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  • .net mvc笔记4_依赖注入

    一、Building Loosely Coupled Components


    在理想情况下,每个组件对其他组件都是透明的,只通过抽象接口来交互。这就被叫做loose coupling(松散的耦合),这可以使测试和修改变得容易。



    Figure 4-7. Using interfaces to decouple components


    1、Using Dependency Injection

    interfaces帮助我们解耦组件,但我们仍面临一个问题——C#不能提供内建的方式来轻松创建对象实现interface,只能创建concrete component实例。例如:

    1 Listing 4-3. Instantiating Concrete Classes to Get an Interface Implementation
    2 public class PasswordResetHelper {
    3   public void ResetPassword() {
    4     IEmailSender mySender = new MyEmailSender();  //直接创建了实现接口的实际类的实例
    5     ...call interface methods to configure e-mail details...
    6     mySender.SendEmail();
    7   }
    8 }

    PasswordResetHelper类通过IEmailSender 接口(interface)配置和发送邮件,但是要创建实现interface的对象,它需要创建MyEmailSender的实例。


    Figure 4-8. Components are tightly coupled after all

    我们需要的是得到一个对象可以实现给定的接口而不需要直接创建实现它的对象。解决这个问题的方案就是依赖注入(dependency injection, DI),也被称为控制反转(inversion of control, IoC)。


    依赖注入模式有两部分,第一是从我们的组件中移出concrete classes上的任何依赖——本例子中就是要在PasswordResetHelper上移除对MyEmailSender的任何依赖


     1 Listing 4-4. Removing Dependencies from the PasswordResetHelper Class
     2 public class PasswordResetHelper {
     3   private IEmailSender emailSender;
     4   public PasswordResetHelper(IEmailSender emailSenderParam) {  //用参数来将接口的具体实现注入
     5     emailSender = emailSenderParam;
     6   }
     7   public void ResetPassword() {
     8     ...call interface methods to configure e-mail details...
     9     emailSender.SendEmail();
    10   }
    11 }



    (注意) PasswordResetHelper类使用的是构造函数来注入的依赖,这被称为构造函数依赖(constructor injection)。我们也允许依赖被注入到公共属性(public property),这被叫做setter injection。

    因为依赖在运行时刻处理,我们可以决定在运行应用时使用哪一个接口实现。我们可以选择不同的e-mail providers,也可选择注入一个mock实现来进行测试。

    2、Using a Dependency Injection Container

    我们已经解决了我们的依赖问题:在运行时刻把依赖注入到我们类的构造函数。但我们还有一个问题需要解决:不在我们应用中别的地方创建依赖,如何实现concrete implementation of interfaces(接口具体实现)的实例化。

    答案是“依赖注入”容器(DI  container),也被叫做反转控制容器(IoC  container)。这是一个扮演了中间人角色的组件,在依赖需求(如PasswordResetHelper)和对依赖的具体实现(如MyEmailSender)之间扮演中间人的角色。

    我们把我们应用中要用到的接口和抽象类型注册为DI container,并告诉它哪一个具体的类会被实例化来满足依赖。所以,我们应该将IEmailSender接口注册到容器中,并指定任何时候当IEmailSender的实现被需要时,MyEmailSender的实例就将被创建。任何时候当我们需要一个IEmailSender时(如创建PasswordResetHelper的实例时),我们就到DI container中找到并给出注册的该接口默认的具体实现——本例中就是MyEmailSender。

    我们不需要自己创建DI container。这里有一些非常好的开源和免费授权的实现可以得到。我们喜欢的一个叫做Ninject,你可以从www.ninject.org得到更多细节。

    Tip 微软创建了它自己的DI container,叫做Unity。我们使用Ninject,因为我们喜欢它,它展示了使用MVC时混合和匹配工具的能力。如果你想得到关于Unity的信息,可以访问unity.codeplex.com

    DI container的角色看起来简单琐碎,实际上不是这样。一个好的DI container,比如Ninject,有很多聪明的特性:

