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  • uniapp 对上传的图片进行裁剪

        <view class="container">
            <view class="page-body uni-content-info">
                <view class='cropper-content'>
                    <view v-if="isShowImg" class="uni-corpper" :style="''+cropperInitW+'px;height:'+cropperInitH+'px;background:#000'">
                        <view class="uni-corpper-content" :style="''+cropperW+'px;height:'+cropperH+'px;left:'+cropperL+'px;top:'+cropperT+'px'">
                            <image :src="imageSrc" :style="''+cropperW+'px;height:'+cropperH+'px'"></image>
                            <view class="uni-corpper-crop-box" @touchstart.stop="contentStartMove" @touchmove.stop="contentMoveing" @touchend.stop="contentTouchEnd"
                                <view class="uni-cropper-view-box">
                                    <view class="uni-cropper-dashed-h"></view>
                                    <view class="uni-cropper-dashed-v"></view>
                                    <view class="uni-cropper-line-t" data-drag="top" @touchstart.stop="dragStart" @touchmove.stop="dragMove"></view>
                                    <view class="uni-cropper-line-r" data-drag="right" @touchstart.stop="dragStart" @touchmove.stop="dragMove"></view>
                                    <view class="uni-cropper-line-b" data-drag="bottom" @touchstart.stop="dragStart" @touchmove.stop="dragMove"></view>
                                    <view class="uni-cropper-line-l" data-drag="left" @touchstart.stop="dragStart" @touchmove.stop="dragMove"></view>
                                    <view class="uni-cropper-point point-t" data-drag="top" @touchstart.stop="dragStart" @touchmove.stop="dragMove"></view>
                                    <view class="uni-cropper-point point-tr" data-drag="topTight"></view>
                                    <view class="uni-cropper-point point-r" data-drag="right" @touchstart.stop="dragStart" @touchmove.stop="dragMove"></view>
                                    <view class="uni-cropper-point point-rb" data-drag="rightBottom" @touchstart.stop="dragStart" @touchmove.stop="dragMove"></view>
                                    <view class="uni-cropper-point point-b" data-drag="bottom" @touchstart.stop="dragStart" @touchmove.stop="dragMove" @touchend.stop="dragEnd"></view>
                                    <view class="uni-cropper-point point-bl" data-drag="bottomLeft"></view>
                                    <view class="uni-cropper-point point-l" data-drag="left" @touchstart.stop="dragStart" @touchmove.stop="dragMove"></view>
                                    <view class="uni-cropper-point point-lt" data-drag="leftTop"></view>
                <view class='cropper-config'>
                    <button type="primary reverse" @click="getImage" style='margin-top: 30upx;'> 选择图片 </button>
                    <button type="warn" @click="getImageInfo" style='margin-top: 30upx;'> 点击生成图片 </button>
                <canvas canvas-id="myCanvas" :style="'position:absolute;border: 1px solid red; '+imageW+'px;height:'+imageH+'px;top:-9999px;left:-9999px;'"></canvas>
            <page-foot :name="name"></page-foot>
        let sysInfo = uni.getSystemInfoSync();
        let SCREEN_WIDTH = sysInfo.screenWidth
        let PAGE_X, // 手按下的x位置
            PAGE_Y, // 手按下y的位置
            PR = sysInfo.pixelRatio, // dpi
            T_PAGE_X, // 手移动的时候x的位置
            T_PAGE_Y, // 手移动的时候Y的位置
            CUT_L, // 初始化拖拽元素的left值
            CUT_T, // 初始化拖拽元素的top值
            CUT_R, // 初始化拖拽元素的
            CUT_B, // 初始化拖拽元素的
            CUT_W, // 初始化拖拽元素的宽度
            CUT_H, //  初始化拖拽元素的高度
            IMG_RATIO, // 图片比例
            IMG_REAL_W, // 图片实际的宽度
            IMG_REAL_H, // 图片实际的高度
            DRAFG_MOVE_RATIO = 1, //移动时候的比例,
            INIT_DRAG_POSITION = 100, // 初始化屏幕宽度和裁剪区域的宽度之差,用于设置初始化裁剪的宽度
            DRAW_IMAGE_W = sysInfo.screenWidth // 设置生成的图片宽度
        export default {
             * 页面的初始数据
            data() {
                return {
                    imageSrc: 'https://img-cdn-qiniu.dcloud.net.cn/demo_crop.jpg',
                    isShowImg: false,
                    // 初始化的宽高
                    cropperInitW: SCREEN_WIDTH,
