dic_dat_dict
    group by sys_innt,tab_eng_nm having count(*) >1;

    select * from student where name in
    (select name from student group by name,sex having count(*) >1);

    select id,year from minfo union select name,sex from tb3;

    select tes2.name from test2 left join test on
    test.name = test2.name where isnull(test.name);

    select count(*) from math group by name,love;

    select math.id,math.u_id,math.name from math,missions
    where math.id=missions.id and missions.name="tom";

    select b1.*,b2.* from b1 left join b2 on b1.id = b2.id;

    select b1.*,b2.* from b1 right join b2 on b1.id = b2.id;

    select math.id,class.name,math.math,chinese.chinese,politics.politics
    from math left join
    class on class.id = math.id
    left join chinese on chinese.id = math.id
    left join politics on politics.id = math.id;

    select t,t2
    select test.name t,test2.name t2
    FROM test
    left join test2
    on test.name =test2.name
    WHERE isnull(test2.NAME)
    select test.name t,test2.NAME t2
    from test
    right join test2
    on test.name = test2.name
    where isnull(test.NAME)
    ) tb;

    select * from (select t.name tname,t1.name t1name
    from test t left join test1 t1 on t.name = t1.name
    union select t.name tname,t1.name t1name from test1 t1
    left join test t on t.name = t1.name) tt
    where isNull(tname) OR isNull(t1name)[返回两个表中name不相同的数据]

    select * from clrTheme as t1,
    (select * from clrColor where 'sort' = 0) as c1,
    (select * from clrColor where 'sort' = 1) as c2,
    (select * from clrColor where 'sort' = 2) as c3,
    (select * from clrColor where 'sort' = 3) as c4,
    (select * from clrColor where 'sort' = 4) as c5
    ) where
    t1.clrThemeId = c1.clrThemeId
    and t1.clrThemeId = c2.clrThemeId
    and t1.clrThemeId = c3.clrThemeId
    and t1.clrThemeId = c4.clrThemeId
    and t1.clrThemeId = c5.clrThemeId
    order by t1.clrGroupId, t1.sort asc;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/boye169/p/13611218.html
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