    (1) Dependency chain resolution:如果你请求一个有自己的依赖的组件(例如,通过构造函数的参数),容器也能满足这些依赖。所以,如果MyEmailSender类的构造函数需要INetworkTransport接口的实现,DI container会实例化这个接口的默认实现,并传递给MyEmailSender的构造函数,最后返回结果作为IEmailSender的默认实现。

    (2)  Object life-cycle management:如果你请求的组件不止一次,你每次得到的是一个新的实例还是一个相同的实例?好的DI container可以让你配置组件的life cycle,允许你从预定义选项中选择,包括singleton(每次用相同的实例),transient(每次用新的实例),instance-per-thread,instance-per-HTTP-request,instance-from-a-pool,等。

    (3) Configuration of constructor parameter values:例如,假设实现INetworkTransport接口的构造函数需要名为serverName的字符串,你可以在DI container配置中设置。这个粗糙但简单的配置系统消除了你需要传递连接字符串、服务器地址等等需要。

        你也可以自己尝试写自己的DI container。我们认为这是一个非常不错的学习C#和.NET反射机制(reflection)的实践项目,如果你有大量的时间。

    二、Using Ninject



    Listing 6-1. The Class, the Interface, and Its Implementation

     1 public class Product {
     2   public int ProductID { get; set; }
     3   public string Name { get; set; }
     4   public string Description { get; set; }
     5   public decimal Price { get; set; }
     6   public string Category { set; get; }
     7 }
     8 public interface IValueCalculator {  //IValueCalculator接口
     9   decimal ValueProducts(params Product[] products);
    10 }
    11 public class LinqValueCalculator : IValueCalculator {    //接口的具体实现
    12   public decimal ValueProducts(params Product[] products) {
    13     return products.Sum(p => p.Price);
    14   }
    15 }


    Listing 6-2. Consuming the IValueCalculator Interface

     1 public class ShoppingCart {
     2   private IValueCalculator calculator;
     3   public ShoppingCart(IValueCalculator calcParam) {//构造函数,通过参数注入IValueCalculator一个实现的实例
     4     calculator = calcParam;
     5   }
     6   public decimal CalculateStockValue() {
     7     // define the set of products to sum
     8     Product[] products = {
     9       new Product() { Name = "Kayak", Price = 275M},
    10       new Product() { Name = "Lifejacket", Price = 48.95M},
    11       new Product() { Name = "Soccer ball", Price = 19.50M},
    12       new Product() { Name = "Stadium", Price = 79500M}
    13     };
    14     // calculate the total value of the products
    15     decimal totalValue = calculator.ValueProducts(products);  //使用接口中提供的方法
    16     // return the result
    17     return totalValue;
    18   }
    19 }



    Figure 6-1. The relationships among four simple types



    我们的目标是能够生成ShoppingCart实例,并把IValueCalculator类的一个实现作为构造函数参数进行注入。这就是是Ninject所扮演的角色。但在我们能够示范Ninject之前,我们需要在Visual Studio中进行安装。

    1、Creating the Project

    我们打算从一个简单的控制台应用程序开始。在Visual Studio中用控制台模板生成一个新项目,控制台项目可以在Windows模板节区中找到。我们将此项目称为NinjectDemo,名字并不重要。生成如前面列表6-1和6-2所示的接口和类。我们将所有内容放到一个单一的C#代码文件中。

    2、Adding Ninject

    要把Ninject添加到你的项目,你需要Visual Studio Library Package管理器。在解决方案窗口中右击你的项目,并从弹出菜单中选择“Add Package Library Reference”,以打开“Add Package Library Reference”对话框。在对话框的左侧点击“在线”,然后在右上角的搜索框中输入Ninject。于是会出现一些条目