                    cropperInitH: SCREEN_WIDTH,
                    // 动态的宽高
                    cropperW: SCREEN_WIDTH,
                    cropperH: SCREEN_WIDTH,
                    // 动态的left top值
                    cropperL: 0,
                    cropperT: 0,
                    transL: 0,
                    transT: 0,
                    // 图片缩放值
                    scaleP: 0,
                    imageW: 0,
                    imageH: 0,
                    // 裁剪框 宽高
                    cutL: 0,
                    cutT: 0,
                    cutB: SCREEN_WIDTH,
                    cutR: '100%',
                    qualityWidth: DRAW_IMAGE_W,
                    innerAspectRadio: DRAFG_MOVE_RATIO
             * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
            onLoad: function (options) {},
             * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成
            onReady: function () {
            methods: {
                setData: function (obj) {
                    let that = this;
                    Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) {
                        that.$set(that.$data, key, obj[key])
                getImage: function () {
                    var _this = this
                        success: function (res) {
                                imageSrc: res.tempFilePaths[0],
                loadImage: function () {
                    var _this = this
                        title: '图片加载中...',
                        src: _this.imageSrc,
                        success: function success(res) {
                            IMG_RATIO = res.width / res.height
                            if (IMG_RATIO >= 1) {
                                IMG_REAL_W = SCREEN_WIDTH
                                IMG_REAL_H = SCREEN_WIDTH / IMG_RATIO
                            } else {
                                IMG_REAL_W = SCREEN_WIDTH * IMG_RATIO
                                IMG_REAL_H = SCREEN_WIDTH
                            let minRange = IMG_REAL_W > IMG_REAL_H ? IMG_REAL_W : IMG_REAL_H
                            INIT_DRAG_POSITION = minRange > INIT_DRAG_POSITION ? INIT_DRAG_POSITION : minRange
                            // 根据图片的宽高显示不同的效果   保证图片可以正常显示
                            if (IMG_RATIO >= 1) {
                                let cutT = Math.ceil((SCREEN_WIDTH / IMG_RATIO - (SCREEN_WIDTH / IMG_RATIO - INIT_DRAG_POSITION)) / 2);
                                let cutB = cutT;
                                let cutL = Math.ceil((SCREEN_WIDTH - SCREEN_WIDTH + INIT_DRAG_POSITION) / 2);
                                let cutR = cutL;
                                    cropperW: SCREEN_WIDTH,
                                    cropperH: SCREEN_WIDTH / IMG_RATIO,
                                    // 初始化left right
                                    cropperL: Math.ceil((SCREEN_WIDTH - SCREEN_WIDTH) / 2),
                                    cropperT: Math.ceil((SCREEN_WIDTH - SCREEN_WIDTH / IMG_RATIO) / 2),
                                    cutL: cutL,
                                    cutT: cutT,
                                    cutR: cutR,
                                    cutB: cutB,
                                    // 图片缩放值
                                    imageW: IMG_REAL_W,
                                    imageH: IMG_REAL_H,
                                    scaleP: IMG_REAL_W / SCREEN_WIDTH,
                                    qualityWidth: DRAW_IMAGE_W,
                                    innerAspectRadio: IMG_RATIO
                            } else {
                                let cutL = Math.ceil((SCREEN_WIDTH * IMG_RATIO - (SCREEN_WIDTH * IMG_RATIO)) / 2);
                                let cutR = cutL;
                                let cutT = Math.ceil((SCREEN_WIDTH - INIT_DRAG_POSITION) / 2);
                                let cutB = cutT;
                                    cropperW: SCREEN_WIDTH * IMG_RATIO,
                                    cropperH: SCREEN_WIDTH,
                                    // 初始化left right
                                    cropperL: Math.ceil((SCREEN_WIDTH - SCREEN_WIDTH * IMG_RATIO) / 2),