    你将看到几个Ninject相关的包,但从名字和描述应该可以看出哪个是核心Ninject库 — 其它条目应该是将Ninject与不同开发框架和工具集成的扩展。


    (注意)在已经安装了Ninject包之后,如果项目编译还有问题,请选择“项目”菜单中的“项目属性”菜单项,将“目标框架”的设置从“.NET Framework 4 Client Profile”改为“.NET Framework 4”。客户端轮廓(Client Profile)是一种瘦型安装,它忽略了Ninject所依赖的一个库。

    3、Getting Started with Ninject

    为了准备使用Ninject,我们需要生成一个Ninject内核的实例,这是我们用来与Ninject进行通信的对象。我们将在Program类中完成这一工作,Program类是Visual Studio作为控制台应用程序项目模板部件所生成的。这是具有Main方法的类。生成内核如列表6-3所示。

    Listing 6-3. Preparing a Ninject Kernel

     1 using System;
     2 using System.Collections.Generic;
     3 using System.Linq;
     4 using System.Text;
     5 using Ninject;  //添加
     7 namespace NinjectDemo
     8 {
     9     class Program
    10     {
    11         static void Main(string[] args)
    12         {
    13             IKernel ninjectKernel = new StandardKernel();
    14         }
    15     }
    16 }


    Listing 6-4. Binding a Type to Ninject

    1 class Program
    2 {
    3     static void Main(string[] args)
    4     {
    5         IKernel ninjectKernel = new StandardKernel();
    6         ninjectKernel.Bind<IValueCalculator>().To<LinqValueCalculator>();
    7     }
    8 }

    黑体语句把IValueCalculator接口绑定到LinqValueCalculator类的实现上。通过把接口作为Bind方法的泛型类型参数(generic type parameter),我们由此指定了我们想要注册的接口,再把它对应的具体实现作为To方法的泛型类型参数。第二阶段是用Ninject的Get方法来生成一个实现这个接口的对象,并把它传递给ShoppingCart类的构造器,如列表6-5所示。

    Listing 6-5. Instantiating an Interface Implementation via Ninject

     1 using System;
     2 using System.Collections.Generic;
     3 using System.Linq;
     4 using System.Text;
     5 using Ninject;  //添加
     7 namespace NinjectDemo
     8 {
     9     public class Product
    10     {
    11         public int ProductID { get; set; }
    12         public string Name { get; set; }
    13         public string Description { get; set; }
    14         public decimal Price { get; set; }
    15         public string Category { set; get; }
    16     }
    17     public interface IValueCalculator  //接口
    18     {
    19         decimal ValueProducts(params Product[] products);
    20     }
    21     public class LinqValueCalculator : IValueCalculator  //对接口的实现
    22     {
    23         public decimal ValueProducts(params Product[] products)
    24         {
    25             return products.Sum(p => p.Price);
    26         }
    27     }
    29     public class ShoppingCart
    30     {
    31         private IValueCalculator calculator;
    32         public ShoppingCart(IValueCalculator calcParam)
    33         {
    34             calculator = calcParam;
    35         }
    36         public decimal CalculateStockValue()
    37         {
    38             // define the set of products to sum
    39             Product[] products = {
    40                 new Product() { Name = "Kayak", Price = 275M},
    41                 new Product() { Name = "Lifejacket", Price = 48.95M},
    42                 new Product() { Name = "Soccer ball", Price = 19.50M},
    43                 new Product() { Name = "Stadium", Price = 79500M}
    44             };
    45             // calculate the total value of the products
    46             decimal totalValue = calculator.ValueProducts(products);//使用接口提供的方法
    47             // return the result
    48             return totalValue;
    49         }
    50     }
    52     class Program
    53     {
    54         static void Main(string[] args)
    55         {
    56             IKernel ninjectKernel = new StandardKernel();
    58         // 将接口IValueCalculator的实现绑定到LinqValueCalculator上
    59             ninjectKernel.Bind<IValueCalculator>().To<LinqValueCalculator>();
    61             // get the interface implementation
    62            // 通过get来指定要使用的接口,生成实例calcImpl
    63             IValueCalculator calcImpl = ninjectKernel.Get<IValueCalculator>();
    65 // Create the instance of ShoppingCart and inject the dependency
    66 // 将实例calcImpl注入到ShoppingCart中。
    67             ShoppingCart cart = new ShoppingCart(calcImpl);
    69  // perform the calculation and write out the result
    70             Console.WriteLine("Total:{0:c}", cart.CalculateStockValue());
    71         }
    72     }
    73 }


    Total: $79,843.45


    ShoppingCart cart = new ShoppingCart(new LinqValueCalculator());


    3、Creating Chains of Dependency


    Listing 6-6. Defining a New Interface and Implementation

    1 public interface IDiscountHelper {
    2   decimal ApplyDiscount(decimal totalParam);
    3 }
    4 public class DefaultDiscountHelper : IDiscountHelper {
    5   public decimal ApplyDiscount(decimal totalParam) {
    6     return (totalParam - (10m / 100m * totalParam));
    7   }
    8 }


    Listing 6-7. Adding a Dependency in the LinqValueCalculator Class

     1 using System;
     2 using System.Collections.Generic;
     3 using System.Linq;
     4 using System.Text;
     6 namespace _6_6ChainsOfDependency
     7 {
     8     public class Product
     9     {
    10         public int ProductID { get; set; }
    11         public string Name { get; set; }
    12         public string Description { get; set; }
    13         public decimal Price { get; set; }
    14         public string Category { set; get; }
    15     }
    17     public interface IDiscountHelper //接口1
    18     {
    19         decimal ApplyDiscount(decimal totalParam);
    20     }
    22     public class DefaultDiscountHelper : IDiscountHelper
    23     {
    24         public decimal ApplyDiscount(decimal totalParam)
    25         {
    26             return (totalParam - (10m / 100m * totalParam));
    27         }
    28     }
    30     public interface IValueCalculator  //接口2
    31     {
    32         decimal ValueProducts(params Product[] products);
    33     }
    35     public class LinqValueCalculator : IValueCalculator
    36     {
    37         private IDiscountHelper discounter;
    38         public LinqValueCalculator(IDiscountHelper discountParam)//接口1通过构造函数的参数注入接口2的实现
    39         {
    40             discounter = discountParam;
    41         }
    42         public decimal ValueProducts(params Product[] products)
    43         {
    44             return discounter.ApplyDiscount(products.Sum(p => p.Price));//在接口2的实现中使用接口1的实例discounter
    45         }
    46     }
    48     class Program
    49     {
    50         static void Main(string[] args)
    51         {
    52         }
    53     }
    54 }


    Listing 6-8. Binding Another Interface to Its Implementation

     1 using System;
     2 using System.Collections.Generic;
     3 using System.Linq;
     4 using System.Text;
     5 using Ninject;  //添加
     7 namespace _6_6ChainsOfDependency
     8 {
     9     public class Product
    10     {
    11         public int ProductID { get; set; }
    12         public string Name { get; set; }
    13         public string Description { get; set; }
    14         public decimal Price { get; set; }
    15         public string Category { set; get; }
    16     }
    18     public interface IDiscountHelper  //接口1
    19     {
    20         decimal ApplyDiscount(decimal totalParam);
    21     }
    23     public class DefaultDiscountHelper : IDiscountHelper  //接口1的实现
    24     {
    25         public decimal ApplyDiscount(decimal totalParam)
    26         {
    27             return (totalParam - (10m / 100m * totalParam));
    28         }
    29     }
    31     public interface IValueCalculator    //接口2
    32     {
    33         decimal ValueProducts(params Product[] products);
    34     }
    36     public class LinqValueCalculator : IValueCalculator  //接口2的实现
    37     {
    38         private IDiscountHelper discounter;
    39         public LinqValueCalculator(IDiscountHelper discountParam)  //接口2的实现中使用了接口1
    40         {
    41             discounter = discountParam;
    42         }
    43         public decimal ValueProducts(params Product[] products)
    44         {
    45             return discounter.ApplyDiscount(products.Sum(p => p.Price));
    46         }
    47     }
    49     public class ShoppingCart
    50     {
    51         private IValueCalculator calculator;
    52         public ShoppingCart(IValueCalculator calcParam)
    53         {
    54             calculator = calcParam;
    55         }
    56         public decimal CalculateStockValue()
    57         {
    58             // define the set of products to sum
    59             Product[] products = {
    60                 new Product() { Name = "Kayak", Price = 275M},
    61                 new Product() { Name = "Lifejacket", Price = 48.95M},
    62                 new Product() { Name = "Soccer ball", Price = 19.50M},
    63                 new Product() { Name = "Stadium", Price = 79500M}
    64             };
    65             // calculate the total value of the products
    66             decimal totalValue = calculator.ValueProducts(products);
    67             // return the result
    68             return totalValue;
    69         }
    70     }
    73     class Program
    74     {
    75         static void Main(string[] args)
    76         {
    77             IKernel ninjectKernel = new StandardKernel();
    78             ninjectKernel.Bind<IValueCalculator>().To<LinqValueCalculator>();
    79            ninjectKernel.Bind<IDiscountHelper>().To<DefaultDiscountHelper>();
    81             // get the interface implementation
    82             IValueCalculator calcImpl = ninjectKernel.Get<IValueCalculator>();
    83             ShoppingCart cart = new ShoppingCart(calcImpl);
    84             Console.WriteLine("Total: {0:c}", cart.CalculateStockValue());
    85         }
    86     }
    87 }