                                    cropperT: Math.ceil((SCREEN_WIDTH - SCREEN_WIDTH) / 2),
                                    cutL: cutL,
                                    cutT: cutT,
                                    cutR: cutR,
                                    cutB: cutB,
                                    // 图片缩放值
                                    imageW: IMG_REAL_W,
                                    imageH: IMG_REAL_H,
                                    scaleP: IMG_REAL_W / SCREEN_WIDTH,
                                    qualityWidth: DRAW_IMAGE_W,
                                    innerAspectRadio: IMG_RATIO
                                isShowImg: true
                // 拖动时候触发的touchStart事件
                contentStartMove(e) {
                    PAGE_X = e.touches[0].pageX
                    PAGE_Y = e.touches[0].pageY
                // 拖动时候触发的touchMove事件
                contentMoveing(e) {
                    var _this = this
                    var dragLengthX = (PAGE_X - e.touches[0].pageX) * DRAFG_MOVE_RATIO
                    var dragLengthY = (PAGE_Y - e.touches[0].pageY) * DRAFG_MOVE_RATIO
                    // 左移
                    if (dragLengthX > 0) {
                        if (this.cutL - dragLengthX < 0) dragLengthX = this.cutL
                    } else {
                        if (this.cutR + dragLengthX < 0) dragLengthX = -this.cutR
                    if (dragLengthY > 0) {
                        if (this.cutT - dragLengthY < 0) dragLengthY = this.cutT
                    } else {
                        if (this.cutB + dragLengthY < 0) dragLengthY = -this.cutB
                        cutL: this.cutL - dragLengthX,
                        cutT: this.cutT - dragLengthY,
                        cutR: this.cutR + dragLengthX,
                        cutB: this.cutB + dragLengthY
                    PAGE_X = e.touches[0].pageX
                    PAGE_Y = e.touches[0].pageY
                contentTouchEnd() {
                // 获取图片
                getImageInfo() {
                    var _this = this;
                        title: '图片生成中...',
                    // 将图片写入画布
                    const ctx = uni.createCanvasContext('myCanvas');
                    ctx.drawImage(_this.imageSrc, 0, 0, IMG_REAL_W, IMG_REAL_H);
                    ctx.draw(true, () => {
                        // 获取画布要裁剪的位置和宽度   均为百分比 * 画布中图片的宽度    保证了在微信小程序中裁剪的图片模糊  位置不对的问题 canvasT = (_this.cutT / _this.cropperH) * (_this.imageH / pixelRatio)
                        var canvasW = ((_this.cropperW - _this.cutL - _this.cutR) / _this.cropperW) * IMG_REAL_W;
                        var canvasH = ((_this.cropperH - _this.cutT - _this.cutB) / _this.cropperH) * IMG_REAL_H;
                        var canvasL = (_this.cutL / _this.cropperW) * IMG_REAL_W;
                        var canvasT = (_this.cutT / _this.cropperH) * IMG_REAL_H;
                            x: canvasL,
                            y: canvasT,
                            height: canvasH,
                            destWidth: canvasW,
                            destHeight: canvasH,
                            quality: 0.5,
                            canvasId: 'myCanvas',
                            success: function (res) {
                                // 成功获得地址的地方
                                    current: '', // 当前显示图片的http链接
                                    urls: [res.tempFilePath] // 需要预览的图片http链接列表
                // 设置大小的时候触发的touchStart事件
                dragStart(e) {
                    T_PAGE_X = e.touches[0].pageX
                    T_PAGE_Y = e.touches[0].pageY
                    CUT_L = this.cutL
                    CUT_R = this.cutR
                    CUT_B = this.cutB
                    CUT_T = this.cutT
                // 设置大小的时候触发的touchMove事件
                dragMove(e) {
                    var _this = this
                    var dragType = e.target.dataset.drag
                    switch (dragType) {
                        case 'right':
                            var dragLength = (T_PAGE_X - e.touches[0].pageX) * DRAFG_MOVE_RATIO
                            if (CUT_R + dragLength < 0) dragLength = -CUT_R
                                cutR: CUT_R + dragLength
                        case 'left':