    4、Specifying Property and Parameter Values


    Listing 6-9. Adding a Property to an Implementation Class

    1 public class DefaultDiscountHelper : IDiscountHelper {
    2   public decimal DiscountSize { get; set; }
    3   public decimal ApplyDiscount(decimal totalParam) {
    4     return (totalParam - (DiscountSize / 100m * totalParam));
    5   }
    6 }


    Listing 6-10. Using the Ninject WithPropertyValue Method

    1 ...
    2 IKernel ninjectKernel = new StandardKernel();
    3 ninjectKernel.Bind<IValueCalculator>().To<LinqValueCalculator>();
    4 ninjectKernel.Bind<IDiscountHelper>()
    5     .To<DefaultDiscountHelper>().WithPropertyValue("DiscountSize", 50M);
    6 ...



    Listing 6-11. Using a Constructor Property in an Implementation Class

    public class DefaultDiscountHelper : IDiscountHelper {
      private decimal discountRate;
      public DefaultDiscountHelper(decimal discountParam) {  //构造函数
        discountRate = discountParam;
      public decimal ApplyDiscount(decimal totalParam) {
        return (totalParam - (discountRate/ 100m * totalParam));


    Listing 6-12. Binding to a Class that Requires a Constructor Parameter

    1 ...
    2 IKernel ninjectKernel = new StandardKernel();
    3 ninjectKernel.Bind<IValueCalculator>().To<LinqValueCalculator>();
    4 ninjectKernel.Bind<IDiscountHelper>()
    5   .To< DefaultDiscountHelper>().WithConstructorArgument("discountParam", 50M);
    6 ...


    5、Using Self-Binding


    1 IValueCalculator calcImpl = ninjectKernel.Get<IValueCalculator>();
    2 ShoppingCart cart = new ShoppingCart(calcImpl);


    Listing 6-13. Using Ninject Self-Binding

    1 ...
    2 ShoppingCart cart = ninjectKernel.Get<ShoppingCart>();
    3 ...

    我们不需要做任何准备来自身绑定一个类。当我们请求一个还没有进行绑定的具体类时,Ninject假设这就是我们所需要的。(通过自绑定,绑定好接口和类之后,可以直接通过ninjectKernel.Get<ShoppingCart>()来获得一个类的实例。)本例子中是ShoppingCart cart = ninjectKernel.Get<ShoppingCart>();调用。这种写法不需要关心ShoppingCart类依赖哪个接口,也不需要手动去获取该接口的实现(calcImpl)。当通过这句代码请求一个ShoppingCart类的实例的时候,Ninject会自动判断依赖关系,并为我们创建所需接口对应的实现。这种方式看起来有点怪,规矩的的写法是:

    1 ...
    2 ninjectKernel.Bind<ShoppingCart>().ToSelf();
    3 ShoppingCart cart = ninjectKernel.Get<ShoppingCart>();
    4 ...


    Listing 6-14. Self-Binding a Concrete Type

    1 ninjectKernel.Bind<ShoppingCart>().ToSelf().WithParameter("<parameterName>", <paramvalue>);


    6、Binding to a Derived Type



    Listing 6-15. Creating a Derived Shopping Cart Class

     1 public class ShoppingCart {
     2         protected IValueCalculator calculator; //calculator在子类中要用所以要定义为protected
     3         protected Product[] products;
     4         //构造函数,参数为接口IValueCalculator
     5         public ShoppingCart(IValueCalculator calcParam) {
     6             calculator = calcParam;
     7             // define the set of products to sum
     8             products = new[] {
     9                 new Product() { Name = "Kayak", Price = 275M},
    10                 new Product() { Name = "Lifejacket", Price = 48.95M},
    11                 new Product() { Name = "Soccer ball", Price = 19.50M},
    12                 new Product() { Name = "Stadium", Price = 79500M}
    13             };
    14         }
    15         // 虚方法,计算购物车内商品总价
    16         public virtual decimal CalculateStockValue() {
    17             // calculate the total value of the products
    18             // 计算总价,由IValueCalculator接口中的ValueProducts方法来计算
    19             decimal totalValue = calculator.ValueProducts(products);
    20             // return the result
    21             return totalValue;
    22         }
    23 }
    25 //定义一个ShoppingCart的子类
    26 public class LimitShoppingCart : ShoppingCart
    27     {
    28         public LimitShoppingCart(IValueCalculator calcParam)
    29             : base(calcParam)
    30         {
    31             // nothing to do here
    32         }
    33         //在子类中对父类的虚方法CalculateStockValue进行重载
    34        // 过滤掉价格超过上限的商品
    35     public override decimal CalculateStockValue()
    36         {
    37             // filter out any items that are over the limit
    38             var filteredProducts = products
    39                 .Where(e => e.Price < ItemLimit);
    40             // perform the calculation
    41             return calculator.ValueProducts(filteredProducts.ToArray());
    42         }
    43         public decimal ItemLimit { get; set; }
    44     }


    Listing 6-16. Binding a Class to a Derived Version

    1 ...
    2 ninjectKernel.Bind<ShoppingCart>()
    3 .To<LimitShoppingCart>().WithPropertyValue("ItemLimit", 200M);
    4 ...