                            var dragLength = (T_PAGE_X - e.touches[0].pageX) * DRAFG_MOVE_RATIO
                            if (CUT_L - dragLength < 0) dragLength = CUT_L
                            if ((CUT_L - dragLength) > (this.cropperW - this.cutR)) dragLength = CUT_L - (this.cropperW - this.cutR)
                                cutL: CUT_L - dragLength
                        case 'top':
                            var dragLength = (T_PAGE_Y - e.touches[0].pageY) * DRAFG_MOVE_RATIO
                            if (CUT_T - dragLength < 0) dragLength = CUT_T
                            if ((CUT_T - dragLength) > (this.cropperH - this.cutB)) dragLength = CUT_T - (this.cropperH - this.cutB)
                                cutT: CUT_T - dragLength
                        case 'bottom':
                            var dragLength = (T_PAGE_Y - e.touches[0].pageY) * DRAFG_MOVE_RATIO
                            if (CUT_B + dragLength < 0) dragLength = -CUT_B
                                cutB: CUT_B + dragLength
                        case 'rightBottom':
                            var dragLengthX = (T_PAGE_X - e.touches[0].pageX) * DRAFG_MOVE_RATIO
                            var dragLengthY = (T_PAGE_Y - e.touches[0].pageY) * DRAFG_MOVE_RATIO
                            if (CUT_B + dragLengthY < 0) dragLengthY = -CUT_B
                            if (CUT_R + dragLengthX < 0) dragLengthX = -CUT_R
                            let cutB = CUT_B + dragLengthY;
                            let cutR = CUT_R + dragLengthX;
                                cutB: cutB,
                                cutR: cutR
        /* pages/uni-cropper/index.wxss */
        .uni-content-info {
            /* position: fixed;
            top: 0;
            left: 0;
            right: 0;
            bottom: 0;
            display: block;
            align-items: center;
            flex-direction: column; */
        .cropper-config {
            padding: 20upx 40upx;
        .cropper-content {
            min-height: 750upx;
        .uni-corpper {
            position: relative;
            overflow: hidden;
            -webkit-user-select: none;
            -moz-user-select: none;
            -ms-user-select: none;
            user-select: none;
            -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;
            -webkit-touch-callout: none;
            box-sizing: border-box;
        .uni-corpper-content {
            position: relative;
        .uni-corpper-content image {
            display: block;
            min- 0 !important;
            max- none !important;
            height: 100%;
            min-height: 0 !important;
            max-height: none !important;
            image-orientation: 0deg !important;
            margin: 0 auto;
        /* 移动图片效果 */
        .uni-cropper-drag-box {
            position: absolute;
            top: 0;
            right: 0;
            bottom: 0;
            left: 0;
            cursor: move;
            background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
            z-index: 1;
        /* 内部的信息 */
        .uni-corpper-crop-box {
            position: absolute;
            background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);
            z-index: 2;
        .uni-corpper-crop-box .uni-cropper-view-box {
            position: relative;
            display: block;
            height: 100%;
            overflow: visible;
            outline: 1upx solid #69f;
            outline-color: rgba(102, 153, 255, .75)
        /* 横向虚线 */
        .uni-cropper-dashed-h {
            position: absolute;
            top: 33.33333333%;
            left: 0;
            height: 33.33333333%;
            border-top: 1upx dashed rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
            border-bottom: 1upx dashed rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
        /* 纵向虚线 */
        .uni-cropper-dashed-v {
            position: absolute;
            left: 33.33333333%;
            top: 0;
            height: 100%;
            border-left: 1upx dashed rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
            border-right: 1upx dashed rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
        /* 四个方向的线  为了之后的拖动事件*/
        .uni-cropper-line-t {
            position: absolute;
            display: block;
            top: 0;
            left: 0;
            height: 1upx;
            opacity: 0.1;
            cursor: n-resize;
        .uni-cropper-line-t::before {
            content: '';
            position: absolute;
            top: 50%;
            right: 0upx;
            -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, -50%, 0);
            transform: translate3d(0, -50%, 0);
            bottom: 0;
            height: 41upx;
            background: transparent;
            z-index: 11;
        .uni-cropper-line-r {
            position: absolute;
            display: block;
            top: 0;
            right: 0upx;
            opacity: 0.1;
            height: 100%;
            cursor: e-resize;
        .uni-cropper-line-r::before {
            content: '';
            position: absolute;
            top: 0;
            left: 50%;
            -webkit-transform: translate3d(-50%, 0, 0);
            transform: translate3d(-50%, 0, 0);
            bottom: 0;
            height: 100%;
            background: transparent;
            z-index: 11;
        .uni-cropper-line-b {
            position: absolute;
            display: block;
            bottom: 0;
            left: 0;
            height: 1upx;
            opacity: 0.1;
            cursor: s-resize;
        .uni-cropper-line-b::before {
            content: '';
            position: absolute;
            top: 50%;
            right: 0upx;
            -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, -50%, 0);
            transform: translate3d(0, -50%, 0);
            bottom: 0;
            height: 41upx;
            background: transparent;
            z-index: 11;
        .uni-cropper-line-l {
            position: absolute;
            display: block;
            top: 0;
            left: 0;
            opacity: 0.1;
            height: 100%;
            cursor: w-resize;
        .uni-cropper-line-l::before {
            content: '';
            position: absolute;
            top: 0;
            left: 50%;
            -webkit-transform: translate3d(-50%, 0, 0);
            transform: translate3d(-50%, 0, 0);
            bottom: 0;
            height: 100%;
            background: transparent;
            z-index: 11;
        .uni-cropper-point {
            height: 5upx;
            opacity: .75;
            position: absolute;
            z-index: 3;
        .point-t {
            top: -3upx;
            left: 50%;
            margin-left: -3upx;
            cursor: n-resize;
        .point-tr {
            top: -3upx;
            left: 100%;
            margin-left: -3upx;
            cursor: n-resize;
        .point-r {
            top: 50%;
            left: 100%;
            margin-left: -3upx;
            margin-top: -3upx;
            cursor: n-resize;
        .point-rb {
            left: 100%;
            top: 100%;
            -webkit-transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0);
            transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0);
            cursor: n-resize;
            height: 36upx;
            position: absolute;
            z-index: 1112;
            opacity: 1;
        .point-b {
            left: 50%;
            top: 100%;
            margin-left: -3upx;
            margin-top: -3upx;
            cursor: n-resize;
        .point-bl {
            left: 0%;
            top: 100%;
            margin-left: -3upx;
            margin-top: -3upx;
            cursor: n-resize;
        .point-l {
            left: 0%;
            top: 50%;
            margin-left: -3upx;
            margin-top: -3upx;
            cursor: n-resize;
        .point-lt {
            left: 0%;
            top: 0%;
            margin-left: -3upx;
            margin-top: -3upx;
            cursor: n-resize;
        /* 裁剪框预览内容 */
        .uni-cropper-viewer {
            position: relative;
            height: 100%;
            overflow: hidden;
        .uni-cropper-viewer image {
            position: absolute;
            z-index: 2;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/brillant/p/15507955.html
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