      1 using System;
      2 using System.Collections.Generic;
      3 using System.Linq;
      4 using System.Text;
      5 using Ninject;
      7 namespace _6_16BindingToDerived
      8 {
      9     public class Product
     10     {
     11         public int ProductID { get; set; }
     12         public string Name { get; set; }
     13         public string Description { get; set; }
     14         public decimal Price { get; set; }
     15         public string Category { set; get; }
     16     }
     18     public interface IDiscountHelper  //接口1
     19     {
     20         decimal ApplyDiscount(decimal totalParam);
     21     }
     23     public class DefaultDiscountHelper : IDiscountHelper  //接口1的实现,
     24     {
     25         public decimal DiscountSize { get; set; }  //带折扣属性
     26         public decimal ApplyDiscount(decimal totalParam)
     27         {
     28             return (totalParam - (DiscountSize / 100m * totalParam));
     29         }
     31     }
     33     public interface IValueCalculator    //接口2
     34     {
     35         decimal ValueProducts(params Product[] products);
     36     }
     38     public class LinqValueCalculator : IValueCalculator  //接口2的实现
     39     {
     40         private IDiscountHelper discounter;
     41         public LinqValueCalculator(IDiscountHelper discountParam)  //接口2的实现中使用了接口1
     42         {
     43             discounter = discountParam;
     44         }
     45         public decimal ValueProducts(params Product[] products)
     46         {
     47             return discounter.ApplyDiscount(products.Sum(p => p.Price));
     48         }
     49     }
     51     public class ShoppingCart
     52     {
     53         protected IValueCalculator calculator; //calculator在子类中要用所以要定义为protected
     54         protected Product[] products;
     55         //构造函数,参数为接口IValueCalculator
     56         public ShoppingCart(IValueCalculator calcParam)
     57         {
     58             calculator = calcParam;
     59             // define the set of products to sum
     60             products = new[] {
     61                 new Product() { Name = "Kayak", Price = 275M},
     62                 new Product() { Name = "Lifejacket", Price = 48.95M},
     63                 new Product() { Name = "Soccer ball", Price = 19.50M},
     64                 new Product() { Name = "Stadium", Price = 79500M}
     65             };
     66         }
     67         // 虚方法,计算购物车内商品总价
     68         public virtual decimal CalculateStockValue()
     69         {
     70             // calculate the total value of the products
     71             // 计算总价,由IValueCalculator接口中的ValueProducts方法来计算
     72             decimal totalValue = calculator.ValueProducts(products);
     73             // return the result
     74             return totalValue;
     75         }
     76     }
     78     //定义一个ShoppingCart的子类
     79     public class LimitShoppingCart : ShoppingCart
     80     {
     81         public LimitShoppingCart(IValueCalculator calcParam)
     82             : base(calcParam)
     83         {
     84             // nothing to do here
     85         }
     86         //在子类中对父类的虚方法CalculateStockValue进行重载
     87         // 过滤掉价格超过上限的商品
     88         public override decimal CalculateStockValue()
     89         {
     90             // filter out any items that are over the limit
     91             var filteredProducts = products
     92                 .Where(e => e.Price < ItemLimit);
     93             // perform the calculation先过滤,过滤后的结果再计算总和
     94             return calculator.ValueProducts(filteredProducts.ToArray());
     95         }
     96         public decimal ItemLimit { get; set; }
     97     }
     99     class Program
    100     {
    101         static void Main(string[] args)
    102         {
    103             IKernel ninjectKernel = new StandardKernel();
    104             ninjectKernel.Bind<IValueCalculator>().To<LinqValueCalculator>();
    105             ninjectKernel.Bind<IDiscountHelper>()
    106                             .To<DefaultDiscountHelper>().WithPropertyValue("DiscountSize", 10M);
    107             //将基类绑定到派生类
    108             ninjectKernel.Bind<ShoppingCart>().To<LimitShoppingCart>()
    109                 .WithPropertyValue("ItemLimit", 40M);
    110             ShoppingCart cart = ninjectKernel.Get<ShoppingCart>();
    111             Console.WriteLine("Total: {0:c}", cart.CalculateStockValue());
    113         }
    114     }
    115 }



        大于40的被过滤掉,就只剩下Name = "Soccer ball", Price = 19.50M ,求和再减去10%的折扣,结果就为17.55。从运行结果可以看出,cart对象调用的是子类的CalculateStockValue方法,证明了可以把父类绑定到一个继承自该父类的子类。通过派生类绑定,当我们请求父类的时候,Ninject自动帮我们创建一个对应的子类的实例,并将其返回。由于抽象类不能被实例化,所以派生类绑定在使用抽象类的时候非常有用。

    7、Using Conditional Binding


    Listing 6-17. A New Implementation of the IValueCalculator

    1 public class IterativeValueCalculator : IValueCalculator {
    2   public decimal ValueProducts(params Product[] products) {
    3     decimal totalValue = 0;
    4     foreach (Product p in products) {
    5       totalValue += p.Price;
    6     }
    7     return totalValue;
    8   }
    9 }


    Listing 6-18. A Conditional Ninject Binding

    1 ...
    2 ninjectKernel.Bind<IValueCalculator>().To<LinqValueCalculator>();
    3 ninjectKernel.Bind<IValueCalculator>()
    4   .To<IterativeValueCalculator>().WhenInjectedInto<LimitShoppingCart>();
    5 ...


     1 class Program
     2     {
     3         static void Main(string[] args)
     4         {
     5             IKernel ninjectKernel = new StandardKernel();
     6             ninjectKernel.Bind<IValueCalculator>().To<LinqValueCalculator>();
     7             ninjectKernel.Bind<IDiscountHelper>()
     8                             .To<DefaultDiscountHelper>().WithPropertyValue("DiscountSize", 10M);
     9             //将基类绑定到派生类
    10             ninjectKernel.Bind<ShoppingCart>().To<LimitShoppingCart>()
    11                 .WithPropertyValue("ItemLimit", 40M);
    12             //条件绑定
    13             ninjectKernel.Bind<IValueCalculator>()
    14                     .To<IterativeValueCalculator>().WhenInjectedInto<LimitShoppingCart>();
    15             ShoppingCart cart = ninjectKernel.Get<ShoppingCart>();
    16             Console.WriteLine("Total: {0:c}", cart.CalculateStockValue());
    18         }
    19     }




    Table 6-1. Ninject Conditional Binding Methods




    Binding is used when the predicate—a lambda expression—evaluates to true.
    当谓词 — 一个lambda表达式 — 评估为true时进行绑定


    Binding is used when the class being injected is annotated with the attribute whose type is specified by T.


    Binding is used when the class being injected into is of type T (see the example in Listing 6-18).

     三、Applying Ninject to ASP.NET MVC

    我们已经用一个标准的Windows控制台应用程序,向你演示了Ninject的核心特性,但把Ninject与ASP.NET MVC集成并不是很容易的。第一步是要生成一个从System.Web.Mvc.DefaultControllerFactory派生而来的类。这是MVC默认地赖以生成控制器类实例的一个类。(在第14章,我们将向你演示如何用一个自定义的实现来替换这个默认的控制器生成器(控制器工厂))我们的实现叫做NinjectControllerFactory,如列表6-19所示。

    Listing 6-19. The NinjectControllerFactory

     1 using System;
     2 using System.Web.Mvc;
     3 using System.Web.Routing;
     4 using Ninject;
     5 using NinjectDemo.Models.Abstract;
     6 using NinjectDemo.Models.Concrete;
     8 namespace NinjectDemo.Infrastructure {
     9     public class NinjectControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory {
    10         private IKernel ninjectKernel;
    11         public NinjectControllerFactory() {
    12             ninjectKernel = new StandardKernel();
    13             AddBindings();
    14         }
    15         protected override IController GetControllerInstance(RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType) {
    16             return controllerType == null ? null : (IController)ninjectKernel.Get(controllerType);
    17         }
    18         private void AddBindings() {
    19             // 在这添加绑定,
    20             // 如:ninjectKernel.Bind<IProductRepository>().To<FakeProductRepository>();
    21         }
    22     }
    23 }

    这个类生成了一个Ninject内核,并用它对通过GetControllerInstance方法产生的控制器类的请求进行服务。GetControllerInstance方法是由MVC框架在需要一个控制器对象时调用的。我们不需要用Ninject明确地绑定控制器。我们可以依靠其默认的自身绑定特性(default self-binding ),因为控制器是从System.Web.Mvc.Controller派生的。

    AddBinding方法允许我们为存储库(repositories)和想保持松散耦合(loosely coupled)的组件添加其他Ninject绑定。我们也把这个方法作为一个机会,用来绑定需要附加构造参数或属性值的控制器类。


    Listing 6-20. Registering the NinjectControllerFactory Class with the MVC Framework

    1 protected void Application_Start() {
    2     AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas();
    4     WebApiConfig.Register(GlobalConfiguration.Configuration);
    5     FilterConfig.RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilters.Filters);
    6     RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes);
    8     ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new NinjectControllerFactory());
    9 }




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/brown-birds/p/Dependency_Injection.html
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